5 research outputs found

    Development of an adaptable model for distributed collaborative computer aided design

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    Modeler Independent Feature Recognition in a Distributed Environment

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    Geometric/Solid modelers and CAD/CAM components are moving to distributed, heterogeneous environments. Communication between such systems requires standards for data exchange. This paper describes (i) modeler independent standardized interfaces called adaptors, and (ii) feature recognition in a distributed environment. A solid modeler is augmented with an adaptor so as to provide a standard procedural interface to applications and function as a geometric server. Adaptors give the applications portability and free the application programmers from the details of specific modelers. Adaptors are routinely used at USC. The issues raised in adaptor development and their solutions are discussed. USC's feature recognition system works in a distributed environment where a solid modeler augmented with an adaptor, a feature recognizer and a graphics renderer run as separate processes and communicate with one another through local area networks. The solid modeler augmented with an adaptor is worki..