108 research outputs found

    On the construction of sparse matrices from expander graphs

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    We revisit the asymptotic analysis of probabilistic construction of adjacency matrices of expander graphs proposed in [4]. With better bounds we derived a new reduced sample complexity for the number of nonzeros per column of these matrices, precisely d=O(logs(N/s))d = \mathcal{O}\left(\log_s(N/s) \right); as opposed to the standard d=O(log(N/s))d = \mathcal{O}\left(\log(N/s) \right). This gives insights into why using small dd performed well in numerical experiments involving such matrices. Furthermore, we derive quantitative sampling theorems for our constructions which show our construction outperforming the existing state-of-the-art. We also used our results to compare performance of sparse recovery algorithms where these matrices are used for linear sketching.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    On Constructing Spanners from Random Gaussian Projections

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    Graph sketching is a powerful paradigm for analyzing graph structure via linear measurements introduced by Ahn, Guha, and McGregor (SODA\u2712) that has since found numerous applications in streaming, distributed computing, and massively parallel algorithms, among others. Graph sketching has proven to be quite successful for various problems such as connectivity, minimum spanning trees, edge or vertex connectivity, and cut or spectral sparsifiers. Yet, the problem of approximating shortest path metric of a graph, and specifically computing a spanner, is notably missing from the list of successes. This has turned the status of this fundamental problem into one of the most longstanding open questions in this area. We present a partial explanation of this lack of success by proving a strong lower bound for a large family of graph sketching algorithms that encompasses prior work on spanners and many (but importantly not also all) related cut-based problems mentioned above. Our lower bound matches the algorithmic bounds of the recent result of Filtser, Kapralov, and Nouri (SODA\u2721), up to lower order terms, for constructing spanners via the same graph sketching family. This establishes near-optimality of these bounds, at least restricted to this family of graph sketching techniques, and makes progress on a conjecture posed in this latter work

    Expander 0\ell_0-Decoding

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    We introduce two new algorithms, Serial-0\ell_0 and Parallel-0\ell_0 for solving a large underdetermined linear system of equations y=AxRmy = Ax \in \mathbb{R}^m when it is known that xRnx \in \mathbb{R}^n has at most k<mk < m nonzero entries and that AA is the adjacency matrix of an unbalanced left dd-regular expander graph. The matrices in this class are sparse and allow a highly efficient implementation. A number of algorithms have been designed to work exclusively under this setting, composing the branch of combinatorial compressed-sensing (CCS). Serial-0\ell_0 and Parallel-0\ell_0 iteratively minimise yAx^0\|y - A\hat x\|_0 by successfully combining two desirable features of previous CCS algorithms: the information-preserving strategy of ER, and the parallel updating mechanism of SMP. We are able to link these elements and guarantee convergence in O(dnlogk)\mathcal{O}(dn \log k) operations by assuming that the signal is dissociated, meaning that all of the 2k2^k subset sums of the support of xx are pairwise different. However, we observe empirically that the signal need not be exactly dissociated in practice. Moreover, we observe Serial-0\ell_0 and Parallel-0\ell_0 to be able to solve large scale problems with a larger fraction of nonzeros than other algorithms when the number of measurements is substantially less than the signal length; in particular, they are able to reliably solve for a kk-sparse vector xRnx\in\mathbb{R}^n from mm expander measurements with n/m=103n/m=10^3 and k/mk/m up to four times greater than what is achievable by 1\ell_1-regularization from dense Gaussian measurements. Additionally, Serial-0\ell_0 and Parallel-0\ell_0 are observed to be able to solve large problems sizes in substantially less time than other algorithms for compressed sensing. In particular, Parallel-0\ell_0 is structured to take advantage of massively parallel architectures.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Restricted Isometry Property for General p-Norms

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    The Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) is a fundamental property of a matrix which enables sparse recovery. Informally, an m×nm \times n matrix satisfies RIP of order kk for the p\ell_p norm, if Axpxp\|Ax\|_p \approx \|x\|_p for every vector xx with at most kk non-zero coordinates. For every 1p<1 \leq p < \infty we obtain almost tight bounds on the minimum number of rows mm necessary for the RIP property to hold. Prior to this work, only the cases p=1p = 1, 1+1/logk1 + 1 / \log k, and 22 were studied. Interestingly, our results show that the case p=2p = 2 is a "singularity" point: the optimal number of rows mm is Θ~(kp)\widetilde{\Theta}(k^{p}) for all p[1,){2}p\in [1,\infty)\setminus \{2\}, as opposed to Θ~(k)\widetilde{\Theta}(k) for k=2k=2. We also obtain almost tight bounds for the column sparsity of RIP matrices and discuss implications of our results for the Stable Sparse Recovery problem.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper is to appear at the 31st International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2015

    Expander Decomposition in Dynamic Streams

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    In this paper we initiate the study of expander decompositions of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E) in the streaming model of computation. The goal is to find a partitioning C\mathcal{C} of vertices VV such that the subgraphs of GG induced by the clusters CCC \in \mathcal{C} are good expanders, while the number of intercluster edges is small. Expander decompositions are classically constructed by a recursively applying balanced sparse cuts to the input graph. In this paper we give the first implementation of such a recursive sparsest cut process using small space in the dynamic streaming model. Our main algorithmic tool is a new type of cut sparsifier that we refer to as a power cut sparsifier - it preserves cuts in any given vertex induced subgraph (or, any cluster in a fixed partition of VV) to within a (δ,ϵ)(\delta, \epsilon)-multiplicative/additive error with high probability. The power cut sparsifier uses O~(n/ϵδ)\tilde{O}(n/\epsilon\delta) space and edges, which we show is asymptotically tight up to polylogarithmic factors in nn for constant δ\delta.Comment: 31 pages, 0 figures, to appear in ITCS 202

    On Weighted Graph Sparsification by Linear Sketching

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    A seminal work of [Ahn-Guha-McGregor, PODS'12] showed that one can compute a cut sparsifier of an unweighted undirected graph by taking a near-linear number of linear measurements on the graph. Subsequent works also studied computing other graph sparsifiers using linear sketching, and obtained near-linear upper bounds for spectral sparsifiers [Kapralov-Lee-Musco-Musco-Sidford, FOCS'14] and first non-trivial upper bounds for spanners [Filtser-Kapralov-Nouri, SODA'21]. All these linear sketching algorithms, however, only work on unweighted graphs. In this paper, we initiate the study of weighted graph sparsification by linear sketching by investigating a natural class of linear sketches that we call incidence sketches, in which each measurement is a linear combination of the weights of edges incident on a single vertex. Our results are: 1. Weighted cut sparsification: We give an algorithm that computes a (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-cut sparsifier using O~(nϵ3)\tilde{O}(n \epsilon^{-3}) linear measurements, which is nearly optimal. 2. Weighted spectral sparsification: We give an algorithm that computes a (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-spectral sparsifier using O~(n6/5ϵ4)\tilde{O}(n^{6/5} \epsilon^{-4}) linear measurements. Complementing our algorithm, we then prove a superlinear lower bound of Ω(n21/20o(1))\Omega(n^{21/20-o(1)}) measurements for computing some O(1)O(1)-spectral sparsifier using incidence sketches. 3. Weighted spanner computation: We focus on graphs whose largest/smallest edge weights differ by an O(1)O(1) factor, and prove that, for incidence sketches, the upper bounds obtained by~[Filtser-Kapralov-Nouri, SODA'21] are optimal up to an no(1)n^{o(1)} factor

    Expander Decomposition in Dynamic Streams

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    In this paper we initiate the study of expander decompositions of a graph G = (V, E) in the streaming model of computation. The goal is to find a partitioning ? of vertices V such that the subgraphs of G induced by the clusters C ? ? are good expanders, while the number of intercluster edges is small. Expander decompositions are classically constructed by a recursively applying balanced sparse cuts to the input graph. In this paper we give the first implementation of such a recursive sparsest cut process using small space in the dynamic streaming model. Our main algorithmic tool is a new type of cut sparsifier that we refer to as a power cut sparsifier - it preserves cuts in any given vertex induced subgraph (or, any cluster in a fixed partition of V) to within a (?, ?)-multiplicative/additive error with high probability. The power cut sparsifier uses O?(n/??) space and edges, which we show is asymptotically tight up to polylogarithmic factors in n for constant ?