2 research outputs found

    Tool support for CSP-CASL.

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    This work presents the design of the specification language CSP-CASL, and the design and implementation of parsing and static analysis tools for that language. CSP-CASL is an extension of the algebraic specification language CASL, adding support for the specification of reactive systems in the style of the process algebra CSP. While CSP-CASL has been described and used in previous works, we present the first formal description of the language's syntax and static semantics. Indeed, this is the first formalisation of the static semantics of any CSP-like language of which we are aware. We describe Csp-Casl both informally and formally. We introduce and systematically describe its various components, with examples, and consider various design decisions made along the way. On the formal side, we present grammars for its abstract and concrete syntax, specify its static semantics in the style of natural semantics, and formulate a solution to the problem of computation of local lop elements of Csp-Casl specifications. Going on, we describe tool support for the language, as implemented using the functional programming language Haskell, in particular, we have a parser utilising the monadic combinator library Parsec, and a static analyser directly implementing our static semantics in Haskell. The implementation extends Hets, an existing toolset for specifications written in heterogeneous combinations of languages based on Casl

    Property preserving development and testing for CSP-CASL.

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    This thesis describes a theoretical study and an industrial application in the area of formal systems development, verification and formal testing using the specification language CSP-CASL. The latter is a comprehensive specification language which allows to describe systems in a combined algebraic / process algebraic notation. To this end it integrates the process algebra CSP and the algebraic specification language CASL. In this thesis we propose various formal development notions for CSP-CASL capable of capturing informal vertical and horizontal software development which we typically find in industrial applications. We provide proof techniques for such development notions and verification methodologies to prove interesting properties of reactive systems. We also propose a theoretical framework for formal testing from CSP-CASL specifications. Here, we present a conformance relation between a physical system and a CSP-C ASL specification. In particular we study the relationship between CSP-CASL development notions and the implemented system. The proposed theoretical notions of formal system development, property verification and formal testing for CSP-CASL, have been successfully applied to two industrial application: an electronic payment system called EP2 and the starting system of the BR725 Rolls- Royce jet engine control software