28 research outputs found

    Limited Visibility and Uncertainty Aware Motion Planning for Automated Driving

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    Adverse weather conditions and occlusions in urban environments result in impaired perception. The uncertainties are handled in different modules of an automated vehicle, ranging from sensor level over situation prediction until motion planning. This paper focuses on motion planning given an uncertain environment model with occlusions. We present a method to remain collision free for the worst-case evolution of the given scene. We define criteria that measure the available margins to a collision while considering visibility and interactions, and consequently integrate conditions that apply these criteria into an optimization-based motion planner. We show the generality of our method by validating it in several distinct urban scenarios

    Risk-aware motion planning for automated vehicle among human-driven cars

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    We consider the maneuver planning problem for automated vehicles when they share the road with human-driven cars and interact with each other using a finite set of maneuvers. Each maneuver is calculated considering input constraints, actuator disturbances and sensor noise, so that we can use a maneuver automaton to perform higher-level planning that is robust against lower-level effects. In order to model the behavior of human-driven cars in response to the intent of the automated vehicle, we use control improvisation to build a probabilistic model. To accommodate for potential mismatches between the learned human model and human driving behaviors, we use a conditional value-at-risk objective function to obtain the optimal policy for the automated vehicle. We demonstrate through simulations that our motion planning framework consisting of an interactive human driving model and risk-aware motion planning strategy makes it possible to adapt to different traffic conditions and confidence levels

    Probabilistic Threat Assessment and Driver Modeling in Collision Avoidance Systems

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    This paper presents a probabilistic framework for decision-making in collision avoidance systems, targeting all types of collision scenarios with all types of single road users and objects. Decisions on when and how to assist the driver are made by taking a Bayesian approach to estimate how a collision can be avoided by an autonomous brake intervention, and the probability that the driver will consider the intervention as motivated. The driver model makes it possible to initiate earlier braking when it is estimated that the driver acceptance for interventions is high. The framework and the proposed driver model are evaluated in several scenarios, using authentic tracker data and a differential GPS. It is shown that the driver model can increase the benefit of collision avoidance systems — particularly in traffic situations where the future trajectory of another road user is hard for the driver to predict, e.g. when a playing child enters the roadway

    Adaptive tactical behaviour planner for autonomous ground vehicle

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    Success of autonomous vehicle to effectively replace a human driver depends on its ability to plan safe, efficient and usable paths in dynamically evolving traffic scenarios. This challenge gets more difficult when the autonomous vehicle has to drive through scenarios such as intersections that demand interactive behavior for successful navigation. The many autonomous vehicle demonstrations over the last few decades have highlighted the limitations in the current state of the art in path planning solutions. They have been found to result in inefficient and sometime unsafe behaviours when tackling interactively demanding scenarios. In this paper we review the current state of the art of path planning solutions, the individual planners and the associated methods for each planner. We then establish a gap in the path planning solutions by reviewing the methods against the objectives for successful path planning. A new adaptive tactical behaviour planner framework is then proposed to fill this gap. The behaviour planning framework is motivated by how expert human drivers plan their behaviours in interactive scenarios. Individual modules of the behaviour planner is then described with the description how it fits in the overall framework. Finally we discuss how this planner is expected to generate safe and efficient behaviors in complex dynamic traffic scenarios by considering a case of an un-signalised roundabout