40,116 research outputs found

    Service quality measurements for IPv6 inter-networks

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    Measurement-based performance evaluation of network traffic is becoming very important, especially for networks trying to provide differentiated levels of service quality to the different application flows. The non-identical response of flows to the different types of network-imposed performance degradation raises the need for ubiquitous measurement mechanisms, able to measure numerous performance properties, and being equally applicable to different applications and transports. This paper presents a new measurement mechanism, facilitated by the steady introduction of IPv6 in network nodes and hosts, which exploits native features of the protocol to provide support for performance measurements at the network (IP) layer. IPv6 Extension Headers have been used to carry the triggers involving the measurement activity and the measurement data in-line with the payload data itself, providing a high level of probability that the behaviour of the real user traffic flows is observed. End-to-end one-way delay, jitter, loss, and throughput have been measured for applications operating on top of both reliable and unreliable transports, over different-capacity IPv6 network configurations. We conclude that this technique could form the basis for future Internet measurements that can be dynamically deployed where and when required in a multi-service IP environment

    Tracer Measurements in Growing Sea Ice Support Convective Gravity Drainage Parameterizations

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    Gravity drainage is the dominant process redistributing solutes in growing sea ice. Modeling gravity drainage is therefore necessary to predict physical and biogeochemical variables in sea ice. We evaluate seven gravity drainage parameterizations, spanning the range of approaches in the literature, using tracer measurements in a sea ice growth experiment. Artificial sea ice is grown to around 17 cm thickness in a new experimental facility, the Roland von Glasow air‐sea‐ice chamber. We use NaCl (present in the water initially) and rhodamine (injected into the water after 10 cm of sea ice growth) as independent tracers of brine dynamics. We measure vertical profiles of bulk salinity in situ, as well as bulk salinity and rhodamine in discrete samples taken at the end of the experiment. Convective parameterizations that diagnose gravity drainage using Rayleigh numbers outperform a simpler convective parameterization and diffusive parameterizations when compared to observations. This study is the first to numerically model solutes decoupled from salinity using convective gravity drainage parameterizations. Our results show that (1) convective, Rayleigh number‐based parameterizations are our most accurate and precise tool for predicting sea ice bulk salinity; and (2) these parameterizations can be generalized to brine dynamics parameterizations, and hence can predict the dynamics of any solute in growing sea ic

    Ensemble Kalman Filter Assimilation of ERT Data for Numerical Modeling of Seawater Intrusion in a Laboratory Experiment

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    Seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers is a worldwide problem exacerbated by aquifer overexploitation and climate changes. To limit the deterioration of water quality caused by saline intrusion, research studies are needed to identify and assess the performance of possible countermeasures, e.g., underground barriers. Within this context, numerical models are fundamental to fully understand the process and for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed solutions to contain the saltwater wedge; on the other hand, they are typically affected by uncertainty on hydrogeological parameters, as well as initial and boundary conditions. Data assimilation methods such as the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) represent promising tools that can reduce such uncertainties. Here, we present an application of the EnKF to the numerical modeling of a laboratory experiment where seawater intrusion was reproduced in a specifically designed sandbox and continuously monitored with electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). Combining EnKF and the SUTRA model for the simulation of density-dependent flow and transport in porous media, we assimilated the collected ERT data by means of joint and sequential assimilation approaches. In the joint approach, raw ERT data (electrical resistances) are assimilated to update both salt concentration and soil parameters, without the need for an electrical inversion. In the sequential approach, we assimilated electrical conductivities computed from a previously performed electrical inversion. Within both approaches, we suggest dual-step update strategies to minimize the effects of spurious correlations in parameter estimation. The results show that, in both cases, ERT data assimilation can reduce the uncertainty not only on the system state in terms of salt concentration, but also on the most relevant soil parameters, i.e., saturated hydraulic conductivity and longitudinal dispersivity. However, the sequential approach is more prone to filter inbreeding due to the large number of observations assimilated compared to the ensemble size

    JTP: An Energy-conscious Transport Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    Within a recently developed low-power ad hoc network system, we present a transport protocol (JTP) whose goal is to reduce power consumption without trading off delivery requirements of applications. JTP has the following features: it is lightweight whereby end-nodes control in-network actions by encoding delivery requirements in packet headers; JTP enables applications to specify a range of reliability requirements, thus allocating the right energy budget to packets; JTP minimizes feedback control traffic from the destination by varying its frequency based on delivery requirements and stability of the network; JTP minimizes energy consumption by implementing in-network caching and increasing the chances that data retransmission requests from destinations "hit" these caches, thus avoiding costly source retransmissions; and JTP fairly allocates bandwidth among flows by backing off the sending rate of a source to account for in-network retransmissions on its behalf. Analysis and extensive simulations demonstrate the energy gains of JTP over one-size-fits-all transport protocols.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (AFRL FA8750-06-C-0199

    A Variational Approach to Extracting the Phonon Mean Free Path Distribution from the Spectral Boltzmann Transport Equation

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    The phonon Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) is a powerful tool for studying non-diffusive thermal transport. Here, we develop a new universal variational approach to solving the BTE that enables extraction of phonon mean free path (MFP) distributions from experiments exploring non-diffusive transport. By utilizing the known Fourier solution as a trial function, we present a direct approach to calculating the effective thermal conductivity from the BTE. We demonstrate this technique on the transient thermal grating (TTG) experiment, which is a useful tool for studying non-diffusive thermal transport and probing the mean free path (MFP) distribution of materials. We obtain a closed form expression for a suppression function that is materials dependent, successfully addressing the non-universality of the suppression function used in the past, while providing a general approach to studying thermal properties in the non-diffusive regime.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure