3,424 research outputs found

    Virtual illumination grid for correction of uncontrolled illumination in facial images

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    Face recognition under uncontrolled illumination conditions is still considered an unsolved problem. In order to correct for these illumination conditions, we propose a virtual illumination grid (VIG) approach to model the unknown illumination conditions. Furthermore, we use coupled subspace models of both the facial surface and albedo to estimate the face shape. In order to obtain a representation of the face under frontal illumination, we relight the estimated face shape. We show that the frontal illuminated facial images achieve better performance in face recognition. We have performed the challenging Experiment 4 of the FRGCv2 database, which compares uncontrolled probe images to controlled gallery images. Our illumination correction method results in considerably better recognition rates for a number of well-known face recognition methods. By fusing our global illumination correction method with a local illumination correction method, further improvements are achieved

    Learning to Personalize in Appearance-Based Gaze Tracking

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    Personal variations severely limit the performance of appearance-based gaze tracking. Adapting to these variations using standard neural network model adaptation methods is difficult. The problems range from overfitting, due to small amounts of training data, to underfitting, due to restrictive model architectures. We tackle these problems by introducing the SPatial Adaptive GaZe Estimator (SPAZE). By modeling personal variations as a low-dimensional latent parameter space, SPAZE provides just enough adaptability to capture the range of personal variations without being prone to overfitting. Calibrating SPAZE for a new person reduces to solving a small optimization problem. SPAZE achieves an error of 2.70 degrees with 9 calibration samples on MPIIGaze, improving on the state-of-the-art by 14 %. We contribute to gaze tracking research by empirically showing that personal variations are well-modeled as a 3-dimensional latent parameter space for each eye. We show that this low-dimensionality is expected by examining model-based approaches to gaze tracking. We also show that accurate head pose-free gaze tracking is possible

    A 3D Face Modelling Approach for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition in a Human-Robot Environment

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    Face analysis techniques have become a crucial component of human-machine interaction in the fields of assistive and humanoid robotics. However, the variations in head-pose that arise naturally in these environments are still a great challenge. In this paper, we present a real-time capable 3D face modelling framework for 2D in-the-wild images that is applicable for robotics. The fitting of the 3D Morphable Model is based exclusively on automatically detected landmarks. After fitting, the face can be corrected in pose and transformed back to a frontal 2D representation that is more suitable for face recognition. We conduct face recognition experiments with non-frontal images from the MUCT database and uncontrolled, in the wild images from the PaSC database, the most challenging face recognition database to date, showing an improved performance. Finally, we present our SCITOS G5 robot system, which incorporates our framework as a means of image pre-processing for face analysis

    3D Face Reconstruction: the Road to Forensics

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    3D face reconstruction algorithms from images and videos are applied to many fields, from plastic surgery to the entertainment sector, thanks to their advantageous features. However, when looking at forensic applications, 3D face reconstruction must observe strict requirements that still make its possible role in bringing evidence to a lawsuit unclear. An extensive investigation of the constraints, potential, and limits of its application in forensics is still missing. Shedding some light on this matter is the goal of the present survey, which starts by clarifying the relation between forensic applications and biometrics, with a focus on face recognition. Therefore, it provides an analysis of the achievements of 3D face reconstruction algorithms from surveillance videos and mugshot images and discusses the current obstacles that separate 3D face reconstruction from an active role in forensic applications. Finally, it examines the underlying data sets, with their advantages and limitations, while proposing alternatives that could substitute or complement them.Comment: The manuscript has been accepted for publication in ACM Computing Surveys. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2303.1116


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    Biometry is an area in great expansion and is considered as possible solution to cases where high authentication parameters are required. Although this area is quite advanced in theoretical terms, using it in practical terms still carries some problems. The systems available still depend on a high cooperation level to achieve acceptable performance levels, which was the backdrop to the development of the following project. By studying the state of the art, we propose the creation of a new and less cooperative biometric system that reaches acceptable performance levels.A constante necessidade de parâmetros mais elevados de segurança, nomeadamente ao nível de autenticação, leva ao estudo biometria como possível solução. Actualmente os mecanismos existentes nesta área tem por base o conhecimento de algo que se sabe ”password” ou algo que se possui ”codigo Pin”. Contudo este tipo de informação é facilmente corrompida ou contornada. Desta forma a biometria é vista como uma solução mais robusta, pois garante que a autenticação seja feita com base em medidas físicas ou compartimentais que definem algo que a pessoa é ou faz (”who you are” ou ”what you do”). Sendo a biometria uma solução bastante promissora na autenticação de indivíduos, é cada vez mais comum o aparecimento de novos sistemas biométricos. Estes sistemas recorrem a medidas físicas ou comportamentais, de forma a possibilitar uma autenticação (reconhecimento) com um grau de certeza bastante considerável. O reconhecimento com base no movimento do corpo humano (gait), feições da face ou padrões estruturais da íris, são alguns exemplos de fontes de informação em que os sistemas actuais se podem basear. Contudo, e apesar de provarem um bom desempenho no papel de agentes de reconhecimento autónomo, ainda estão muito dependentes a nível de cooperação exigida. Tendo isto em conta, e tudo o que já existe no ramo do reconhecimento biometrico, esta área está a dar passos no sentido de tornar os seus métodos o menos cooperativos poss??veis. Possibilitando deste modo alargar os seus objectivos para além da mera autenticação em ambientes controlados, para casos de vigilância e controlo em ambientes não cooperativos (e.g. motins, assaltos, aeroportos). É nesta perspectiva que o seguinte projecto surge. Através do estudo do estado da arte, pretende provar que é possível criar um sistema capaz de agir perante ambientes menos cooperativos, sendo capaz de detectar e reconhecer uma pessoa que se apresente ao seu alcance.O sistema proposto PAIRS (Periocular and Iris Recognition Systema) tal como nome indica, efectua o reconhecimento através de informação extraída da íris e da região periocular (região circundante aos olhos). O sistema é construído com base em quatro etapas: captura de dados, pré-processamento, extração de características e reconhecimento. Na etapa de captura de dados, foi montado um dispositivo de aquisição de imagens com alta resolução com a capacidade de capturar no espectro NIR (Near-Infra-Red). A captura de imagens neste espectro tem como principal linha de conta, o favorecimento do reconhecimento através da íris, visto que a captura de imagens sobre o espectro visível seria mais sensível a variações da luz ambiente. Posteriormente a etapa de pré-processamento implementada, incorpora todos os módulos do sistema responsáveis pela detecção do utilizador, avaliação de qualidade de imagem e segmentação da íris. O modulo de detecção é responsável pelo desencadear de todo o processo, uma vez que esta é responsável pela verificação da exist?ncia de um pessoa em cena. Verificada a sua exist?ncia, são localizadas as regiões de interesse correspondentes ? íris e ao periocular, sendo também verificada a qualidade com que estas foram adquiridas. Concluídas estas etapas, a íris do olho esquerdo é segmentada e normalizada. Posteriormente e com base em vários descritores, é extraída a informação biométrica das regiões de interesse encontradas, e é criado um vector de características biométricas. Por fim, é efectuada a comparação dos dados biometricos recolhidos, com os já armazenados na base de dados, possibilitando a criação de uma lista com os níveis de semelhança em termos biometricos, obtendo assim um resposta final do sistema. Concluída a implementação do sistema, foi adquirido um conjunto de imagens capturadas através do sistema implementado, com a participação de um grupo de voluntários. Este conjunto de imagens permitiu efectuar alguns testes de desempenho, verificar e afinar alguns parâmetros, e proceder a optimização das componentes de extração de características e reconhecimento do sistema. Analisados os resultados foi possível provar que o sistema proposto tem a capacidade de exercer as suas funções perante condições menos cooperativas

    Access Control in the Wild Using Face Verification

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    In the past few years, face recognition has received great attention from both research and commercial communities. Areas such as access control using face verification are dominated by solutions developed by both the government and the industry. In this chapter, a face verification solution is presented using open-source algorithms for access control of large-scale events under unconstrained environments. From the type of camera calibration to the algorithms used for face detection and recognition, every stage has a proposed solution. Tests using the proposed solutions in the entrance of a building were made in order to test and compare each solution proposed

    3D Face Reconstruction: the Road to Forensics

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    3D face reconstruction algorithms from images and videos are applied to many fields, from plastic surgery to the entertainment sector, thanks to their advantageous features. However, when looking at forensic applications, 3D face reconstruction must observe strict requirements that still make its possible role in bringing evidence to a lawsuit unclear. An extensive investigation of the constraints, potential, and limits of its application in forensics is still missing. Shedding some light on this matter is the goal of the present survey, which starts by clarifying the relation between forensic applications and biometrics, with a focus on face recognition. Therefore, it provides an analysis of the achievements of 3D face reconstruction algorithms from surveillance videos and mugshot images and discusses the current obstacles that separate 3D face reconstruction from an active role in forensic applications. Finally, it examines the underlying data sets, with their advantages and limitations, while proposing alternatives that could substitute or complement them