145,413 research outputs found

    Elastic Instability Triggered Pattern Formation

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    Recent experiments have exploited elastic instabilities in membranes to create complex patterns. However, the rational design of such structures poses many challenges, as they are products of nonlinear elastic behavior. We pose a simple model for determining the orientational order of such patterns using only linear elasticity theory which correctly predicts the outcomes of several experiments. Each element of the pattern is modeled by a "dislocation dipole" located at a point on a lattice, which then interacts elastically with all other dipoles in the system. We explicitly consider a membrane with a square lattice of circular holes under uniform compression and examine the changes in morphology as it is allowed to relax in a specified direction.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, the full catastroph

    Order by disorder and gauge-like degeneracy in quantum pyrochlore antiferromagnet

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    The (three-dimensional) pyrochlore lattice antiferromagnet with Heisenberg spins of large spin length SS is a highly frustrated model with an macroscopic degeneracy of classical ground states. The zero-point energy of (harmonic order) spin wave fluctuations distinguishes a subset of these states. I derive an approximate but illuminating {\it effective Hamiltonian}, acting within the subspace of Ising spin configurations representing the {\it collinear} ground states. It consists of products of Ising spins around loops, i.e has the form of a Z2Z_2 lattice gauge theory. The remaining ground state entropy is still infinite but not extensive, being O(L)O(L) for system size O(L3)O(L^3). All these ground states have unit cells bigger than those considered previously.Comment: 4pp, one figur

    Lie Algebraic Similarity Transformed Hamiltonians for Lattice Model Systems

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    We present a class of Lie algebraic similarity transformations generated by exponentials of two-body on-site hermitian operators whose Hausdorff series can be summed exactly without truncation. The correlators are defined over the entire lattice and include the Gutzwiller factor ni↑ni↓n_{i\uparrow}n_{i\downarrow}, and two-site products of density (ni↑+ni↓)(n_{i\uparrow} + n_{i\downarrow}) and spin (ni↑−ni↓)(n_{i\uparrow}-n_{i\downarrow}) operators. The resulting non-hermitian many-body Hamiltonian can be solved in a biorthogonal mean-field approach with polynomial computational cost. The proposed similarity transformation generates locally weighted orbital transformations of the reference determinant. Although the energy of the model is unbound, projective equations in the spirit of coupled cluster theory lead to well-defined solutions. The theory is tested on the 1D and 2D repulsive Hubbard model where we find accurate results across all interaction strengths.Comment: The supplemental material is include

    Worldlines and worldsheets for non-abelian lattice field theories: Abelian color fluxes and Abelian color cycles

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    We discuss recent developments for exact reformulations of lattice field theories in terms of worldlines and worldsheets. In particular we focus on a strategy which is applicable also to non-abelian theories: traces and matrix/vector products are written as explicit sums over color indices and a dual variable is introduced for each individual term. These dual variables correspond to fluxes in both, space-time and color for matter fields (Abelian color fluxes), or to fluxes in color space around space-time plaquettes for gauge fields (Abelian color cycles). Subsequently all original degrees of freedom, i.e., matter fields and gauge links, can be integrated out. Integrating over complex phases of matter fields gives rise to constraints that enforce conservation of matter flux on all sites. Integrating out phases of gauge fields enforces vanishing combined flux of matter- and gauge degrees of freedom. The constraints give rise to a system of worldlines and worldsheets. Integrating over the factors that are not phases (e.g., radial degrees of freedom or contributions from the Haar measure) generates additional weight factors that together with the constraints implement the full symmetry of the conventional formulation, now in the language of worldlines and worldsheets. We discuss the Abelian color flux and Abelian color cycle strategies for three examples: the SU(2) principal chiral model with chemical potential coupled to two of the Noether charges, SU(2) lattice gauge theory coupled to staggered fermions, as well as full lattice QCD with staggered fermions. For the principal chiral model we present some simulation results that illustrate properties of the worldline dynamics at finite chemical potentials.Comment: Contribution to LATTICE 2017, 16 page

    Dynamical mean-field theory for light fermion--heavy boson mixtures on optical lattices

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    We theoretically analyze Fermi-Bose mixtures consisting of light fermions and heavy bosons that are loaded into optical lattices (ignoring the trapping potential). To describe such mixtures, we consider the Fermi-Bose version of the Falicov-Kimball model on a periodic lattice. This model can be exactly mapped onto the spinless Fermi-Fermi Falicov-Kimball model at zero temperature for all parameter space as long as the mixture is thermodynamically stable. We employ dynamical mean-field theory to investigate the evolution of the Fermi-Bose Falicov-Kimball model at higher temperatures. We calculate spectral moment sum rules for the retarded Green's function and self-energy, and use them to benchmark the accuracy of our numerical calculations, as well as to reduce the computational cost by exactly including the tails of infinite summations or products. We show how the occupancy of the bosons, single-particle many-body density of states for the fermions, momentum distribution, and the average kinetic energy evolve with temperature. We end by briefly discussing how to experimentally realize the Fermi-Bose Falicov-Kimball model in ultracold atomic systems.Comment: 10 pages with 4 figure
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