6 research outputs found

    Mapping Requirements To AUTOSAR Software Components

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    Modern automotive electrical and electronic systems are rapidly growing in complexity. An increase in the number of systems under electronic control has led to a corresponding increase in the complexity of the deployed software. AUTOSAR has been developed as a means of managing this complexity through a standardised architecture which separates an application from its infrastructure. Reusable software components constitute the application logic of an AUTOSAR-based system. However a major problem which faces AUTOSAR and component-based software engineering in general is the difficulty in selecting components which fulfil the system requirements. This thesis presents a framework which allows requirements to be mapped directly to software components. It includes the results from a study which was carried out in conjunction with automotive and software engineering experts to test the framework

    A system development methodology for embedded applications

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    In recent years, Singapore’s manufacturing sector has contributed more than a quarter of the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and has established global leadership positions in several manufacturing areas such as electronics, Information Technology (IT) and industrial automation. The Singapore Economic Review Committee (ERC) recommendation states that “software and embedded systems that drive products are one of the most important technologies for the manufacturing sector. “ With the increasing adoption of automated and intelligent products, embedded systems have emerged as a crucial technology for Singapore. However, the development of embedded applications is not a trivial undertaking as it can usually involve multi-discipline parties and different application platforms. Most embedded application developments use either vendor specific or desktop based methodologies. Vendor specific methodologies constrain the company to rely on the specific vendor's solutions, whereas desktop-based methodologies are not well suited to embedded application development. Therefore, this research aims to develop a standard-based system development methodology for embedded applications. The research programme comprises 5 stages. The first stage reviews the existing system development methodologies for embedded applications. The next stage formulates the proposed conceptual methodology followed by the development of the proof-of-concept tool to demonstrate the merits of the proposed approach. The methodology is then tested and evaluated respectively by using industrial experiments and feedback from a workshop. The final stage refines the methodology based on the feedback and presents the final system development methodology. The research has provided a sound foundation which future research in methodology for embedded applications to develop further.Eng

    A system development methodology for embedded applications

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    In recent years, Singapore’s manufacturing sector has contributed more than a quarter of the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and has established global leadership positions in several manufacturing areas such as electronics, Information Technology (IT) and industrial automation. The Singapore Economic Review Committee (ERC) recommendation states that “software and embedded systems that drive products are one of the most important technologies for the manufacturing sector. “ With the increasing adoption of automated and intelligent products, embedded systems have emerged as a crucial technology for Singapore. However, the development of embedded applications is not a trivial undertaking as it can usually involve multi-discipline parties and different application platforms. Most embedded application developments use either vendor specific or desktop based methodologies. Vendor specific methodologies constrain the company to rely on the specific vendor's solutions, whereas desktop-based methodologies are not well suited to embedded application development. Therefore, this research aims to develop a standard-based system development methodology for embedded applications. The research programme comprises 5 stages. The first stage reviews the existing system development methodologies for embedded applications. The next stage formulates the proposed conceptual methodology followed by the development of the proof-of-concept tool to demonstrate the merits of the proposed approach. The methodology is then tested and evaluated respectively by using industrial experiments and feedback from a workshop. The final stage refines the methodology based on the feedback and presents the final system development methodology. The research has provided a sound foundation which future research in methodology for embedded applications to develop further.Eng

    Fachdidaktische Diskussion von Informatiksystemen und der Kompetenzentwicklung im Informatikunterricht

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Unterrichtsmodell zur Kompetenzentwicklung mit Informatiksystemen für die Sekundarstufe II vorgestellt. Der Bedarf wird u. a. damit begründet, dass Informatiksysteme zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts allgegenwärtig sind (Kapitel 1). Für Kompetenzentwicklung mit Informatiksystemen sind diese in ihrer Einheit aus Hardware, Software und Vernetzung anhand ihres nach außen sichtbaren Verhaltens, der inneren Struktur und Implementierungsaspekten zu analysieren. Ausgehend vom Kompetenzbegriff (Kapitel 2) und dem Informatiksystembegriff (Kapitel 3) erfolgt eine Analyse des fachdidaktischen Forschungsstandes zur Kompetenzentwicklung mit Informatiksystemen. Die Ergebnisse lassen sich in die Bereiche (1) Bildungsziele, (2) Unterrichtsinhalte, (3) Lehr-Lernmethodik und (4) Lehr-Lernmedien aufteilen (Kapitel 4). In Kapitel 5 wird die Unterrichtsmodellentwicklung beschrieben. Den Zugang zu Informatiksystemen bildet in der vorliegenden Dissertationsschrift das nach außen sichtbare Verhalten. Es erfolgt eine Fokussierung auf vernetzte fundamentale Ideen der Informatik und Strukturmodelle von Informatiksystemen als Unterrichtsinhalte. Es wird begründet, dass ausgewählte objektorientierte Entwurfsmuster vernetzte fundamentale Ideen repräsentieren. In Abschnitt 5.4 werden dementsprechend Entwurfsmuster als Wissensrepräsentation für vernetzte fundamentale Ideen klassifiziert. Das systematische Erkunden des Verhaltens von Informatiksystemen wird im Informatikunterricht bisher kaum thematisiert. Es werden Schülertätigkeiten in Anlehnung an Unterrichtsexperimente angegeben, die Schüler unterstützen, Informatiksysteme bewusst und gezielt anzuwenden (Abschnitt 5.5). Bei dieser Lehr-Lernmethodik werden das nach außen sichtbare Verhalten von Informatiksystemen, im Sinne einer Black-Box, und das Wechselspiel von Verhalten und Struktur bei vorliegender Implementierung des Systems als White-Box analysiert. Die Adressierung schrittweise höherer kognitiver Niveaustufen wird in die Entwicklung einbezogen. Unterstützend wird für das Unterrichtsmodell lernförderliche Software gestaltet, die vernetzte fundamentale Ideen in Entwurfsmustern und das Experimentieren aufgreift (Abschnitt 5.6). Schwerpunkte bilden im Unterrichtsmodell zwei Arten von lernförderlicher Software: (1) Die Lernsoftware Pattern Park wurde von einer studentischen Projektgruppe entwickelt. In ihr können in Entwurfsmustern enthaltene fundamentale Ideen der Informatik über ihren Lebensweltbezug im Szenario eines Freizeitparks analysiert werden. (2) Als weitere Art Lernsoftware werden kleine Programme eingesetzt, deren innere Struktur durch ausgewählte Entwurfsmuster gebildet und deren Verhalten direkt durch die darin enthaltenen fundamentalen Ideen bestimmt wird. Diese Programme können durch die Experimente im Unterricht systematisch untersucht werden. Mit dem Ziel, die normative Perspektive um Rückkopplung mit der Praxis zu ergänzen, werden zwei Erprobungen im Informatikunterricht vorgenommen. Diese liefern Erkenntnisse zur Machbarkeit des Unterrichtsmodells und dessen Akzeptanz durch die Schüler (Kapitel 6 und 8). Exemplarisch umgesetzt werden die Themen Zugriffskontrolle mit dem Proxymuster, Iteration mit dem Iteratormuster und Systemzustände mit dem Zustandsmuster. Der intensive Austausch mit Informatiklehrpersonen in der Kooperationsschule über Informatiksysteme und Kompetenzentwicklung sowie die Durchführung von zwei Lehrerfortbildungen ergänzen die Beobachtungen im unterrichtlichen Geschehen. Die erste Unterrichtserprobung resultiert in einer Weiterentwicklung des Unterrichtsmodells zu Informatiksystemen und Kompetenzentwicklung (Kapitel 7). Darin erfolgt eine Fokussierung auf das nach außen sichtbare Verhalten von Informatiksystemen und eine Verfeinerung der Perspektiven auf innere Struktur und ausgewählte Implementierungsaspekte. Anschließend wird die zweite Unterrichtserprobung durchgeführt und evaluiert (Kapitel 8). Am Schluss der Forschungsarbeit steht ein in empirischen Phasen erprobtes Unterrichtsmodell.In the 21st century, informatics systems are ubiquitous. Therefore, the author presents an educational model for competencies with respect to informatics systems (Chapter 1). To achieve such competencies at upper secondary level, observable behaviour, internal structure and implementation aspects of informatics systems have to be analysed by students. Based on a definition of the terms competency (Chapter 2) and informatics system (Chapter 3), the state of the art in Didactics of Informatics is investigated. In the national and international scientific work, (1) educational objectives, (2) themes and subject matters, (3) teaching and learning methods, as well as (4) educational means and media are identified (Chapter 4). In Chapter 5 the development of the educational model is described. The approach to competencies with respect to informatics systems concentrates on the observable behaviour of the systems. We focus on networked fundamental ideas of informatics as a quality factor and structural models of informatics systems. Selected object-oriented design patterns represent networked fundamental ideas. In Section 5.4 design patterns as knowledge representations of fundamental ideas are classified. Systematic exploration of informatics systems is uncommon in informatics education at upper secondary level. Therefore, students\u27 activities are developed according to educational experiments to enable students to use systems consciously (Section 5.5). Systematic exploration puts students in a position to analyse the observable behaviour as a black box. Given the source code and documentation of a system, experimenting with such a system relates behaviour to its internal structure. Succeeding cognitive processes are also considered in this approach. To support learning, software was developed, which emphasises fundamental ideas in design patterns and enables experimenting (Section 5.6). There are two kinds of learning software: (1) The learning software Pattern Park was developed by a student project group. In the software fundamental ideas within design patterns can be understood through a real-life analogy in the context of a theme park. (2) As a second kind of learning software we use small programs, whose internal structure is built by selected design patterns. Their observable behaviour depends on networked fundamental ideas of informatics. These programs can be analysed systematically by students. Aiming at complementing the normative perspective with concrete learning processes, two classroom practice projects were conducted. These offered results with respect to feasibility of the educational model and acceptance by the students (Chapter 6 and 8). Exemplarily, access control by Proxy design pattern, iteration by Iterator design pattern, and states of systems by State design pattern were chosen. Cooperation with teachers and conduction of teacher training workshops complement observations within the classroom projects. The first classroom project resulted in a refinement of theory to foster competencies with respect to informatics systems (Chapter 7). In particular, perspectives on informatics systems were elaborated. Afterwards, a second classroom project was conducted and evaluated (Chapter 8). In conclusion of the research project, there is an empirically tested educational model to foster competencies with respect to informatics systems

    Model Reuse through Hardware Design Patterns

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    Submitted on behalf of EDAA (http://www.edaa.com/)International audienceIncreasing reuse opportunities is a well-known problem for software designers as well as for hardware designers. Nonetheless, current software and hardware engineering practices have embraced different approaches to this problem. Software designs are usually modelled after a set of proven solutions to recurrent problems called design patterns. This approach differs from the component-based reuse usually found in hardware designs: design patterns do not specify unnecessary implementation details. Several authors have already proposed translating structural design patterns concepts to hardware design. In this paper we extend the discussion to behavioural design patterns. Specifically, we describe how the hardware version of the Iterator can be used to enhance model reuse