25 research outputs found

    Improving search order for reachability testing in timed automata

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    Standard algorithms for reachability analysis of timed automata are sensitive to the order in which the transitions of the automata are taken. To tackle this problem, we propose a ranking system and a waiting strategy. This paper discusses the reason why the search order matters and shows how a ranking system and a waiting strategy can be integrated into the standard reachability algorithm to alleviate and prevent the problem respectively. Experiments show that the combination of the two approaches gives optimal search order on standard benchmarks except for one example. This suggests that it should be used instead of the standard BFS algorithm for reachability analysis of timed automata

    A Unifying Approach to Decide Relations for Timed Automata and their Game Characterization

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    In this paper we present a unifying approach for deciding various bisimulations, simulation equivalences and preorders between two timed automata states. We propose a zone based method for deciding these relations in which we eliminate an explicit product construction of the region graphs or the zone graphs as in the classical methods. Our method is also generic and can be used to decide several timed relations. We also present a game characterization for these timed relations and show that the game hierarchy reflects the hierarchy of the timed relations. One can obtain an infinite game hierarchy and thus the game characterization further indicates the possibility of defining new timed relations which have not been studied yet. The game characterization also helps us to come up with a formula which encodes the separation between two states that are not timed bisimilar. Such distinguishing formulae can also be generated for many relations other than timed bisimilarity.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2013, arXiv:1307.690

    LTL Parameter Synthesis of Parametric Timed Automata

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    The parameter synthesis problem for parametric timed automata is undecidable in general even for very simple reachability properties. In this paper we introduce restrictions on parameter valuations under which the parameter synthesis problem is decidable for LTL properties. The investigated bounded integer parameter synthesis problem could be solved using an explicit enumeration of all possible parameter valuations. We propose an alternative symbolic zone-based method for this problem which results in a faster computation. Our technique extends the ideas of the automata-based approach to LTL model checking of timed automata. To justify the usefulness of our approach, we provide experimental evaluation and compare our method with explicit enumeration technique.Comment: 23 pages, extended versio

    LTSmin: high-performance language-independent model checking

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    In recent years, the LTSmin model checker has been extended with support for several new modelling languages, including probabilistic (Mapa) and timed systems (Uppaal). Also, connecting additional language front-ends or ad-hoc state-space generators to LTSmin was simplified using custom C-code. From symbolic and distributed reachability analysis and minimisation, LTSmin’s functionality has developed into a model checker with multi-core algorithms for on-the-fly LTL checking with partial-order reduction, and multi-core symbolic checking for the modal μ calculus, based on the multi-core decision diagram package Sylvan.\ud In LTSmin, the modelling languages and the model checking algorithms are connected through a Partitioned Next-State Interface (Pins), that allows to abstract away from language details in the implementation of the analysis algorithms and on-the-fly optimisations. In the current paper, we present an overview of the toolset and its recent changes, and we demonstrate its performance and versatility in two case studies

    Fast algorithms for handling diagonal constraints in timed automata

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    A popular method for solving reachability in timed automata proceeds by enumerating reachable sets of valuations represented as zones. A na\"ive enumeration of zones does not terminate. Various termination mechanisms have been studied over the years. Coming up with efficient termination mechanisms has been remarkably more challenging when the automaton has diagonal constraints in guards. In this paper, we propose a new termination mechanism for timed automata with diagonal constraints based on a new simulation relation between zones. Experiments with an implementation of this simulation show significant gains over existing methods.Comment: Shorter version of this article to appear in CAV 201

    Reducing Clocks in Timed Automata while Preserving Bisimulation

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    Model checking timed automata becomes increasingly complex with the increase in the number of clocks. Hence it is desirable that one constructs an automaton with the minimum number of clocks possible. The problem of checking whether there exists a timed automaton with a smaller number of clocks such that the timed language accepted by the original automaton is preserved is known to be undecidable. In this paper, we give a construction, which for any given timed automaton produces a timed bisimilar automaton with the least number of clocks. Further, we show that such an automaton with the minimum possible number of clocks can be constructed in time that is doubly exponential in the number of clocks of the original automaton.Comment: 28 pages including reference, 8 figures, full version of paper accepted in CONCUR 201