674 research outputs found

    Mobility aids detection using Convolution Neural Network (CNN)

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    The automated detection of disabled persons in surveillance videos to gain data for lobbying access for disabled persons is a largely unexplored application. We train You Only Look Once (YOLO) CNN on a custom database and achieve an accuracy of 92% for detecting disabled pedestrians in surveillance videos. A person is declared disabled if they are detected in the close proximity of a mobility aid. The detection outcome was further categorised into five classes of mobility aids and precision was calculated

    DROW: Real-Time Deep Learning based Wheelchair Detection in 2D Range Data

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    We introduce the DROW detector, a deep learning based detector for 2D range data. Laser scanners are lighting invariant, provide accurate range data, and typically cover a large field of view, making them interesting sensors for robotics applications. So far, research on detection in laser range data has been dominated by hand-crafted features and boosted classifiers, potentially losing performance due to suboptimal design choices. We propose a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based detector for this task. We show how to effectively apply CNNs for detection in 2D range data, and propose a depth preprocessing step and voting scheme that significantly improve CNN performance. We demonstrate our approach on wheelchairs and walkers, obtaining state of the art detection results. Apart from the training data, none of our design choices limits the detector to these two classes, though. We provide a ROS node for our detector and release our dataset containing 464k laser scans, out of which 24k were annotated.Comment: Lucas Beyer and Alexander Hermans contributed equall

    Improving 3d pedestrian detection for wearable sensor data with 2d human pose

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    Collisions and safety are important concepts when dealing with urban designs like shared spaces. As pedestrians (especially the elderly and disabled people) are more vulnerable to accidents, realising an intelligent mobility aid to avoid collisions is a direction of research that could improve safety using a wearable device. Also, with the improvements in technologies for visualisation and their capabilities to render 3D virtual content, AR devices could be used to realise virtual infrastructure and virtual traffic systems. Such devices (e.g., Hololens) scan the environment using stereo and ToF (Time-of-Flight) sensors, which in principle can be used to detect surrounding objects, including dynamic agents such as pedestrians. This can be used as basis to predict collisions. To envision an AR device as a safety aid and demonstrate its 3D object detection capability (in particular: pedestrian detection), we propose an improvement to the 3D object detection framework Frustum Pointnet with human pose and apply it on the data from an AR device. Using the data from such a device in an indoor setting, we conducted a comparative study to investigate how high level 2D human pose features in our approach could help to improve the detection performance of orientated 3D pedestrian instances over Frustum Pointnet

    Graph Neural Network for spatiotemporal data: methods and applications

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    In the era of big data, there has been a surge in the availability of data containing rich spatial and temporal information, offering valuable insights into dynamic systems and processes for applications such as weather forecasting, natural disaster management, intelligent transport systems, and precision agriculture. Graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for modeling and understanding data with dependencies to each other such as spatial and temporal dependencies. There is a large amount of existing work that focuses on addressing the complex spatial and temporal dependencies in spatiotemporal data using GNNs. However, the strong interdisciplinary nature of spatiotemporal data has created numerous GNNs variants specifically designed for distinct application domains. Although the techniques are generally applicable across various domains, cross-referencing these methods remains essential yet challenging due to the absence of a comprehensive literature review on GNNs for spatiotemporal data. This article aims to provide a systematic and comprehensive overview of the technologies and applications of GNNs in the spatiotemporal domain. First, the ways of constructing graphs from spatiotemporal data are summarized to help domain experts understand how to generate graphs from various types of spatiotemporal data. Then, a systematic categorization and summary of existing spatiotemporal GNNs are presented to enable domain experts to identify suitable techniques and to support model developers in advancing their research. Moreover, a comprehensive overview of significant applications in the spatiotemporal domain is offered to introduce a broader range of applications to model developers and domain experts, assisting them in exploring potential research topics and enhancing the impact of their work. Finally, open challenges and future directions are discussed

    ATiTHi: A Deep Learning Approach for Tourist Destination Classification using Hybrid Parametric Optimization

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    A picture is best way to explore the tourist destination by visual content. The content-based image classification of tourist destinations makes it possible to understand the tourism liking by providing a more satisfactory tour. It also provides an important reference for tourist destination marketing. To enhance the competitiveness of the tourism market in India, this research proposes an innovative tourist spot identification mechanism by identifying the content of significant numbers of tourist photos using convolutional neural network (CNN) approach. It overcomes the limitations of manual approaches by recognizing visual information in photos. In this study, six thousand photos from different tourist destinations of India were identified and categorized into six major categories to form a new dataset of Indian Trajectory. This research employed Transfer learning (TF) strategies which help to obtain a good performance measure with very small dataset for image classification.VGG-16, VGG-19, MobileNetV2, InceptionV3, ResNet-50 and AlexNet CNN model with pretrained weight from ImageNet dataset was used for initialization and then an adapted classifier was used to classify tourist destination images from the newly prepared dataset. Hybrid hyperparameter optimization employ to find out hyperparameter for proposed Atithi model which lead to more efficient model in classification. To analyse and compare the performance of the models, known performance indicators were selected. As compared to the AlexNet model (0.83), MobileNetV2(0.93), VGG-19(0.918), InceptionV3(0.89), ResNet-50(0.852) the VGG16 model has performed the best in terms of accuracy (0.95). These results show the effectiveness of the current model in tourist destination image classification

    A Convolutional Neural Network-Based Method for Human Movement Patterns Classification in Alzheimer?s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) constitutes a neurodegenerative pathology that presents mobility disorders as one of its earliest symptoms. Current smartphones integrate accelerometers that can be used to collect mobility data of Alzheimer’s patients. This paper describes a method that processes these accelerometer data and a convolutional neural network (CNN) that classifies the stage of the disease according to the mobility patterns of the patient. The method is applied in a case study with 35 Alzheimer’s patients, in which a classification success rate of 91% was obtaine

    A Systematic Review of Artificial Intelligence in Assistive Technology for People with Visual Impairment

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    Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to the development of numerous successful applications that utilize data to significantly enhance the quality of life for people with visual impairment. AI technology has the potential to further improve the lives of visually impaired individuals. However, accurately measuring the development of visual aids continues to be challenging. As an AI model is trained on larger and more diverse datasets, its performance becomes increasingly robust and applicable to a variety of scenarios. In the field of visual impairment, deep learning techniques have emerged as a solution to previous challenges associated with AI models. In this article, we provide a comprehensive and up-to-date review of recent research on the development of AI-powered visual aides tailored to the requirements of individuals with visual impairment. We adopt the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) methodology, meticulously gathering and appraising pertinent literature culled from diverse databases. A rigorous selection process was undertaken, appraising articles against precise inclusion and exclusion criteria. Our meticulous search yielded a trove of 322 articles, and after diligent scrutiny, 12 studies were deemed suitable for inclusion in the ultimate analysis. The study's primary objective is to investigate the application of AI techniques to the creation of intelligent devices that aid visually impaired individuals in their daily lives. We identified a number of potential obstacles that researchers and developers in the field of visual impairment applications might encounter. In addition, opportunities for future research and advancements in AI-driven visual aides are discussed. This review seeks to provide valuable insights into the advancements, possibilities, and challenges in the development and implementation of AI technology for people with visual impairment. By examining the current state of the field and designating areas for future research, we expect to contribute to the ongoing progress of improving the lives of visually impaired individuals through the use of AI-powered visual aids