145,397 research outputs found

    A Systemic Review (2014–2023) on the Mobile-Assisted Blended Learning for English as a Foreign Language Education with a Focus on Empirical Studies

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    Over the past two decades, due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT), mobile learning (M-learning) and blended learning (BL) have emerged as new trends in sustaining English as a foreign language (EFL) education. The tumultuous COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted traditional teaching and learning, but it has also accelerated the integration of technology in EFL education. Mobile-assisted blended learning (MABL) combines mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) and BL into a single framework that effectively addresses their individual limitations when used in isolation. However, reviews of MABL, particularly in the context of EFL education, are scarce. Sourced from two major databases, namely Web of Science and Scopus, and two supplementary databases (Education Resources Information Center and Mendeley), 25 studies were extracted out of 205 in the latest decade, using specific exclusion and inclusion criteria. This review aims to shed light on the trend of utilizing advanced and effective pedagogy and teaching tools to benefit stakeholders in the sustainable development of English as a foreign language

    New learning opportunities in a networked world : developing a research agenda on innovative uses of ICTs for learning and teaching; final report

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    The research aims to establish a relevant research agenda on issues of new digital learning opportunities. Experts in advanced technologies for educational purposes were consulted about how these could impact education in developing countries: open educational resources (OER); massive open online courses (MOOCs); social networking; learning analytics; mobile and seamless learning; serious games and open linked data. The ‘Integration of technology in classroom’ and ‘ICT‐enabled pedagogy’ clusters score high on importance. The group concept mapping (GCM) study supported results in the theme of open education: OER, MOOCs, networked learning and mobile technologies act as a hub for techno‐pedagogical innovations

    Research-informed strategies to address educational challenges in a digitally networked world

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    This special issue represents the scholarly work that emerged from the EDUsummIT 2013. EDUsummIT is a growing and active community of researchers, policy makers and practitioners that is committed to promote research-informed strategies to effectively integrate ICT in educational policy and practice. First the background and aim of EDUsummIT is presented, followed by an overview of the contributions to this special issue

    Integrating personal learning and working environments

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    This review paper part of a series of papers commissioned by the Institute for Employment Research at the University of Warwick under the title of 'Beyond Current Horizons – Working and Employment Challenge'. In turn, in forms part of a larger programme of work under the banner of Beyond Current Horizons that is being managed by FutureLab on behalf of the UK Department for Schools, Children and Families. The brief was to cover: - The main trends and issues in the area concerned; - Any possible discontinuities looking forward to 2025 and beyond; - Uncertainties and any big tensions; - Conclusions on what the key issues will be in the future and initial reflections on any general implications for education. Given the wide ranging nature of the brief, this paper largely confines itself to trends and issues in the UK, although where appropriate examples from other countries in Europe are introduced. We realise that in an age of growing globalisation the future of work and learning in the UK cannot be separated from developments elsewhere and that developments in other parts of the world may present a different momentum and trajectory from that in the UK. Thus, when reading this report, please bear in mind the limitations in our approach

    Transforming pedagogy using mobile Web 2.0

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    Blogs, wikis, podcasting, and a host of free, easy to use Web 2.0 social software provide opportunities for creating social constructivist learning environments focusing on student-centred learning and end-user content creation and sharing. Building on this foundation, mobile Web 2.0 has emerged as a viable teaching and learning tool, facilitating engaging learning environments that bridge multiple contexts. Today’s dual 3G and wifi-enabled smartphones provide a ubiquitous connection to mobile Web 2.0 social software and the ability to view, create, edit, upload, and share user generated Web 2.0 content. This article outlines how a Product Design course has moved from a traditional face-to-face, studio-based learning environment to one using mobile Web 2.0 technologies to enhance and engage students in a social constructivist learning paradigm. Keywords: m-learning; Web 2.0; pedagogy 2.0; social constructivism; product desig

    Are digital natives a myth or reality?: Students’ use of technologies for learning

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    This paper outlines the findings of a study investigating the extent and nature of use of digital technologies by undergraduate students in Social Work and Engineering, in two British universities. The study involved a questionnaire survey of students (n=160) followed by in-depth interviews with students (n=8) and lecturers and support staff (n=8) in both institutions. Firstly, the findings suggest that students use a limited range of technologies for both learning and socialisation. For learning, mainly established ICTs are used- institutional VLE, Google and Wikipedia and mobile phones. Students make limited, recreational use of social technologies such as media sharing tools and social networking sites. Secondly, the findings point to a low level of use of and familiarity with collaborative knowledge creation tools, virtual worlds, personal web publishing, and other emergent social technologies. Thirdly, the study did not find evidence to support the claims regarding students adopting radically different patterns of knowledge creation and sharing suggested by some previous studies. The study shows that students’ attitudes to learning appear to be influenced by the approaches adopted by their lecturers. Far from demanding lecturers change their practice, students appear to conform to fairly traditional pedagogies, albeit with minor uses of technology tools that deliver content. Despite both groups clearly using a rather limited range of technologies for learning, the results point to some age differences, with younger, engineering students making somewhat more active, albeit limited, use of tools than the older ones. The outcomes suggest that although the calls for radical transformations in educational approaches may be legitimate it would be misleading to ground the arguments for such change solely in students’ shifting expectations and patterns of learning and technology use
