10 research outputs found

    Mobile inquiry-based learning with sensor-data in the school: Effects on student motivation

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    The paper discusses the design, implementation and evaluation of a pilot project that integrated inquiry-based learning with mobile game design and introduced mobile devices and sensors into classroom learningweSPOT Project - IST (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement N° 318499The project was supported by the SURFnet innovation grant for sustainable ICT solutions

    Digital technologies and education for sustainable development. An analysis of scientific production

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    En los últimos años, las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) han tenido repercusión en los diferentes ámbitos educativos, entre ellos en la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible(EDS). Este estudio consiste en una revisión de las evidencias científicas sobre el uso que se hace de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible(EDS). Como instrumentos de recogida de información, se ha tomado el repositorio bibliográfico ISI Web of Knowledge y la base de datos SCOPUS. El procedimiento del estudio es descriptivo y cuenta las referencias de artículos, libros y capítulos de libros en un periodo analizado. Los resultados cuantitativos muestran las principales áreas temáticas involucradas en el periodo analizado. La revisión cualitativa describe la producción científica sobre nuevas tecnologías digitales y EDS. El análisis de la producción científica muestra la eficacia del uso de las tecnologías digitales en Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible, e incide en el potencial motivacional y creativo de las tecnologías digitales para tratar la EDS. Las tecnologías digitales también ofrecen la posibilidad de crear nuevos entornos de aprendizaje conectando la educación formal en el aula con la educación informal.In recent years, Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) have been integrated in different educational fields, including Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). This study aims to review the scientific evidence on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). As instruments for collecting information, it have been taken the bibliographic repository ISI Web of Knowledge and the database SCOPUS. The study procedure is descriptive and counts the references of articles, books and book chapters. The results of a quantitative nature show the main thematic areas involved. The qualitative review describes the scientific production of new digital technologies and EDS in the period analyzed. The analysis of scientific production shows the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in Education for Sustainable Development, and focuses on the creative and motivational potential of digital technologies in ESD. Digital technologies also offer the possibility of creating new learning environments by connecting formal education in the classroom with informal education

    Mobiltechnológiával támogatott kutatásalapú tanulás

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    Learning supported by mobile technology is extremely popular today because these technologies can support learning in different contexts. Mobile phones, e-book readers, MP3 and portable media players, tablets, laptops, smartphones, and GPS receivers can be considered mobile technology. As it can be seen from this list, they are different IT devices that can be held in the hand. Since they are portable devices, they enable learning regardless of time and place. The learning and teaching processes realized with mobile technology are called mobile learning (m-learning). Not only the device but also the student and learning are mobile. In the 2000s, research was published in the international literature in which mobile technologies supported learning by supplementing inquiry-based learning (IBL). Mobile technology-supported inquiry-based learning (mIBL) offers potential opportunities to support different levels of inquiry and generate new types of research; it helps to arouse and maintain students’ curiosity and motivation; it connects formal school and informal natural science learning related to everyday life. Although the research results so far show that mobile technology provides adequate support for IBL learning processes, practical strategies, recommendations, and guidelines are needed for further development and appropriate educational application. This study reviews the characteristics and practical applications of mobile learning through mobile technologies, emphasizing the support of inquiry-based learning

    RExTabuada: Um Jogo Pedagógico para o Ensino da Multiplicação

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Araranguá.Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação.No presente trabalho, se propõe o projeto e implementação de um software educativo para facilitar e melhorar o ensino e a aprendizagem de um tema concernente na matemática a tabuada, considerando que a Informática na Educação, sobretudo na educação da Matemática, é um meio poderoso para desenvolver no aluno suas potencialidades, criatividade e imaginação. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com uma turma do quarto ano do Ensino Fundamental da Escola Municipal “Otávio Manoel Anastácio” do Município Araranguá/SC. A metodologia se baseou no desenvolvimento de uma aplicação computacional com um trabalho de campo. Sendo realizada uma avaliação da aplicação desenvolvida através de questionários, com uma turma do ensino fundamental constituída por 19 alunos do quarto ano do Ensino Fundamental. O questionário para avaliação, foi uma adaptação de um modelo já validado do tipo escala Lickert. Tendo obtido resultados positivos na avaliação

    Transitions in teacher education and professional identities: proceedings

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    The University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, was the host for the 2014 Annual Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), which took place in August, from the 25th to the 27th. The Conference focused on Transitions in Teacher Education and Professional Identities looked at the transitions in teacher education and analysed different experiences in professional identity of (student) teachers from an international perspective. Three keywords may be identified: challenges in teaching, dilemmas in teacher education and in teacher educators’ role and current trends that are shaping teacher education in different contexts. Similar dilemmas and even contradictions have been identified in different settings with different modes of government intervention in teacher education in which content, structure and duration are also diverse but with similar features. Another key theme discussed at the Conference was the complexity of the concept of identity and also the contested nature of the transitions: transitions for what? How? Why? These transitions and shifts in teacher education and professional identities need to be examined within the context of current policies but also in the light of the complexities and contradictions of teaching as a profession. Teacher educators are also facing transitions in teacher education curricula but also regarding their own identities. These are complex processes that may include resistance and turbulence because transitions may be troublesome for many reasons. In this regard context and language matter but also the kinds of policies and practices that exist within teacher education. There are questions that remain unanswered. However, despite the differences, the dilemmas, and even the contradictions, teacher education can make a difference in professional identity development as was the case of successful experiences that have been described in the Conference

    Apertura e flessibilità nell'istruzione superiore: oltre l'e-learning? Atti del Convegno, Perugia, 13-14-15 Novembre 2014

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    Atti del Convegno SiremSiel2014 tenutosi a Perugia dal 13 al 14 novembre 2014: "Apertura e flessibilità nell'istruzione superiore: oltre l'e-learning?

    Mobile inquiry-based learning for sustainability education in secondary schools.: Effects on knowledge and motivation

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    This paper reports about experiences and lessons learned from a recently conducted pilot study about sustainability education with mobile inquiry-based learning in a secondary school in the Netherlands. In the pilot study learners were involved in a mobile location-based game that was conducted in reserved time-slots over 5 weeks. Mobile devices of the school and of learners have been combined with a smart-energy meter network to support learning activities covering the full inquiry cycle. Analysis of data collected shows that the implementation was beneficial for learners with a low prior knowledge level and that future designs should take into account gender aspects in the design phase.This work was partially sponsored by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement N° 318499 - weSPOT project