9 research outputs found

    Notifying Investors in Time - A Mobile Information System Approach

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    Costs and benefits of superfast broadband in the UK

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    This paper was commissioned from LSE Enterprise by Convergys Smart Revenue Solutions to stimulate an open and constructive debate among the main stakeholders about the balance between the costs, the revenues, and the societal benefits of ‘superfast’ broadband. The intent has been to analyse the available facts and to propose wider perspectives on economic and social interactions. The paper has two parts: one concentrates on superfast broadband deployment and the associated economic and social implications (for the UK and its service providers), and the other considers alternative social science approaches to these implications. Both parts consider the potential contribution of smart solutions to superfast broadband provision and use. Whereas Part I takes the “national perspective” and the “service provider perspective”, which deal with the implications of superfast broadband for the UK and for service providers, Part II views matters in other ways, particularly by looking at how to realise values beyond the market economy, such as those inherent in neighbourliness, trust and democrac

    Implementation and Validation of a Real-Time Wireless Non-Invasive Physiological Monitoring in a High-G Environment

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    The overall purpose of this research is to develop a system capable of real-time personal positioning and physiological monitoring. The system will be composed of a shirt having non-invasive physiological sensors, Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, wireless data transceiver, and real-time PC-based control station. The specific purpose of this research phase was to determine the performance capabilities of a modified LifeShirtℱ alone (without GPS) in a high gravitational force environment with the data being sent wirelessly in real-time. The LifeShirtℱ was modified with a real time wireless transmission system

    Unfolding the convergence paradox: The case of mobile voice-over-IP in the UK.

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    The notion of digital and in particular Information and Communication Technology (ICT) convergence has, over the past 40 years, been in the centre of many technological discourses in different functional systems of society: from the economic and mass media to the legal and political systems. Recently, a new convergence discourse has emerged around next-generation wireless infrastructures and services. One manifestation can be seen in discussion of the mobile Internet, and in particular of new converging services connecting mobile telephony networks to the Internet. Contrary to the prominence of the topic in other domains, the Information Systems community has relegated the notion of ICT convergence to the sidelines. Only recently have there been calls to include convergence as one of the drivers for the design of new mobile infrastructures and services. However, a systematic analysis of the idea of ICT convergence is still missing. Thus, based on an extensive literature review, this dissertation aims firstly to understand if there is space for a more theoretical development of this concept in the information infrastructure literature. Secondly, it provides an initial conceptual clarification of the ICT convergence discourse. Thirdly, it suggests a systems-theoretical unfolding of the identified core distinction between convergence and divergence, namely the convergence paradox. Finally, the role of technology in these discourses is examined. This dissertation analyses the notion of convergence and provides a systems-theoretical understanding of its dynamics from a second-order cybernetics perspective. The theoretical framework of this study is based on Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Social Systems. More specifically, it uses analytical strategies based on the work by Nils A. Andersen to understand the characteristics of convergence, eventually to unfold the convergence paradox. The empirical study investigates the convergence discourses around mobile Voice-over-IP in the UK from 2000-2009. The corpus of data encompasses 39 semi-structured interviews with telecommunications experts in the field of mobile VoIP, a wide range of documents, and direct observations from practitioners' conferences. The empirical study has been part of the EPSRC / Mobile VCE Core-5 Flexible Networks Project. This dissertation contributes to the broad multi-disciplinary literature of studies dealing with the phenomenon of ICT convergence, more specifically to that on information infrastructures. It develops a conceptual clarification of the notion of convergence. The findings of this dissertation suggest seeing convergence as a difference-reduction programme. This conceptualisation has the following consequences. Firstly, it suggests that convergence is observer-dependent. Secondly, it suggests that its counter-concept is not divergence or fragmentation but rather the maintenance of difference, i.e. control. Thirdly, it suggests that convergence has to deal with the typical unintended consequences inherent in difference-reduction programmes. Furthermore, while ICT convergence treated as difference-reduction programme challenges the existing identity of the infrastructure, the primary role of control is to maintain this difference. The dynamics between these two operations seem to lead to the emergence of further fragmentation

    Invisible Search and Online Search Engines

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    " Invisible Search and Online Search Engines considers the use of search engines in contemporary everyday life and the challenges this poses for media and information literacy. Looking for mediated information is mostly done online and arbitrated by the various tools and devices that people carry with them on a daily basis. Because of this, search engines have a significant impact on the structure of our lives, and personal and public memories. Haider and Sundin consider what this means for society, whilst also uniting research on information retrieval with research on how people actually look for and encounter information. Search engines are now one of society’s key infrastructures for knowing and becoming informed. While their use is dispersed across myriads of social practices, where they have acquired close to naturalised positions, they are commercially and technically centralised. Arguing that search, searching, and search engines have become so widely used that we have stopped noticing them, Haider and Sundin consider what it means to be so reliant on this all-encompassing and increasingly invisible information infrastructure. Invisible Search and Online Search Engines is the first book to approach search and search engines from a perspective that combines insights from the technical expertise of information science research with a social science and humanities approach. As such, the book should be essential reading for academics, researchers, and students working on and studying information science, library and information science (LIS), media studies, journalism, digital cultures, and educational sciences.

    Textile materials

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    In this specialised publication, the reader will find research results and real engineering developments in the field of modern technical textiles. Modern technical textile materials, ranging from ordinary reinforcing fabrics in the construction and production of modern composite materials to specialised textile materials in the composition of electronics, sensors and other intelligent devices, play an important role in many areas of human technical activity. The use of specialized textiles, for example, in medicine makes it possible to achieve important results in diagnostics, prosthetics, surgical practice and the practice of using specialized fabrics at the health recovery stage. The use of reinforcing fabrics in construction can significantly improve the mechanical properties of concrete and various plaster mixtures, which increases the reliability and durability of various structures and buildings in general. In mechanical engineering, the use of composite materials reinforced with special textiles can simultaneously reduce weight and improve the mechanical properties of machine parts. Fabric- reinforced composites occupy a significant place in the automotive industry, aerospace engineering, and shipbuilding. Here, the mechanical reliability and thermal resistance of the body material of the product, along with its low weight, are very relevant. The presented edition will be useful and interesting for engineers and researchers whose activities are related to the design, production and application of various technical textile materials

    Fabric Or Garment With Integrated Flexible Information Infrastructure

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    A fabric, in the form of a woven or knitted fabric or garment, including a flexible information infrastructure integrated within the fabric for collecting, processing, transmitting and receiving information concerning - but not limited to - a wearer of the fabric. The fabric allows a new way to customize information processing devices to "fit" the wearer by selecting and plugging in (or removing) chips/sensors from the fabric thus creating a wearable, mobile information infrastructure that can operate in a stand-alone or networked mode. The fabric can be provided with sensors for monitoring physical aspects of the wearer, for example body vital signs, such as heart rate, EKG, pulse, respiration rate, temperature, voice, and allergic reaction, as well as penetration of the fabric. The fabric consists of a base fabric ("comfort component"), and an information infrastructure component which can consist of a penetration detection component, or an electrical conductive component, or both. The preferred penetration detection component is a sheathed optical fiber. The information infrastructure component can include, in addition to an electrically conductive textile yarn, a sensor or a connector for a sensor. A process is provided for making an electrical interconnection between intersecting electrically conductive yarns. Furthermore, a process is established for sheathing the plastic optical fiber and protecting it.Georgia Tech Research Corp