4 research outputs found

    Médias localisés & mobilités partagées, création & activation dans trois dispositifs artistiques contemporains

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    Un nombre croissant de dispositifs artistiques, ludiques et fictionnels utilisent comme fondements la mobilité des personnes et leurs interactions par l’intermédiaire d’interfaces numériques. Dans ce contexte, les notions de médias situés et de mobilités partagées constituent deux déterminations essentielles qui sont complémentaires. Trois exemples de pratiques artistiques qui profitent de ces bouleversements très importants dans notre approche de la culture et des médias sont ici présenté

    Enhanced device-based 3D object manipulation technique for handheld mobile augmented reality

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    3D object manipulation is one of the most important tasks for handheld mobile Augmented Reality (AR) towards its practical potential, especially for realworld assembly support. In this context, techniques used to manipulate 3D object is an important research area. Therefore, this study developed an improved device based interaction technique within handheld mobile AR interfaces to solve the large range 3D object rotation problem as well as issues related to 3D object position and orientation deviations in manipulating 3D object. The research firstly enhanced the existing device-based 3D object rotation technique with an innovative control structure that utilizes the handheld mobile device tilting and skewing amplitudes to determine the rotation axes and directions of the 3D object. Whenever the device is tilted or skewed exceeding the threshold values of the amplitudes, the 3D object rotation will start continuously with a pre-defined angular speed per second to prevent over-rotation of the handheld mobile device. This over-rotation is a common occurrence when using the existing technique to perform large-range 3D object rotations. The problem of over-rotation of the handheld mobile device needs to be solved since it causes a 3D object registration error and a 3D object display issue where the 3D object does not appear consistent within the user’s range of view. Secondly, restructuring the existing device-based 3D object manipulation technique was done by separating the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the 3D object translation and rotation to prevent the 3D object position and orientation deviations caused by the DOF integration that utilizes the same control structure for both tasks. Next, an improved device-based interaction technique, with better performance on task completion time for 3D object rotation unilaterally and 3D object manipulation comprehensively within handheld mobile AR interfaces was developed. A pilot test was carried out before other main tests to determine several pre-defined values designed in the control structure of the proposed 3D object rotation technique. A series of 3D object rotation and manipulation tasks was designed and developed as separate experimental tasks to benchmark both the proposed 3D object rotation and manipulation techniques with existing ones on task completion time (s). Two different groups of participants aged 19-24 years old were selected for both experiments, with each group consisting sixteen participants. Each participant had to complete twelve trials, which came to a total 192 trials per experiment for all the participants. Repeated measure analysis was used to analyze the data. The results obtained have statistically proven that the developed 3D object rotation technique markedly outpaced existing technique with significant shorter task completion times of 2.04s shorter on easy tasks and 3.09s shorter on hard tasks after comparing the mean times upon all successful trials. On the other hand, for the failed trials, the 3D object rotation technique was 4.99% more accurate on easy tasks and 1.78% more accurate on hard tasks in comparison to the existing technique. Similar results were also extended to 3D object manipulation tasks with an overall 9.529s significant shorter task completion time of the proposed manipulation technique as compared to the existing technique. Based on the findings, an improved device-based interaction technique has been successfully developed to address the insufficient functionalities of the current technique

    Mobile Augmented Reality Interaction Techniques for Authoring Situated Media On-Site

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    We present a set of mobile augmented reality interaction techniques for authoring situated media: multimedia and hypermedia that are embedded within the physical environment. Our techniques are designed for use with a tracked hand-held tablet display with an attached camera, and rely on “freezing ” the frame for later editing. 1

    Realidade aumentada: modelos de interação e visualização em tablets

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    Mestrado em Comunicação MultimédiaA evolução tecnológica que se tem verificado ao longo dos últimos anos, abriu novos horizontes e novas fronteiras à forma como hoje nós, seres humanos, nos relacionamos, comunicamos e interagimos com o mundo. Um marco associado a esta nova Era tecnológica, é o surgimento de dispositivos móveis. Os mais recentes dispositivos móveis, e em particular os tablets, caraterizam-se por uma nova abordagem paradigmática à forma como se interage e manipula informação. A atual conjuntura tecnológica destes dispositivos e dos seus suportes, possibilitou que novos contextos aplicacionais emergissem. É assim, neste quadro, que a tecnologia de realidade aumentada encontra um novo suporte aplicacional, que trás consigo um conjunto de características diferenciadoras dos suportes existentes até então. No entanto, a celeridade com que esta solução e oportunidade tecnológica emerge trouxe consigo um conjunto de desafios tecnológicos mas também, e acima de tudo, humanos. A forma como se projeta a mediação humano-tecnológica determina o seu potencial uso e exploração em diferentes áreas de atividade Humana. Este é o contexto que estabelece o ponto de partida para esta investigação científica. Desenvolvido em contexto empresarial na PT Inovação, este projeto tem como objetivo explorar, concetualizar e validar novas propostas de mediação tecnológica assentes nos domínios de interação e visualização de informação. Através de um processo iterativo e criativo foram assim concetualizadas várias propostas, que foram posteriormente avaliadas com base num protótipo funcional: MarvIn. Através deste processo de avaliação procurou-se determinar a validade, viabilidade e contributo que estas propostas vêm acrescentar a este ainda recente domínio científico.The technological evolution that has occurred over the last few years has permanently changed the way we - humans - relate, communicate and interact in today’s world. A milestone associated with this new technological Era is the emergence market of mobile devices. The most recent mobile devices, and tablets in particular, are characterized by a new paradigmatic approach to how one can interact and manipulate information. The current technological environment and support of these devices, opened a way for new applicational contexts to emerge. Following this trend, augmented reality technologies find a new applicational support, which brings a new set of features not possible before. However, the promptitude in which this solution and opportunity have thrived, has brought a number of technological and, above all, human challenges. The way the human-technological mediation is designed, defines its potential use and development in different areas of human activity. This is the context that provides the starting point for this scientific research. Developed in an enterprise environment at PT Inovação, this project aims to explore, conceptualize and validate new approaches based in the areas of interaction and information visualization. Through an iterative and creative process, several models were developed and evaluated base on a prototype: MarvIn. Through this evaluation process, this project attempted to resolve the validity, viability and contributions that the project conclusions can add to this recent scientific domain