3 research outputs found

    Mobile Social Networks For Live Meetings

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    In this article, we present an idea of combining social networking websites andmodern mobile devices abilities to transfer social networking activity to a higherlevel. Nowadays, these devices and websites are used to offer ability of remotecommunication (phone calls, message exchange etc.), which potentially can beused to notify people about meetings in the real world. Since the current socialnetwork models do not provide enough information for such notification (socialnetworking websites are examples of social networks) a new social network modelthat will be suitable for the above mentioned application is proposed and a newsocial platform that base on mobile devices is introduced. This platform cannotify users when their friends are nearby. The paper presents the model andthe simulation that verifies the approach

    Modelling Agents Cooperation Through Internal Visions of Social Network and Episodic Memory

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    Human societies appear in many types of simulations. Particularly, a lot of new computer games contain a virtual world that imitates the real world. A few of the most important and the most difficult society elements to be modelled are the social context and individuals cooperation. In this paper we show how the social context and cooperation ability can be provided using agents that are equipped with internal visions of mutual social relations. Internal vision is a representation of social relations from the agent's point of view so, due to being subjective, it may be inconsistent with the reality. We introduce the agent model and the mechanism of rebuilding the agent's internal vision that is similar to that used by humans. An experimental proof of concept implementation is also presented

    Mobile social networks for live meetings

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. 99-100.In this article, we present an idea of combining social networking websites and modern mobile devices abilities to transfer social networking activity to a higher level. Nowadays, these devices and websites are used to offer ability of remote communication (phone calls, message exchange etc.), which potentially can be used to notify people about meetings in the real world. Since the current social network models do not provide enough information for such notification (social networking websites are examples of social networks) a new social network model that will be suitable for the above mentioned application is proposed and a new social platform that base on mobile devices is introduced. This platform can notify users when their friends are nearby. The paper presents the model and the simulation that verifies the approach.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.KEYWORDS: social networks, social networking websites, mobile devices