418 research outputs found

    Efficiency of PRI and WRR DiffServ scheduling mechanisms for real-time services on UMTS environment

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    The next generation of mobile phones will be probably all-IP based enabling users to access Internet services. In order to make this possible a satisfactory quality of service, at least equal to the fixed Internet, must be ensured. To achieve this goal an end-to-end QoS system must be constructed. Another fact is the dominance of IP over other technologies due, in large measure, to its characteristic of working with heterogeneous technologies. Consequently, being IP the common denominator on a heterogeneous environment, it is important to develop end-to-end IP QoS guarantees for the different applications over distinct access technologies. This is particularly important for cellular wireless networks due to the ever growing expansion of mobile phone users. One way to contribute to this goal is to apply DiffServ QoS mechanisms to UMTS technology in order to model an End-to-End QoS communication system. A mapping of DiffServ CodePoints into UMTS classes can be applied in order to get efficient PHB configurations. This paper proposes an architecture to support end-to-end quality of service to several application services running on mobile UMTS user agents and communicating with servers located in a wired internet. The proposed architecture is based on a DiffServ model, where QoS parameters are set either by the user agent or by the SGSN. In particular, RED queue management and PRI or WRR scheduling policies are enforced. Different UMTS traffic classes are mapped into different DiffServ parameters. The performance of this architecture has been evaluated by simulation using NS, assuming different network load scenarios. In particular, the delay and packet loss experienced by VoIP, Video, FTP and HTTP traffic are evaluated in the cases of PRI and WRR scheduling policies, and compared to those measured when DiffServ is not implemented. Finally, a revenue function to estimate the profits that an ISP could expect by using a DiffServ implementation on IP UMTS core routers is proposed.(undefined

    A pricing proposal for a QoS enabled UMTS network

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    ArticleThird generation networks e.g. the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) provide higher data transfer rates which enables the transport of real-time multimedia traffic e.g. streaming video. The cost of Internet access over mobile networks remains high yet user demand for mobile services is increasing rapidly. In order for mobile computing to become viable, the deployment of charging schemes that would see the cost of communication reflect the utilization of resources on the network is necessary. A dynamic charging scheme is an attractive solution. When prices change, users need to indicate their willingness to continue using the service especially when a price increase is beyond the level they anticipated. In this paper we propose a charging scheme that relies on the congestion at the RNC of the UMTS to calculate pricing coefficients, which are in turn used in determining the charge incurred for using the network. The use of user profiles and network agents in the management of the charging scheme is also explored.Third generation networks e.g. the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) provide higher data transfer rates which enables the transport of real-time multimedia traffic e.g. streaming video. The cost of Internet access over mobile networks remains high yet user demand for mobile services is increasing rapidly. In order for mobile computing to become viable, the deployment of charging schemes that would see the cost of communication reflect the utilization of resources on the network is necessary. A dynamic charging scheme is an attractive solution. When prices change, users need to indicate their willingness to continue using the service especially when a price increase is beyond the level they anticipated. In this paper we propose a charging scheme that relies on the congestion at the RNC of the UMTS to calculate pricing coefficients, which are in turn used in determining the charge incurred for using the network. The use of user profiles and network agents in the management of the charging scheme is also explored

    A source-destination based dynamic pricing scheme to optimize resource utilization in heterogeneous wireless networks

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    Mobile wireless resources demand is rapidly growing due to the proliferation of bandwidth-hungry mobile devices and applications. This has resulted in congestion in mobile wireless networks (MWN) especially during the peak hours when user traffic can be as high as tenfold the average traffic. Mobile network operators (MNOs) have been trying to solve this problem in various ways. First, MNOs have tried to expand the network capacity but have still been unable to meet the peak hour demand. Focus has then shifted to economic and behavioral mechanisms. The widely used of these economic mechanisms is dynamic pricing which varies the MWN resources' price according to the congestion level in the MWN. This encourages users to shift their non-critical traffic from the busy hour, when the MWN is congested, to off-peak hours when the network is under-utilized. As a result, congestion of the MWN during the peak hours is reduced. At the same time, the MWN utilization during the off-peak hours is also increased. The current dynamic pricing schemes, however, only consider the congestion level in the call-originating cell and neglect the call-destination cell when computing the dynamic price. Due to this feature, we refer the current dynamic pricing schemes as source–based dynamic pricing (SDP) schemes in this work. The main problem with these schemes is that, when the majority of the users in a congested cell are callees, dynamic pricing is ineffective because callers and not callees pay for network services, and resources used by callers and callees are the same for symmetric services. For example, application of dynamic pricing does not deter a callee located in a congested cell from receiving a call, which originates from a caller located in an uncongested cell. Also, when the distribution of prospective callees is higher than that of callers in an underutilized cell, SDP schemes are ineffective as callees do not pay for a call and therefore low discounts do not entice them to increase utilization. In this distribution, dynamic pricing entices prospective callers to make calls but since their distribution is low, the MWN resource utilization does not increase by any significant margin. To address these problems, we have developed a source-destination based dynamic pricing (SDBDP) scheme, which considers congestion levels in both the call-originating and calldestination cells to compute the dynamic price to be paid by a caller. This SDBDP scheme is integrated with a load-based joint call admission control (JCAC) algorithm for admitting incoming service requests in to the least utilized radio access technology (RAT). The load-based JCAC algorithm achieves uniform traffic distribution in the heterogeneous wireless network (HWN). To test the SDBDP scheme, we have developed an analytical model based on M/M/m/m queuing model. New or handoff service requests, arriving when all the RATs in the HWN are fully utilized, lead to call blocking for new calls and call dropping for handoff calls. The call blocking probability, call dropping probability and percentage MWN utilization are used as the performance metrics in evaluating the SDBDP scheme. An exponential demand model is used to approximate the users' response to the presented dynamic price. The exponential demand model captures both the price elasticity of demand and the demand shift constant for different users. The matrix laboratory (MATLAB) tool has been used to carry out the numerical simulations. An evaluation scenario consisting of four groups of co-located cells each with three RATs is used. Both SDP and the developed SDBDP schemes have been subjected under the evaluation scenario. Simulation results show that the developed SDBDP scheme reduces both the new call blocking and handoff call dropping probabilities during the peak hours, for all callercallee distributions. On the other hand, the current SDP scheme only reduces new call blocking and handoff call dropping probabilities only under some caller –callee distributions (When the callers were the majority in the HWN). Also, the SDBDP scheme increases the percentage MWN utilization during the off-peak for all the caller-callee distributions in the HWN. On the other hand, the SDP scheme is found to increase the percentage MWN utilization only when the distribution of callers is higher than that of callees in the HWN. From analyzing the simulations results, we conclude that the SDBDP scheme achieves better congestion control and MWN resource utilization than the existing SDP schemes, under arbitrary caller-callee distribution

    Enhancing cooperation in wireless networks using different concepts of game theory

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    PhDOptimizing radio resource within a network and across cooperating heterogeneous networks is the focus of this thesis. Cooperation in a multi-network environment is tackled by investigating network selection mechanisms. These play an important role in ensuring quality of service for users in a multi-network environment. Churning of mobile users from one service provider to another is already common when people change contracts and in a heterogeneous communication environment, where mobile users have freedom to choose the best wireless service-real time selection is expected to become common feature. This real time selection impacts both the technical and the economic aspects of wireless network operations. Next generation wireless networks will enable a dynamic environment whereby the nodes of the same or even different network operator can interact and cooperate to improve their performance. Cooperation has emerged as a novel communication paradigm that can yield tremendous performance gains from the physical layer all the way up to the application layer. Game theory and in particular coalitional game theory is a highly suited mathematical tool for modelling cooperation between wireless networks and is investigated in this thesis. In this thesis, the churning behaviour of wireless service users is modelled by using evolutionary game theory in the context of WLAN access points and WiMAX networks. This approach illustrates how to improve the user perceived QoS in heterogeneous networks using a two-layered optimization. The top layer views the problem of prediction of the network that would be chosen by a user where the criteria are offered bit rate, price, mobility support and reputation. At the second level, conditional on the strategies chosen by the users, the network provider hypothetically, reconfigures the network, subject to the network constraints of bandwidth and acceptable SNR and optimizes the network coverage to support users who would otherwise not be serviced adequately. This forms an iterative cycle until a solution that optimizes the user satisfaction subject to the adjustments that the network provider can make to mitigate the binding constraints, is found and applied to the real network. The evolutionary equilibrium, which is used to 3 compute the average number of users choosing each wireless service, is taken as the solution. This thesis also proposes a fair and practical cooperation framework in which the base stations belonging to the same network provider cooperate, to serve each other‘s customers. How this cooperation can potentially increase their aggregate payoffs through efficient utilization of resources is shown for the case of dynamic frequency allocation. This cooperation framework needs to intelligently determine the cooperating partner and provide a rational basis for sharing aggregate payoff between the cooperative partners for the stability of the coalition. The optimum cooperation strategy, which involves the allocations of the channels to mobile customers, can be obtained as solutions of linear programming optimizations

    LTE network slicing and resource trading schemes for machine-to-machine communications

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is envisioned as the future of human-free communications. IoT relies on Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications rather than conventional Human-to-Human (H2H) communications. It is expected that billions of Machine Type Communication Devices (MTCDs) will be connected to the Internet in the near future. Consequently, the mobile data traffic is poised to increase dramatically. Long Term Evolution (LTE) and its subsequent technology LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) are the candidate carriers of M2M communications for the IoT purposes. Despite the significant increase of traffic due to IoT, the Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) revenues are not increasing at the same pace. Hence, many MNOs have resorted to sharing their radio resources and parts of their infrastructures, in what is known as Network Virtualization (NV). In the thesis, we focus on slicing in which an operator known as Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), does not own a spectrum license or mobile infrastructure, and relies on a larger MNO to serve its users. The large licensed MNO divides its spectrum pool into slices. Each MVNO reserves one or more slice(s). There are 2 forms of slice scheduling: Resource-based in which the slices are assigned a portion of radio resources or Data rate-based in which the slices are assigned a certain bandwidth. In the first part of this thesis we present different approaches for adapting resource-based NV, Data rate-based NV to Machine Type Communication (MTC). This will be done in such a way that resources are allocated to each slice depending on the delay budget of the MTCDs deployed in the slice and their payloads. The adapted NV schemes are then simulated and compared to the Static Reservation (SR) of radio resources. They have all shown an improved performance over SR from deadline missing perspective. In the second part of the thesis, we introduce a novel resource trading scheme that allows sharing operators to trade their radio resources based on the varying needs of their clients with time. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to optimize the resource trading among the virtual operators. The proposed trading scheme is simulated and compared to the adapted schemes from the first part of the thesis. The novel trading scheme has shown to achieve significantly better performance compared to the adapted schemes

    A Unified Approach for Improving QoS and Provider Revenue in 3G Mobile Networks

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    In this paper, we introduce a unified approach for the adaptive control of 3G mobile networks in order to improve both quality of service (QoS) for mobile subscribers and to increase revenue for service providers. The introduced approach constantly monitors QoS measures as packet loss probability and the current number of active mobile users during operation of the network. Based on the values of the QoS measures just observed, the system parameters of the admission controller and packet scheduler are controlled by the adaptive performance management entity. Considering UMTS, we present performance curves showing that handover failure probability is improved by more than one order of magnitude. Moreover, the packet loss probability can be effectively regulated to a predefined level and provider revenue is significantly increased for all pricing policies

    Distributed Rate Allocation Policies for Multi-Homed Video Streaming over Heterogeneous Access Networks

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    We consider the problem of rate allocation among multiple simultaneous video streams sharing multiple heterogeneous access networks. We develop and evaluate an analytical framework for optimal rate allocation based on observed available bit rate (ABR) and round-trip time (RTT) over each access network and video distortion-rate (DR) characteristics. The rate allocation is formulated as a convex optimization problem that minimizes the total expected distortion of all video streams. We present a distributed approximation of its solution and compare its performance against H-infinity optimal control and two heuristic schemes based on TCP-style additive-increase-multiplicative decrease (AIMD) principles. The various rate allocation schemes are evaluated in simulations of multiple high-definition (HD) video streams sharing multiple access networks. Our results demonstrate that, in comparison with heuristic AIMD-based schemes, both media-aware allocation and H-infinity optimal control benefit from proactive congestion avoidance and reduce the average packet loss rate from 45% to below 2%. Improvement in average received video quality ranges between 1.5 to 10.7 dB in PSNR for various background traffic loads and video playout deadlines. Media-aware allocation further exploits its knowledge of the video DR characteristics to achieve a more balanced video quality among all streams.Comment: 12 pages, 22 figure

    Non-cooperative Feedback Rate Control Game for Channel State Information in Wireless Networks

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    It has been well recognized that channel state information (CSI) feedback is of great importance for dowlink transmissions of closed-loop wireless networks. However, the existing work typically researched the CSI feedback problem for each individual mobile station (MS), and thus, cannot efficiently model the interactions among self-interested mobile users in the network level. To this end, in this paper, we propose an alternative approach to investigate the CSI feedback rate control problem in the analytical setting of a game theoretic framework, in which a multiple-antenna base station (BS) communicates with a number of co-channel MSs through linear precoder. Specifically, we first present a non-cooperative feedback-rate control game (NFC), in which each MS selects the feedback rate to maximize its performance in a distributed way. To improve efficiency from a social optimum point of view, we then introduce pricing, called the non-cooperative feedback-rate control game with price (NFCP). The game utility is defined as the performance gain by CSI feedback minus the price as a linear function of the CSI feedback rate. The existence of the Nash equilibrium of such games is investigated, and two types of feedback protocols (FDMA and CSMA) are studied. Simulation results show that by adjusting the pricing factor, the distributed NFCP game results in close optimal performance compared with that of the centralized scheme.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on Game Theory in Wireless Communications, 201

    Internet Accounting

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    This article provides an introduction to Internet accounting and discusses the status of related work within the IETF and IRTF, as well as certain research projects. Internet accounting is different from accounting in POTS. To understand Internet accounting, it is important to answer questions like "what is being paid for" and "who is being paid". With respect to the question "what is being paid for" a distinction can be made between transport accounting and content accounting. Transport accounting is interesting since techniques like DiffServ enable the provision of different quality of service classes; each class will be charged differently to avoid all users selecting the same top-level class. The interest in content accounting finds its roots in the fast growth of commercial offerings over the Internet; examples of such offerings include remote video and software distribution. The question "who is being paid" has two possible answers: the network provider or the owner of the content. The case in which the network provider issues the bill is called provider-based accounting. Since this case will become more and more important, this article introduces a new architecture for provider-based accounting