2 research outputs found

    Towards an Approach to Identify and Assess the Mobile Eligibility of Business Processes

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    So far, the discussion about the usage of mobile devices in companies was strongly technology driven. However, current mobiledevices and related mobile networks have reached a high level of maturity. For this reason, technological issues are nolonger obstacles for using mobile devices within companies’ business processes. From our perspective, identifying businessprocess activities, which can be improved by mobile device support, is currently rather important. The degree of suitability ofbusiness processes for mobile device support is called the mobile eligibility of a business process. Aim of this paper is topresent an approach that supports the systematic analysis and assessment of the mobile eligibility of business processes, takinginto account a set of structured, adaptable criteria to deliberate between potential business values added by mobile devicesand the typical mobile device characteristics

    On the usage of theories in the field of Wirtschaftsinformatik : a quantitative literature analysis

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    The development of theories is a central goal of every scientific discipline. Hence, theory development is also of considerable importance to the field of Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), which seeks to progress as a scientific discipline. WI is the discipline focussing on research and design of information systems conducted by the German-speaking community. WI has slightly different objectives, focusses on different methods and different desired results compared to the Anglo-American Information Systems (IS) research discipline. Although both disciplines deal with information systems as their main research object, Mertens et al. (2014) propose to consider both disciplines as halfsister disciplines (in German: Halbschwesterdisziplinen). Against the background of the growing importance of theory development in WI, a lot of WI research contributions use and reference existing theories and theoretical models for different purposes, e.g. to derive and test hypotheses or to justify design decisions in the context of information systems’ design and development. Often, these theories originate from related scientific disciplines like economics or psychology. However, as it is still not clear which theories are of particular importance to WI research, this report aims at presenting a detailed analysis of the current usage of theories in WI and addresses the following research questions: Which theories are used in WI research and where do they originate from? and How has the usage of theories developed over time? These questions were examined based on a systematic analysis of a broad amount of scientific literature. Thus, this report is supposed to make a contribution to the ongoing discussion on the theoretical foundations of WI. Our analysis shows that 1,160 WI articles from 2000 to 2011 do, in large part, reference the same theories as Anglo-American Information Systems (IS) research. These findings are discussed and implications are highlighted