3 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of multi-source wireless multimedia content delivery

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    In order to create an improved experience in variable network delivery conditions, immersive multimedia content can be delivered over existing network environments, from multiple sources. These sources are normally servers located in the cloud, in various locations. Storytelling and certain related content, such as the immersive opera multimedia data in the context of the European Horizon2020 project TRACTION, require multimedia players to be able to receive content simultaneously from several locations, and at times, merge the content, creating new content in real-time. For instance, 360° recordings and polygonal 3D content can be delivered from different locations,and the end-user receives the unified content on his or her device. This paper introduces a study of how devices can be analysed, in terms of metrics, when receiving multimedia content from multiple sources, as the network and the devices have constraints regarding performance and video quality

    Delivery, distribution and prediction of multimedia contents in software-defined networks

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    Orientador: Varese Salvador TimoteoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de TecnologiaResumo: Nos últimos anos, aplicações e serviços multimídia, tais como para o acesso e compartilhamento de conteúdos de áudio e vídeo ou para realização de jogos online, dentre outras, tornaram-se extremamente populares. Por outro lado, esses novos serviços e aplicações tornaram o fluxo de tráfego de rede, além de mais intenso, mais detalhado e complexo, exigindo abordagens específicas para comunicações multimídia. Diante desse cenário, este trabalho propõe e explora, enquanto recursos de um gateway multimídia no âmbito de Redes Definidas por Software (SDN) OpenFlow, algumas abordagens que objetivam aprimorar comunicações multimídia no que se refere ao encaminhamento, à distribuição e à predição de seus conteúdos ao longo de rede. Para esse propósito, no âmbito de um gateway multimídia em SDN, os seguintes aspectos são especialmente discutidos neste trabalho: (I) identificação, classificação e encaminhamento diferenciado de fluxos de tráfego multimídia; (II) encaminhamento por fluxos com suporte à Qualidade de Serviço (QoS); (III) cache de conteúdos multimídia; e, (IV) predição de conteúdos multimídia. Nesse contexto, para efeitos de experimentação e avaliação acerca das abordagens empregadas neste trabalho, um ambiente de emulação e um ambiente de simulação são utilizados para a obtenção de resultados experimentais. Em linhas gerais, os resultados obtidos mostram que tais abordagens, enquanto recursos de um gateway multimídia no âmbito de SDNs OpenFlow, são capazes de fornecer recursos para aprimorar comunicações multimídia ao longo da rede, nesse caso, com ênfase no encaminhamento, na distribuição e na predição de conteúdos multimídiaAbstract: In the last few years, multimedia applications and services, such as for multimedia sharing services for audio and video contents, and for online gaming, among others, are becoming more and more popular. On the other hand, these multimedia applications and services increase the network traffic load and make the traffic profiles more detailed and complex, requiring the use of specific approaches for multimedia communications. In this scenario, this work proposes and explores, as resources of a multimedia gateway in the context of OpenFlow Software-Defined Networks (SDN), some approaches and resources that aim to enhance multimedia communications over the network, with focus on multimedia routing, multimedia distribution and multimedia content prediction. For this purpose, in the context of a multimedia gateway in OpenFlow SDN, the following aspects are especially considered and discussed in this work: (I) identification, classification and differentiated routing of multimedia traffic flows; (II) per-flow routing with Quality of Service (QoS) support; (III) multimedia content caching; and, (IV) multimedia content prediction. In this context, for experimentation and evaluation purposes of the approaches proposed in this work, an emulation environment and a simulation environment are used to obtain experimental results. In summary, the obtained results show that the approaches proposed in this work, as resources of a multimedia gateway in OpenFlow SDN, are able to provide resources to enhance multimedia communications over the network, in this case, with emphasis on multimedia routing, multimedia distribution and multimedia content predictionDoutoradoSistemas de Informação e ComunicaçãoDoutor em TecnologiaCAPE

    Mobile Multi-Source High Quality Multimedia Delivery Scheme

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    Increasing amount of multimedia content is being delivered over heterogeneous networks to diverse user types, holding various devices, many of them mobile. Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have already become both consumers and sources of multimedia content, but the delivery quality varies widely, especially due to their users’ mobility. In order to support increasing the quality of the multimedia content delivered to a growing number of mobile users, this paper introduces a mobile multi-source high quality multimedia delivery scheme (M3QD). M3QD supports efficient high quality multimedia content delivery to mobile users from multiple sources. Both simulations and prototyping-based perceptual tests show how increased user perceived video quality and improved mobility support is achieved when using M3QD in comparison with the case when a single source classic approach is employed. M3QD can be used in various scenarios involving multimedia content distribution between mobile users in leisure parks or around tourist attractions, content exchange between vehicles on urban roads and even information delivery in industrial applications, where content has to be shared between large number or diverse mobile users