5,564 research outputs found

    A formative evaluation of an instant messaging-based HIV and AIDS helpline in South Africa

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.Widespread adoption of mobile phone-based innovative interventions hinge on clear guidelines and standards being established on how such programmes should be designed and implemented to promote high impact levels. This report is a formative evaluation of RedChatZone, a pilot instant messaging-based programme implemented in 2009 to provide an HIV and AIDS helpline via Mxit, an instant messaging platform

    Global Kids Online South Africa: barriers, opportunities and risks. A glimpse into South African children’s internet use and online activities

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    How do children use the internet? How do they access it? Does it present risks or opportunities for them, or both? What do parents think of their children’s online activities? Do they support it as an opportunity for learning? Or do they see it as harmful? We asked 913 children between nine and seventeen years, from three provinces in South Africa, and from different levels of household incomes, these questions and more. To compare their answers and find out more about the parents’ internet use, we asked 532 parents of the same children the same questions. Finally, we dug deeper into the children and parents’ answers with focus group discussions with 49 children and 20 of their parents. The report contains some of the things we found – some surprising, some not. It also makes some recommendations for opportunities for parents, teachers and schools, policy makers and reserachers, and mobile companies

    Online and digital media usage on cell phones among low-income urban youth in Cape Town

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 69-76).Cell phones introduce a range of new possibilities for the use and production of media, for social networking and communication, political activism, and social development. For this study, 441 grade 11 students at nine schools in low-income areas in Cape Town, South Africa were surveyed about their use of cell phones. These young South Africans have adopted a number of ways to use the Web and mobile Instant Messaging. They also commonly access, produce, and share digital media via their phones and the Internet. Internet access has, until recently, only been accessible to the wealthiest fraction of South African society (about 10% of the population) and so this is a highly significant development. Until now, little quantitative data has been available to describe exactly to what extent and how this cohort is beginning to access and use the Internet and digital media on cell phones. The students reported intensive use of cell phones to access mobile Internet applications, at a far greater level than they report using desktop computers to access the Web. Mobile Internet is considerably more accessible to these students than computer-based Internet access and they are choosing to use the Internet primarily for mobile instant messaging and other characteristic forms of mobile media use. This suggests that these students encounter a distinct, mobile version of the Internet. Their experience of Internet access and digital media may consequently be quite different to that of their computer-using peers. An exploratory media and technology usage approach was chosen to determine first, the availability of cell phones and specific features to the students, and, second, the extent to which online and digital media are being accessed, produced, or shared. A detailed questionnaire was distributed to all students from thirteen grade 11 classes at nine schools (n=441). The schools were chosen as random cluster samples from all public secondary schools located in the city's 50% most deprived areas in order to provide a detailed assessment of cell phone usage in an environment similar to that which prevails in many urban South African schools. Activity-based questions indicate that a majority of respondents (68%) have used a cell phone on the previous day to access the Internet, while half of all respondents (49%) used the mobile Internet to access the Web on the previous day. Interpersonal communication was still the most common use of phones, with 87% of respondents making calls or sending SMS messages on a typical day. A significant minority (23%) of students did not own their own personal handset, despite the near universal use of cell phones among all respondents (96% use one on a typical day). While phone ownership correlated strongly with a sense of economic deprivation as well as lower academic performance, there was no significant difference between both groups in terms of their mobile Internet usage. Thus the fact that some students do not own a phone does not seem to create a 'mobile divide' or automatically lead to exclusion from the possibilities of mobile Internet access. Online media were found to be less frequently used than broadcast and print sources. Nonetheless, the fact that 28% of low-income urban youth access online news about once every day, or more often, may have significant implications for South Africa's news media, particularly in the future. Despite the geographical limitations of this study, the results provide an illuminating snapshot of mobile media use by low-income school-going youth in urban Cape Town

    Applying an Extended Task-Technology Fit for Establishing Determinants of Mobile Learning: An Instant Messaging Initiative

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    The high proliferation of mobile instant messaging (MIM) among university students creates opportunities for a new wave of mobile learning. However, correlational methods for assessing factors that influence student performance impacts on MIM platforms for learning are blurry. The task-technology fit theory has been widely used in the past in predicting performance impacts of users after using new technology. Despite the momentum gained by this framework in the information systems community, it lacks focus on user characteristics. The purpose of this study is to develop an extended model for task-technology fit through an integration of individual antecedent characteristics. Data were collected from 223 participants using a survey questionnaire. The analysis was performed using the partial least squares approach to structural equation modelling. The findings of the study confirmed the original task-technology fit hypotheses considered in this study. Study findings associated with individual antecedent characteristics indicate that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of the academic use of the MIM positively influence task-technology fit, while social influence was found to have no significant bearing on task-technology fit

    Call on me : the cell phone : a multi-media tool of communication amongst South African youth and how it can be used to platform youth stories for media and advertising

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 75-80).This media dissertation researches the cell phone's actual and potential role as a multimedia tool of communication amongst South African youth and looks at how it can be used to platform youth stories for media and advertising. The youth's connection to the cell phone has come to mean so much more than its actual technological functions. This media dissertation investigates the cell phone phenomenon amongst the youth of today, by looking at both local and international trends, with a more intimate focus on the current trends amongst the South African youth. It will look at the sociology of the cell phone and the culture surrounding it. It will then consider new technology and how the cell phone's role may also be a tool for leapfrogging in South Africa. It is also important to consider the negative connotations that arise with the cell phone's infiltration amongst the youth.Through analysis of recent research about the cell phone's impact on the youth here and internationally, two opposing media directions are identified: the cell phone as a tool in marketing and advertising; and the cell phone as a tool in investigative journalism. By analyzing two different areas, this media dissertation creates a broad and holistic understanding of the cell phone's potential functions through a strong literature review. Firstly, the cell phone's function in marketing and advertising will be analyzed. This media dissertation will take into account the youth market in South Africa through a case study of one of South Africa's strategic consultancy companies: Instant Grass. Through a close look at the youth market now, it will be possible to create a greater understanding of the current trends and how to capitalize on these trends. In terms of marketing and advertising, this media dissertation then discusses an advertising exercise with a youth group studying Film and Media Studies at the University of Cape Town. Secondly, the cell phone in terms of media and investigative journalism will be analysed through fieldwork done with etv's 3rd Degree. This media dissertation looks at how the cell phone could be used as a tool for youth stories by looking at the parameters involved in creating investigative stories. This chapter also takes a look at the issue of citizen journalism in the digital publishing world today and the rate at which cell phone technology is spurring this development on

    Mediating identity, 'mobile-ising' culture : the social impact of MXIt in the relational lives of teens

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    The primary aim of the study was to examine the mediating role that MXit plays in the identity formation of 16-18 year old adolescents. Little is known about the social impact of MXit on adolescents’ identities when this usage is so deeply embedded in the relational exchanges of teens’ everyday experiences. Nine focus groups, four group interviews and two one on one interviews were employed across six schools located in four socioeconomically divergent Cape Town suburbs demarcated using middle to upper-income (Milnerton and Newlands) and lower-income (Khayelitsha and Cloetesville) operational definitions

    Mobile bullying in South Africa – exploring its nature, influencing factors and implications

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    Mobile bullying is a form of electronic bullying that is relatively new. It involves the use of mobile technology applications such as email, chat rooms, instant messaging and small text messages. This form of bullying often goes unnoticed. Victims, institutions and parents are unaware of how to deal with it and there is limited knowledge about its legal and social implications. Due to an increase in mobile web adoption as well as active mobile users in South Africa, mobile bullying is escalating and has become a major concern in schools and communities. There is limited empirical research examining this type of aggression in schools. We lack knowledge of the nature and prevalence in schools and there are no effective models to predict or measure the level of this aggression. The present study aims to bridge this gap by examining the nature, prevalence and implications of this form of aggression in various South African high schools. The study will also identify the significant factors influencing this aggression and aims to create awareness of the problem

    Qualitative study of the sexual and reproductive health concerns of female adolescents using a new digital program in the United States

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    Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references