20 research outputs found

    Mobile IPv4 Extension for Carrying Network Access Identifiers

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    Enhancing IPsec Performance in Mobile IPv6 Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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    Internet has become indispensable to the modern society nowadays. Due to the dynamic nature of human activities, the evolving mobile technology has played a significant role and it is reflected in the exponential growth of the number of mobile users globally. However, the characteristic of the Internet as an open network made it vulnerable to various malicious activities. To secure communication at network layer, IETF recommended IPsec as a security feature. Mobile IPv6 as the successor of the current mobile technology, Mobile IPv4, also mandated the use of IPsec. However, since IPsec is a set of security algorithm, it has several well-known weaknesses such as bootstrapping issue when generating a security association as well as complex key exchange mechanism. It is a well-known fact that IPsec has a high overhead especially when implemented on Mobile IPv6 and used on limited energy devices such as mobile devices. This paper aims to enhance the IPsec performance by substituting the existing key exchange algorithm with a lightweight elliptic curve algorithm. The experiments managed to reduce the delay of IPsec in Mobile IPv6 by 67% less than the standard implementation

    Status of This Memo

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    This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. Copyright Notice Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). A mobile node needs at least the following information: a home address, a home agent address, and a security association with home agent to register with the home agent. The process of obtaining this information is called bootstrapping. This document discusses issues involved with how the mobile node can be bootstrapped for Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) and various potential deployment scenarios for mobile node bootstrapping

    A Tale of Two Layers: Patents, Standardization, and the Internet

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    Mobile IPv4 Regional Registration

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    Guaranteed access over consumer-level connections

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan konseptia Redundant Array of Independent Internet Connections (RAIIC), jossa ajatuksena on tarjota luotettava yhteys usean halvan ja epäluotettavan liittymän yli. Yhtä epäluotettavaa liittymää käytetään kerrallaan tämän tilaa jatkuvasti tarkkaillen. Jos yhteyden tila heikkenee, järjestelmä siirtää liikenteen toiselle liittymälle ilman että kommunikoivat osapuolet huomaavat muutosta. Näin ollen voidaan tarjota virtuaalinen, luotettava bittiputki halpojen yhteyksien yli. Tutkimusta varten kehitimme Mobile IP -protokollaan pohjautuvan toteutuksen. Tällä pääsimme testaamaan konseptia oikeassa tietoverkossa. Mittasimme, miten liittymän vaihtaminen vaikuttaa loppukäyttäjän kokemaan palvelunlaatuun. TCP-protokollalla liittymän vaihto vastasi palvelussa 1 - 1.5 sekunnin katkoa, joka on vielä hyvinkin siedettävä. VoIP-palvelun laatu ei laskenut alle kohtalaisen tason (Mean Opinion Score -asteikolla "Fair").The scope of this thesis was providing guaranteed access over an array of unguaranteed and cheap consumer-grade connections. We tested how well high-availability access can be created with Redundant Array of Independent Internet Connections (RAIIC). In RAIIC, multiple unreliable connections are bundled together. Customer traffic is transferred on one connection at a time. State of the current connection is constantly monitored. If connectivity deteriorates, the system switches the traffic onto another unreliable connection. Connection switching should be invisible to the communicating nodes. For this study we developed a Mobile IP based implementation. We were able to test the concept on running code. We measured how the connection switching affects the end-user experience and the results seemed quite promising. On TCP the switching corresponded to 1 - 1.5 second outage, which is considered to be well tolerable. VoIP quality remained "Fair" in Mean Opinion Score metrics

    Mobile IP Network Access Identifier Extension for IPv4

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