6 research outputs found

    Mobile Geometric Graphs: Detection, Coverage and Percolation

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    We consider the following dynamic Boolean model introduced by van den Berg, Meester and White (1997). At time 0, let the nodes of the graph be a Poisson point process in R^d with constant intensity and let each node move independently according to Brownian motion. At any time t, we put an edge between every pair of nodes if their distance is at most r. We study three features in this model: detection (the time until a target point---fixed or moving---is within distance r from some node of the graph), coverage (the time until all points inside a finite box are detected by the graph), and percolation (the time until a given node belongs to the infinite connected component of the graph). We obtain precise asymptotics for these features by combining ideas from stochastic geometry, coupling and multi-scale analysis

    Local survival of spread of infection among biased random walks

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    We study infection spread among biased random walks on Zd\mathbb{Z}^{d}. The random walks move independently and an infected particle is placed at the origin at time zero. Infection spreads instantaneously when particles share the same site and there is no recovery. If the initial density of particles is small enough, the infected cloud travels in the direction of the bias of the random walks, implying that the infection does not survive locally. When the density is large, the infection spreads to the whole Zd\mathbb{Z}^{d}. The proofs rely on two different techniques. For the small density case, we use a description of the infected cloud through genealogical paths, while the large density case relies on a renormalization scheme.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure

    Space-time percolation and detection by mobile nodes

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    Consider the model where nodes are initially distributed as a Poisson point process with intensity \lambda over Rd\mathbb{R}^d and are moving in continuous time according to independent Brownian motions. We assume that nodes are capable of detecting all points within distance rr of their location and study the problem of determining the first time at which a target particle, which is initially placed at the origin of Rd\mathbb{R}^d, is detected by at least one node. We consider the case where the target particle can move according to any continuous function and can adapt its motion based on the location of the nodes. We show that there exists a sufficiently large value of \lambda so that the target will eventually be detected almost surely. This means that the target cannot evade detection even if it has full information about the past, present and future locations of the nodes. Also, this establishes a phase transition for \lambda since, for small enough \lambda, with positive probability the target can avoid detection forever. A key ingredient of our proof is to use fractal percolation and multi-scale analysis to show that cells with a small density of nodes do not percolate in space and time.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AAP1052 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Perturbing the hexagonal circle packing:A percolation perspective

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    We consider the hexagonal circle packing with radius 1/2 and perturb it by letting the circles move as independent Brownian motions for time t. It is shown that, for large enough t, if \Pi_t is the point process given by the center of the circles at time t, then, as t\to\infty, the critical radius for circles centered at \Pi_t to contain an infinite component converges to that of continuum percolation (which was shown---based on a Monte Carlo estimate---by Balister, Bollob\'as and Walters to be strictly bigger than 1/2). On the other hand, for small enough t, we show (using a Monte Carlo estimate for a fixed but high dimensional integral) that the union of the circles contains an infinite connected component. We discuss some extensions and open problems.Comment: Fixed and extended proof