4 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Educational Texting as an Instructional Facilitator in the Iranian EFL Context

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    En aquest estudi, mitjançant un mostreig de conveniència, després de l'administració d'una prova de col·locació d'Oxford (OPT), es van seleccionar 74 participants per a aquest estudi. Es van assignar aleatòriament a un grup experimental i a un grup de control per igual. Per mesurar la capacitat de lectura dels estudiants, la part de lectura de la prova d'anglès preliminar (PET) es va utilitzar com a prova prèvia i més tard com a prova posterior. Per calcular la quantitat d'autonomia entre els alumnes després d'implementar els ítems de vocabulari mitjançant missatges de text, es va distribuir un qüestionari. Es va dur a terme una sessió d'entrevistes semiestructurades entre els participants del grup experimental per comprendre millor les seves percepcions sobre MALL en el context d'aprenentatge de l'anglès. Finalment, per calcular la mida del vocabulari dels alumnes i els seus coneixements de vocabulari, es va realitzar una prova d'associació de paraules (WAT) i una prova de nivell de vocabulari (VLT). El grup experimental va rebre 108 paraules via SMS durant 18 sessions, incloses 6 paraules en context cobertes en 6 frases. El grup control, va rebre la instrucció tradicional, en un entorn presencial, amb els materials preparats de la classe i del professor. Després de realitzar el posttest, els resultats de l'estudi van revelar que el rendiment d'ambdós grups en funció de la seva prova de lectura és similar i el tractament no va tenir un efecte estadísticament significatiu en el grup experimental. El segon estudi va revelar que el tractament va tenir un paper molt important en la millora del nivell de motivació dels alumnes del grup experimental. Les percepcions dels participants del grup experimental van mostrar que els estudiants tenen una actitud positiva cap a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes assistit per mòbil en el context d'aprenentatge de l'EFL. El gènere va demostrar no ser un factor diferencial per al rendiment dels aprenents a la prova d'autonomia. L'aprenentatge de vocabulari mitjançant SMS podria augmentar significativament la mida del vocabulari dels aprenents, les puntuacions dels aprenents en la profunditat del vocabulari no van mostrar diferències estadísticament significatives.En este estudio, a través de un muestreo por conveniencia, después de la administración de un Oxford Placement Test (OPT), se seleccionaron 74 participantes para el propósito de este estudio. Fueron asignados aleatoriamente a un grupo experimental y otro de control por igual. Para medir la capacidad de lectura de los alumnos, se utilizó la parte de lectura del Examen Preliminar de Inglés (PET) como prueba previa y luego como prueba posterior. Para calcular la cantidad de autonomía entre los alumnos después de implementar los elementos de vocabulario a través de mensajes de texto, se distribuyó un cuestionario. Se realizó una sesión de entrevistas semiestructuradas entre los participantes del grupo experimental para comprender mejor sus percepciones sobre MALL en el contexto de aprendizaje de inglés. Finalmente, para calcular el tamaño del vocabulario de los estudiantes y su conocimiento del vocabulario, se realizaron una prueba de asociación de palabras (WAT) y una prueba de nivel de vocabulario (VLT). El grupo experimental recibió 108 palabras a través de SMS durante 18 sesiones, incluidas 6 palabras en contexto cubiertas en 6 oraciones. El grupo control, recibió la instrucción tradicional, en un ambiente presencial, con los materiales preparados por la clase y el docente. Después de realizar la prueba posterior, los hallazgos del estudio revelaron que el desempeño de ambos grupos en base a su prueba de lectura es similar, y el tratamiento no tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo en el grupo experimental. El segundo estudio reveló que el tratamiento desempeñó un papel muy importante en la mejora del nivel de motivación de los alumnos en el grupo experimental. Las percepciones de los participantes en el grupo experimental mostraron que los estudiantes tienen una actitud positiva hacia el aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por dispositivos móviles en el contexto de aprendizaje de EFL. El género no mostró ser un factor diferenciable para el desempeño de los aprendices en la prueba de autonomía. El aprendizaje de vocabulario a través de SMS podría aumentar significativamente el tamaño del vocabulario de los alumnos, las puntuaciones de los alumnos en la profundidad del vocabulario no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas.In this study, through convenience sampling, after the administration of an Oxford Placement Test (OPT), 74 participants were selected for the purpose of this study. They were randomly assigned to an experimental and a control group equally. To measure learners reading ability, the reading part of the Preliminary English Test (PET) was used as a pretest and later as a posttest. To calculate the amount of autonomy among learners after implementing the vocabulary items through texting, a questionnaire was distributed. A semi-structured interview session was conducted among the participants of the experimental group to further grasp their perceptions towards MALL in the English learning context. Finally, to compute the vocabulary size of the students and their vocabulary knowledge, a Word Association Test (WAT) and a Vocabulary Level test (VLT) were conducted. The experimental group received 108 words via SMS during 18 sessions, including 6 words in context covered in 6 sentences. The control group, received the traditional instruction, in a face-to-face environment, with the ready-made materials of the class and the teacher. After conducting the posttest, the findings of the study revealed that the performance of both groups on the basis of their reading test is similar, and the treatment did not have a statistically significant effect on the experimental group. The second study revealed that the treatment played a very important role in improving learners' motivation level in the experimental group. The perceptions of the participants in the experimental group showed that students have a positive attitude towards mobile-assisted language learning in the EFL learning context. Gender showed not to be a distinguishable factor for the performance of the learners in the autonomy test. Learning vocabulary through SMS could significantly increase the size of the learners' vocabulary, learners' scores on the vocabulary depth did not show statistically significant differences

    Mobile educational SMSs as supplementary means to teach sentence paraphrasing in EMP course

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    Digital media has been used to enhance language learning for decades. Since the aim of language learning is to develop communicative proficiency, using communication devices and channels that already exist in the classroom is a sensible way of exploiting opportunities for language practice. The 'anywhere, anytime' accessibility to educational contents that mobile SMSs, sometimes freely, offer users, means that mobile learning can extend the opportunities for study outside of the classroom. Given the importance of writing, especially for academic purposes in university, the study set a dual goal: firstly, to analyze the outcome of applying supplementary SMS activity to teach English syntax necessary to paraphrase sentences and secondly, to clarify the medical students' ideas about it. A quasi-experimental, pre-test and post-test, research design was utilized to investigate the hypotheses of this study. Two groups (each 40-second year students of medicine) were randomly assigned to be the experimental and the conventional group. Both groups were taught the same syllabus materials designed for English for Medical Purposes (EMP) II course in a 17-week semester in Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. The former received the SMS -based supplementary contents in a scheduled pattern of delivery two times a week to strengthen their learning while the latter only was taught in a face to face setting. An open questionnaire was used to examine students feedback towards their attitudes. The validity of the questionnaire was examined by giving to a number of professors of English language. The data were also collected and analyzed through an Attitude/ Motivation questionnaire consisting of 12 Likert-scale items, pretest & posttest, paired-samples ttests, and one way ANOWA. The pretest and posttest data paired t-test likert-scale items analyzed results showed that differences between the experimental and control groups were statistically significant. It was found that the effect of practicing SMS on the students' English syntax learning was positive. According to the findings, students receiving the supplementary English syntax SMSs noticeably improved their sentence paraphrasing performance and acquired higher grades during the posttest than those in conventional group. Qualitative data from interviews and questionnaires indicate that students hold positive attitudes towards receiving paraphrase syntactic points via SMS. Majority of students in this pilot project considered the educational program offered to be efficient, useful and beneficial. The data gathered revealed mobile syntactic supplementary SMSs can be integrated into EMP II course to enable students to develop better English sentence paraphrasing skills

    Mobile Educational SMSs as Supplementary Means to Teach Sentence Paraphrasing in EMP Course

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