5 research outputs found

    Web Based Interactive Embedded Power Plant Management System

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    In this project, the low operational cost but flexible web based power plant automation system is controlled and monitored. The main core of the system is an embedded hardware device. The embedded device communicates through internet which makes it accessible from anywhere in the world through a web server built into the device. In addition, internet provides a bidire ctional real - time data transfer allowing interaction. The system is implemented for power plant automation by attaching several real - time modules through appropriate interfaces. The purpose of web is to provide a facility to observe and control the power system from anywhere in the world. Data acquisition system plays an important role in the field of control

    Prototyping of a Remote Monitoring System for a medical Personal Area Network using Python

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    This paper presents a prototype developed in Python of a pervasive mobile health system aimed at monitoring a patient in indoor and outdoor environments continuously. The system is based on a Bluetooth PAN (Personal Area Network), worn by the patient, whose master node, a smartphone, collects information about patient's location and health status and detects emergency situations. These data are sent to a central server through Wi-Fi or GPRSIUMTS, which allows physicians to get access to patient data and configure the PAN sensors remotely using a conventional web browser.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-12211- C02-01/TC

    A Smart Phone-based Personal Area Network for Remote Monitoring of Biosignals

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    This paper presents a system whose purpose is to monitor a patient continuously from indoor or outdoor environments. The system is based on a Bluetooth PAN, carried by the patient, whose central node, a smart phone, compiles information about patient’s location and health status. These data are encrypted to be sent to a server through Wifi or GPRS/UMTS. The system provides facilities to access to patient’s data, even from a smart phone by a J2ME application. It also allows to configure remotely the threshold values used to detect emergency situations.Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia TEC2006-12211-C02-01/TCMMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia TIC2003- 07953-C02-0

    Integrated mobile electrocardiography

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    Abstract -Modern mobile electrocardiographic equipment converges various technologies which contribute to the speed of reaction in critical situations and contributes to the quality of life of the patient. Such convergence is valuable, but solutions are still immature and there are certain problems which should be solved before full implementation. This article describes one solution of integrated mobile electrocardiograph which comprises mobile ECG, global positioning system, UMTS/GPRS transfer of data and Web services for connection of distributed components. The system records electrocardiogram, detects rhythm anomalies and immediately alerts doctor sending critical ECG segment and location of the patient. The doctor can contact the patient and send nearest ambulance by the optimal route. The fact that system works in real time and locates the patient might be crucial in certain situations. It has excellent potential, but requires technical and organizational infrastructure which will support its functioning