4 research outputs found

    Biometrics-as-a-Service: A Framework to Promote Innovative Biometric Recognition in the Cloud

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    Biometric recognition, or simply biometrics, is the use of biological attributes such as face, fingerprints or iris in order to recognize an individual in an automated manner. A key application of biometrics is authentication; i.e., using said biological attributes to provide access by verifying the claimed identity of an individual. This paper presents a framework for Biometrics-as-a-Service (BaaS) that performs biometric matching operations in the cloud, while relying on simple and ubiquitous consumer devices such as smartphones. Further, the framework promotes innovation by providing interfaces for a plurality of software developers to upload their matching algorithms to the cloud. When a biometric authentication request is submitted, the system uses a criteria to automatically select an appropriate matching algorithm. Every time a particular algorithm is selected, the corresponding developer is rendered a micropayment. This creates an innovative and competitive ecosystem that benefits both software developers and the consumers. As a case study, we have implemented the following: (a) an ocular recognition system using a mobile web interface providing user access to a biometric authentication service, and (b) a Linux-based virtual machine environment used by software developers for algorithm development and submission

    Mobile Platform Biometric Cloud Authentication

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    Berdasarkan data Pusat Statistik Indonesia, tingkat kemiskinan pada bulan September 2018 adalah 25,95 juta, berdasrkan data tingkat kemiskinan masyarakat  tersebut  pemeritnah menyalurkan dana bantuan mengatasi tingkat kemiskinan masyarakat melalui Bank. Namun, Bank tidak dapat mengalokasikan dana karena biaya untuk membangun infrastruktur mahal, seperti membuat ATM.Berbagai kendala tersebut, Bank perlu menemukan solusi baru agar dapat mengalokasikan dana kepada masyrakat dengan biaya yang murah, Mobile Platform Biometric Cloud Authentication adalah salah satu solusi. Dalam penelitian ini, eksperimen yang dilakukan melakukan autentikasi dengan QR Code Scan dan face recognize (data face dienkripsi dan didekripsi dengan kritografi algoritma AES 256 bit). Konsentrasi penelitian ini terletak pada  eksperimen terhadap komunikasi keamanan data transaksi payment  merchant onlie degan QR Code scan dan Face recognize yang berbasis mobile android dan serta spesfikasi android versi 23. Hasil pengujian pada aplikasi Mobile ini menunjukkan bahwa QR Code scan dan face recognize dapat diimplementasikan pada transaksi payment merchant online dengan akurasi 95% dan membutuhkan 53, 21 detik per transaksi

    BEst (Biomarker Estimation): Health Biomarker Estimation Non-invasively and Ubiquitously

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    This dissertation focuses on the non-invasive assessment of blood-hemoglobin levels. The primary goal of this research is to investigate a reliable, affordable, and user-friendly point-of-care solution for hemoglobin-level determination using fingertip videos captured by a smartphone. I evaluated videos obtained from five patient groups, three from the United States and two from Bangladesh, under two sets of lighting conditions. In the last group, based on human tissue optical transmission modeling data, I used near-infrared light-emitting diode sources of three wavelengths. I developed novel image processing techniques for fingertip video analysis to estimate hemoglobin levels. I studied video images creating image histogram and subdividing each image into multiple blocks. I determined the region of interest in a video and created photoplethysmogram signals. I created features from image histograms and PPG signals. I used the Partial Least Squares Regression and Support Vector Machine Regression tools to analyze input features and to build hemoglobin prediction models. Using data from the last and largest group of patients studied, I was able to develop a model with a strong linear correlation between estimated and clinically-measured hemoglobin levels. With further data and methodological refinements, the approach I have developed may be able to define a clinically accurate public health applicable tool for hemoglobin level and other blood constituent assessment