21 research outputs found

    Sparsely Aggregated Convolutional Networks

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    We explore a key architectural aspect of deep convolutional neural networks: the pattern of internal skip connections used to aggregate outputs of earlier layers for consumption by deeper layers. Such aggregation is critical to facilitate training of very deep networks in an end-to-end manner. This is a primary reason for the widespread adoption of residual networks, which aggregate outputs via cumulative summation. While subsequent works investigate alternative aggregation operations (e.g. concatenation), we focus on an orthogonal question: which outputs to aggregate at a particular point in the network. We propose a new internal connection structure which aggregates only a sparse set of previous outputs at any given depth. Our experiments demonstrate this simple design change offers superior performance with fewer parameters and lower computational requirements. Moreover, we show that sparse aggregation allows networks to scale more robustly to 1000+ layers, thereby opening future avenues for training long-running visual processes.Comment: Accepted to ECCV 201

    DIANet: Dense-and-Implicit Attention Network

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    Attention networks have successfully boosted the performance in various vision problems. Previous works lay emphasis on designing a new attention module and individually plug them into the networks. Our paper proposes a novel-and-simple framework that shares an attention module throughout different network layers to encourage the integration of layer-wise information and this parameter-sharing module is referred as Dense-and-Implicit-Attention (DIA) unit. Many choices of modules can be used in the DIA unit. Since Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) has a capacity of capturing long-distance dependency, we focus on the case when the DIA unit is the modified LSTM (refer as DIA-LSTM). Experiments on benchmark datasets show that the DIA-LSTM unit is capable of emphasizing layer-wise feature interrelation and leads to significant improvement of image classification accuracy. We further empirically show that the DIA-LSTM has a strong regularization ability on stabilizing the training of deep networks by the experiments with the removal of skip connections or Batch Normalization in the whole residual network. The code is released at https://github.com/gbup-group/DIANet

    Deep Residual-Dense Lattice Network for Speech Enhancement

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with residual links (ResNets) and causal dilated convolutional units have been the network of choice for deep learning approaches to speech enhancement. While residual links improve gradient flow during training, feature diminution of shallow layer outputs can occur due to repetitive summations with deeper layer outputs. One strategy to improve feature re-usage is to fuse both ResNets and densely connected CNNs (DenseNets). DenseNets, however, over-allocate parameters for feature re-usage. Motivated by this, we propose the residual-dense lattice network (RDL-Net), which is a new CNN for speech enhancement that employs both residual and dense aggregations without over-allocating parameters for feature re-usage. This is managed through the topology of the RDL blocks, which limit the number of outputs used for dense aggregations. Our extensive experimental investigation shows that RDL-Nets are able to achieve a higher speech enhancement performance than CNNs that employ residual and/or dense aggregations. RDL-Nets also use substantially fewer parameters and have a lower computational requirement. Furthermore, we demonstrate that RDL-Nets outperform many state-of-the-art deep learning approaches to speech enhancement.Comment: 8 pages, Accepted by AAAI-202

    Medical Image Processing using Deep Learning Techniques in Big Data Perspective

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    Artificial intelligence and machine learning will be the driving forces behind the next computing revolution. These technologies rely on the ability to identify trends from historical information and predict future outcomes. One of the best machine learning techniques, deep learning is employed in a variety of applications, including object recognition, picture categorization, image analysis, and clinical archives. Image and video data are necessary for both diagnosing the patient's illness and determining its severity. Convolutional neural networks are efficient gears for digital picture classification and image understanding. The production of medical photographs has ex-ponentially increased as a result of the proliferation of digital devices and the development of camera technology, which creates Bigdata. Massive, difficult-to-manage volumes of structured, unstructured data are referred to as "Big data". The more data processed for analysis, the greater will be the analytical accuracy and also the greater would be the confidence in our decisions based on the analytical findings. In this paper, we proposed a novel method for early detection of pneumonia disease using deep learning techniques along with the big data storage and big data analytics to achieve more better performance. The results show that, the model achieved 91.16% of accuracy and 93.22% of F1-score