4,516 research outputs found

    Mixed Discriminants

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    The mixed discriminant of n Laurent polynomials in n variables is the irreducible polynomial in the coefficients which vanishes whenever two of the roots coincide. The Cayley trick expresses the mixed discriminant as an A-discriminant. We show that the degree of the mixed discriminant is a piecewise linear function in the Plucker coordinates of a mixed Grassmannian. An explicit degree formula is given for the case of plane curves.Comment: 17 page

    An efficient tree decomposition method for permanents and mixed discriminants

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    We present an efficient algorithm to compute permanents, mixed discriminants and hyperdeterminants of structured matrices and multidimensional arrays (tensors). We describe the sparsity structure of an array in terms of a graph, and we assume that its treewidth, denoted as ω, is small. Our algorithm requires Õ(n2[superscript ω]) arithmetic operations to compute permanents, and Õ(n[superscript 2] + n3[superscript ω]) for mixed discriminants and hyperdeterminants. We finally show that mixed volume computation continues to be hard under bounded treewidth assumptions. Keywords: Permanent; Structured array; Mixed discriminant; Treewidth; HyperdeterminantUnited States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant FA9550-11-1-0305

    The Alexandrov-Fenchel type inequalities, revisited

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    Various Alexandrov-Fenchel type inequalities have appeared and played important roles in convex geometry, matrix theory and complex algebraic geometry. It has been noticed for some time that they share some striking analogies and have intimate relationships. The purpose of this article is to shed new light on this by comparatively investigating them in several aspects. \emph{The principal result} in this article is a complete solution to the equality characterization problem of various Alexandrov-Fenchel type inequalities for intersection numbers of nef and big classes on compact K\"{a}hler manifolds, extending earlier results of Boucksom-Favre-Jonsson, Fu-Xiao and Xiao-Lehmann. Our proof combines a result of Dinh-Nguy\^{e}n on K\"{a}hler geometry and an idea in convex geometry tracing back to Shephard. In addition to this central result, we also give a geometric proof of the complex version of the Alexandrov-Fenchel type inequality for mixed discriminants and a determinantal type generalization of various Alexandrov-Fenchel type inequalities.Comment: 18 pages, slightly revised version stressing our principal result, comments welcom

    A generalized Lieb's theorem and its applications to spectrum estimates for a sum of random matrices

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    In this paper we prove the concavity of the kk-trace functions, A(Trk[exp(H+lnA)])1/kA\mapsto (\text{Tr}_k[\exp(H+\ln A)])^{1/k}, on the convex cone of all positive definite matrices. Trk[A]\text{Tr}_k[A] denotes the kthk_{\mathrm{th}} elementary symmetric polynomial of the eigenvalues of AA. As an application, we use the concavity of these kk-trace functions to derive tail bounds and expectation estimates on the sum of the kk largest (or smallest) eigenvalues of a sum of random matrices.Comment: 22 page

    Plane mixed discriminants and toric jacobians

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    Polynomial algebra offers a standard approach to handle several problems in geometric modeling. A key tool is the discriminant of a univariate polynomial, or of a well-constrained system of polynomial equations, which expresses the existence of a multiple root. We concentrate on bivariate polynomials and establish an original formula that relates the mixed discriminant of two bivariate Laurent polynomials with fixed support, with the sparse resultant of these polynomials and their toric Jacobian. This allows us to obtain a new proof for the bidegree of the mixed discriminant as well as to establish multipicativity formulas arising when one polynomial can be factored.Comment: 16 page