3 research outputs found

    Two-Qutrit entanglement: 56-years old algorithm challenges machine learning

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    Classifying states as entangled or separable is a highly challenging task, while it is also one of the foundations of quantum information processing theory. This task is higly nontrivial even for relatively simple cases, such as two-qutrit Bell-diagonal states, i.e., mixture of nine mutually orthogonal maximally entangled states. In this article we apply the Gilbert algorithm to revise previously obtained results for this class. In particular we use ``cartography of entanglement'' to argue that most states left in [Hiesmayr, B. C. {\em Scientific Reports} {\bf 11}, 19739 (2021)] as unknown to be entangled or separable are most likely indeed separable, or very weakly entangled. The presented technique can find endless applications in more general cases.Comment: 11 pages, 7 Figure

    Mixed state entanglement classification using artificial neural networks

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    Reliable methods for the classification and quantification of quantum entanglement are fundamental to understanding its exploitation in quantum technologies. One such method, known as Separable Neural Network Quantum States (SNNS), employs a neural network inspired parameterisation of quantum states whose entanglement properties are explicitly programmable. Combined with generative machine learning methods, this ansatz allows for the study of very specific forms of entanglement which can be used to infer/measure entanglement properties of target quantum states. In this work, we extend the use of SNNS to mixed, multipartite states, providing a versatile and efficient tool for the investigation of intricately entangled quantum systems. We illustrate the effectiveness of our method through a number of examples, such as the computation of novel tripartite entanglement measures, and the approximation of ultimate upper bounds for qudit channel capacities.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure