1,436 research outputs found

    Modeling misregistration and related effects on multispectral classification

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    The effects of misregistration on the multispectral classification accuracy when the scene registration accuracy is relaxed from 0.3 to 0.5 pixel are investigated. Noise, class separability, spatial transient response, and field size are considered simultaneously with misregistration in their effects on accuracy. Any noise due to the scene, sensor, or to the analog/digital conversion, causes a finite fraction of the measurements to fall outside of the classification limits, even within nominally uniform fields. Misregistration causes field borders in a given band or set of bands to be closer than expected to a given pixel, causing additional pixels to be misclassified due to the mixture of materials in the pixel. Simplified first order models of the various effects are presented, and are used to estimate the performance to be expected

    Developing processing techniques for Skylab data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The effects of misregistration and the scan-line-straightening algorithm on multispectral data were found to be: (1) there is greatly increased misregistration in scan-line-straightening data over conic data; (2) scanner caused misregistration between any pairs of channels may not be corrected for in scan-line-straightened data; and (3) this data will have few pure field center pixels than will conic data. A program SIMSIG was developed implementing the signature simulation model. Data processing stages of the experiment were carried out, and an analysis was made of the effects of spatial misregistration on field center classification accuracy. Fifteen signatures originally used for classifying the data were analyzed, showing the following breakdown: corn (4 signatures), trees (2), brush (1), grasses, weeds, etc. (5), bare soil (1), soybeans (1), and alfalfa (1)

    Investigation of spatial misregistration effects in multispectral scanner data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. A model for estimating the expected proportion of multiclass pixels in a scene was generalized and extended to include misregistration effects. Another substantial effort was the development of a simulation model to generate signatures to represent the distributions of signals from misregistered multiclass pixels, based on single class signatures. Spatial misregistration causes an increase in the proportion of multiclass pixels in a scene and a decorrelation between signals in misregistered data channels. The multiclass pixel proportion estimation model indicated that this proportion is strongly dependent on the pixel perimeter and on the ratio of the total perimeter of the fields in the scene to the area of the scene. Test results indicated that expected values computed with this model were similar to empirical measurements made of this proportion in four LACIE data segments

    Studies of recognition with multitemporal remote sensor data

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    Characteristics of multitemporal data and their use in recognition processing were investigated. Principal emphasis was on satellite data collected by the LANDSAT multispectral scanner and on temporal changes throughout a growing season. The effects of spatial misregistration on recognition performance with multitemporal data were examined. A capability to compute probabilities of detection and false alarm was developed and used with simulated distributions for misregistered pixels. Wheat detection was found to be degraded and false alarms increased by misregistration effects. Multitemporal signature characteristics and multitemporal recognition processing were studied to gain insights into problems associated with this approach and possible improvements. Recognition performance with one multitemporal data set displayed marked improvements over results from single-time data

    Recognition map analysis and crop acreage estimation using Skylab EREP data

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    National Aeronautics and Space Administration fundamental research program. Information utilization and evaluation, appendices

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    Important points presented and recommendations made at an information and decision processes workshop held in Asilomar, California; at a data and information performance workshop held in Houston, Texas; and at a data base use and management workshop held near San Jose, California are summarized. Issues raised at a special session of the Soil Conservation Society of America's remote sensing for resource management conference in Kansas City, Missouri are also highlighted. The goals, status and activities of the NASA program definition study of basic research requirements, the necessity of making the computer science community aware of user needs with respect to information related to renewable resources, performance parameters and criteria for judging federal information systems, and the requirements and characteristics of scientific data bases are among the topics reported

    Developing processing techniques for Skylab data

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    Assessment of Thematic Mapper band-to-band registration by the block correlation method

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    Rectangular blocks of pixels from one band image were statistically correlated against blocks centered on identical pixels from a second band image. The block pairs were shifted in pixel increments both vertically and horizontally with respect to each other and the correlation coefficient to the maximum correlation was taken as the best estimate of registration error for each block pair. For the band combinations of the Arkansas scene studied, the misregistration of TM spectral bands within the noncooled focal plane lie well within the 0.2 pixel target specification. Misregistration between the middle IR bands is well within this specification also. The thermal IR band has an apparent misregistration with TM band 7 of approximately 3 pixels in each direction. The TM band 3 has a misregistration of approximately 0.2 pixel in the across-scan direction and 0.5 pixel in the along-scan direction, with both TM bands 5 and 7

    Spectral misregistration correction and simulation for hyperspectral imagery

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    Radiometrically calibrated radiance hyperspectral images can be converted into reflectance images using atmospheric correction in order to extract useful ground information. There are some artifacts in the converted reflectance images due to spectrally misregistered sensor and atmospheric model error. These artifacts give coherent saw-tooth effects in the spectra of the reflectance imagery. These effects degrade the performance of classification and target detection algorithms and make them difficult to compare with ground target spectra. Three spectral misregistration compensation methods were developed in order to compensate for the consistent noise effects. If a ground truth spectrum exists for a test image, the ground truth spectrum can be divided by the spectrum derived from the reflectance image. This will give a coefficient indicating the difference between the ground truth spectrum and the noisy spectrum in the reflectance image. Multiplying this coefficient spectrum and the reflectance image spectrum can correct the saw-tooth effects. The other methods use the Cubic Spline smoothing technique. Cubic Spline smoothing is a fitting algorithm with a non-local smoothing method. Cubic spline smoothing can smooth out the saw-tooth noise in the spectra then the correction coefficient can be calculated as describe above. It is important to find relatively pure and unmixed pixels for the correction coefficient. Two methods for identifying relatively pure pixels were used for this research. The first is the Uniform Region method that is to identify the pixels with small standard deviation values among neighbor pixels. The second method is the Least Ratio method that is used to calculate ratios (standard deviation between smoothed and non-smoothed spectra divided by average reflectance of the spectra) and then calculate the correction coefficient using pixels having small ratios. Spectral misregistration was also simulated using MODTRAN lookup table and DIRSIG (The Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation) synthetic image to understand and characterize the effect of spectral misregistration. The spectral misregistration compensation algorithms were tested and verified by the performance measurement of classification and target detection algorithms for test images (real and synthetic images)

    LANDSAT-4/5 image data quality analysis

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    A LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) quality evaluation study was conducted to identify geometric and radiometric sensor errors in the post-launch environment. The study began with the launch of LANDSAT-4. Several error conditions were found, including band-to-band misregistration and detector-to detector radiometric calibration errors. Similar analysis was made for the LANDSAT-5 Thematic Mapper and compared with results for LANDSAT-4. Remaining band-to-band misregistration was found to be within tolerances and detector-to-detector calibration errors were not severe. More coherent noise signals were observed in TM-5 than in TM-4, although the amplitude was generally less. The scan direction differences observed in TM-4 were still evident in TM-5. The largest effect was in Band 4 where nearly a one digital count difference was observed. Resolution estimation was carried out using roads in TM-5 for the primary focal plane bands rather than field edges as in TM-4. Estimates using roads gave better resolution. Thermal IR band calibration studies were conducted and new nonlinear calibration procedures were defined for TM-5. The overall conclusion is that there are no first order errors in TM-5 and any remaining problems are second or third order