29 research outputs found

    A New Method for Solving Supervised Data Classification Problems

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    Supervised data classification is one of the techniques used to extract nontrivial information from data. Classification is a widely used technique in various fields, including data mining, industry, medicine, science, and law. This paper considers a new algorithm for supervised data classification problems associated with the cluster analysis. The mathematical formulations for this algorithm are based on nonsmooth, nonconvex optimization. A new algorithm for solving this optimization problem is utilized. The new algorithm uses a derivative-free technique, with robustness and efficiency. To improve classification performance and efficiency in generating classification model, a new feature selection algorithm based on techniques of convex programming is suggested. Proposed methods are tested on real-world datasets. Results of numerical experiments have been presented which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms

    Max-min separability

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    We consider the problem of discriminating two finite point sets in the n-dimensional space by a finite number of hyperplanes generating a piecewise linear function. If the intersection of these sets is empty, then they can be strictly separated by a max-min of linear functions. An error function is introduced. This function is nonconvex piecewise linear. We discuss an algorithm for its minimization. The results of numerical experiments using some real-world datasets are presented, which show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.C

    Kaczmarz Algorithm with Soft Constraints for User Interface Layout

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    The Kaczmarz method is an iterative method for solving large systems of equations that projects iterates orthogonally onto the solution space of each equation. In contrast to direct methods such as Gaussian elimination or QR-factorization, this algorithm is efficient for problems with sparse matrices, as they appear in constraint-based user interface (UI) layout specifications. However, the Kaczmarz method as described in the literature has its limitations: it considers only equality constraints and does not support soft constraints, which makes it inapplicable to the UI layout problem. In this paper we extend the Kaczmarz method for solving specifications containing soft constraints, using the prioritized IIS detection algorithm. Furthermore, the performance and convergence of the proposed algorithms are evaluated empirically using randomly generated UI layout specifications of various sizes. The results show that these methods offer improvements in performance over standard methods like Matlab\u27s LINPROG, a well-known efficient linear programming solver

    Support Vector Machines with the Hard-Margin Loss: Optimal Training via Combinatorial Benders' Cuts

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    The classical hinge-loss support vector machines (SVMs) model is sensitive to outlier observations due to the unboundedness of its loss function. To circumvent this issue, recent studies have focused on non-convex loss functions, such as the hard-margin loss, which associates a constant penalty to any misclassified or within-margin sample. Applying this loss function yields much-needed robustness for critical applications but it also leads to an NP-hard model that makes training difficult, since current exact optimization algorithms show limited scalability, whereas heuristics are not able to find high-quality solutions consistently. Against this background, we propose new integer programming strategies that significantly improve our ability to train the hard-margin SVM model to global optimality. We introduce an iterative sampling and decomposition approach, in which smaller subproblems are used to separate combinatorial Benders' cuts. Those cuts, used within a branch-and-cut algorithm, permit to converge much more quickly towards a global optimum. Through extensive numerical analyses on classical benchmark data sets, our solution algorithm solves, for the first time, 117 new data sets to optimality and achieves a reduction of 50% in the average optimality gap for the hardest datasets of the benchmark

    Classifying negative and positive points by optimal box clustering

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    In this paper we address the problem of classifying positive and negative data with the technique known as box clustering. A box is homogeneous if it contains only positive (negative) points. Box clustering means finding a family of homogeneous boxes jointly containing all and only positive (negative) points. We first consider the problem of finding a family with the minimum number of boxes. Then we refine this problem into finding a family which not only consists of the minimum number of boxes but also the points are covered as many times as possible by the boxes in the family. We call this problem the maximum redundancy problem. We model both problems as set covering problems with column generation. The pricing problem is a maximum box problem. Although this problem is NP-hard, there is available in the literature a combinatorial algorithm which performs well. Since the pricing has to be carried out also in the branch-and-bound search of the set covering problem we consider also how the pricing has to be modified to take care of the branching constraints. The computational results show a good behavior of the set covering approach

    Supervised data classification via max-min separability

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