5 research outputs found

    Mining Non-Lattice Subgraphs for Detecting Missing Hierarchical Relations and Concepts in SNOMED CT

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    Objective: Quality assurance of large ontological systems such as SNOMED CT is an indispensable part of the terminology management lifecycle. We introduce a hybrid structural-lexical method for scalable and systematic discovery of missing hierarchical relations and concepts in SNOMED CT. Material and Methods: All non-lattice subgraphs (the structural part) in SNOMED CT are exhaustively extracted using a scalable MapReduce algorithm. Four lexical patterns (the lexical part) are identified among the extracted non-lattice subgraphs. Non-lattice subgraphs exhibiting such lexical patterns are often indicative of missing hierarchical relations or concepts. Each lexical pattern is associated with a potential specific type of error. Results: Applying the structural-lexical method to SNOMED CT (September 2015 US edition), we found 6801 non-lattice subgraphs that matched these lexical patterns, of which 2046 were amenable to visual inspection. We evaluated a random sample of 100 small subgraphs, of which 59 were reviewed in detail by domain experts. All the subgraphs reviewed contained errors confirmed by the experts. The most frequent type of error was missing is-a relations due to incomplete or inconsistent modeling of the concepts. Conclusions: Our hybrid structural-lexical method is innovative and proved effective not only in detecting errors in SNOMED CT, but also in suggesting remediation for these errors

    Auditing SNOMED CT Hierarchical Relations Based on Lexical Features of Concepts in Non-Lattice Subgraphs

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    Objective—We introduce a structural-lexical approach for auditing SNOMED CT using a combination of non-lattice subgraphs of the underlying hierarchical relations and enriched lexical attributes of fully specified concept names. Our goal is to develop a scalable and effective approach that automatically identifies missing hierarchical IS-A relations. Methods—Our approach involves 3 stages. In stage 1, all non-lattice subgraphs of SNOMED CT’s IS-A hierarchical relations are extracted. In stage 2, lexical attributes of fully-specified concept names in such non-lattice subgraphs are extracted. For each concept in a non-lattice subgraph, we enrich its set of attributes with attributes from its ancestor concepts within the non-lattice subgraph. In stage 3, subset inclusion relations between the lexical attribute sets of each pair of concepts in each non-lattice subgraph are compared to existing IS-A relations in SNOMED CT. For concept pairs within each non-lattice subgraph, if a subset relation is identified but an IS-A relation is not present in SNOMED CT IS-A transitive closure, then a missing IS-A relation is reported. The September 2017 release of SNOMED CT (US edition) was used in this investigation. Results—A total of 14,380 non-lattice subgraphs were extracted, from which we suggested a total of 41,357 missing IS-A relations. For evaluation purposes, 200 non-lattice subgraphs were randomly selected from 996 smaller subgraphs (of size 4, 5, or 6) within the “Clinical Finding” and “Procedure” sub-hierarchies. Two domain experts confirmed 185 (among 223) missing IS-A relations, a precision of 82.96%. Conclusions—Our results demonstrate that analyzing the lexical features of concepts in non-lattice subgraphs is an effective approach for auditing SNOMED CT

    Outlier concepts auditing methodology for a large family of biomedical ontologies

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    Background: Summarization networks are compact summaries of ontologies. The “Big Picture” view offered by summarization networks enables to identify sets of concepts that are more likely to have errors than control concepts. For ontologies that have outgoing lateral relationships, we have developed the partial-area taxonomy summarization network. Prior research has identified one kind of outlier concepts, concepts of small partials-areas within partial-area taxonomies. Previously we have shown that the small partial-area technique works successfully for four ontologies (or their hierarchies). Methods: To improve the Quality Assurance (QA) scalability, a family-based QA framework, where one QA technique is potentially applicable to a whole family of ontologies with similar structural features, was developed. The 373 ontologies hosted at the NCBO BioPortal in 2015 were classified into a collection of families based on structural features. A meta-ontology represents this family collection, including one family of ontologies having outgoing lateral relationships. The process of updating the current meta-ontology is described. To conclude that one QA technique is applicable for at least half of the members for a family F, this technique should be demonstrated as successful for six out of six ontologies in F. We describe a hypothesis setting the condition required for a technique to be successful for a given ontology. The process of a study to demonstrate such success is described. This paper intends to prove the scalability of the small partial-area technique. Results: We first updated the meta-ontology classifying 566 BioPortal ontologies. There were 371 ontologies in the family with outgoing lateral relationships. We demonstrated the success of the small partial-area technique for two ontology hierarchies which belong to this family, SNOMED CT’s Specimen hierarchy and NCIt’s Gene hierarchy. Together with the four previous ontologies from the same family, we fulfilled the “six out of six” condition required to show the scalability for the whole family. Conclusions: We have shown that the small partial-area technique can be potentially successful for the family of ontologies with outgoing lateral relationships in BioPortal, thus improve the scalability of this QA technique