3,864 research outputs found

    Moving Object Trajectories Meta-Model And Spatio-Temporal Queries

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    In this paper, a general moving object trajectories framework is put forward to allow independent applications processing trajectories data benefit from a high level of interoperability, information sharing as well as an efficient answer for a wide range of complex trajectory queries. Our proposed meta-model is based on ontology and event approach, incorporates existing presentations of trajectory and integrates new patterns like space-time path to describe activities in geographical space-time. We introduce recursive Region of Interest concepts and deal mobile objects trajectories with diverse spatio-temporal sampling protocols and different sensors available that traditional data model alone are incapable for this purpose.Comment: International Journal of Database Management Systems (IJDMS) Vol.4, No.2, April 201

    Context Trees: Augmenting Geospatial Trajectories with Context

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    Exposing latent knowledge in geospatial trajectories has the potential to provide a better understanding of the movements of individuals and groups. Motivated by such a desire, this work presents the context tree, a new hierarchical data structure that summarises the context behind user actions in a single model. We propose a method for context tree construction that augments geospatial trajectories with land usage data to identify such contexts. Through evaluation of the construction method and analysis of the properties of generated context trees, we demonstrate the foundation for understanding and modelling behaviour afforded. Summarising user contexts into a single data structure gives easy access to information that would otherwise remain latent, providing the basis for better understanding and predicting the actions and behaviours of individuals and groups. Finally, we also present a method for pruning context trees, for use in applications where it is desirable to reduce the size of the tree while retaining useful information

    Human Mobility Mining Using Spatio-Temporal Data

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    Georuumilised tehnoloogiad on lahutamatu osa meie elust: tehnoloogilise arengu ja positsioneerimiseadmete levikuga on toimunud kiire kasv kättesaadavate georuumiliste andmete mahus. Andmed kogutakse erinevate allikate kaudu, nt GPS ja mobiilseadmete logid, traadita sidevahendid ja asukohapõhised teenused ning teised positsioneerimise süsteemid. Liikumise kohta on võimalik infot koguda suures mõõtkavas ja hea täpsusega - see annab uurijatele võimaluse luua uusi ja innovaatilisi platvorme ja teenuseid georuumilise info analüüsimiseks ning parandada andmete kaevandamise ja visualiseerimise tehnikaid. Selleks, et luua hea nõustamisssüsteem, on väga oluline saada aru inimeste liikumisharjumustest ja käitumisest ning leida igapäevaste tegevuste varjatud mustrid. Magistritöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida andmekaeve meetodeid, uurides, millised mustrid võivad olla liikumise trajektoorides või milliste algoritmidega saab ennustada inimeste käitumist. Töös kontrollitakse nii olemasolevaid metoodikad ja teooriad ruumilise andmekaevandamise valdkonnas kui ka pakutakse arendatud algoritmide jada inimeste liikumise ennustamiseks. Me hindame ja vördleme tulemusi omavahel ning töötame välja metoodika inimeste liikumiskäitumise adaptiivseks andmekaevandamiseks.Geospatial technologies have become an integral part of our lives. With technological progress and rapid increase of geospatial information and inexpensive positioning technologies, more space-related data is becoming available at any time. Data is collected using multiple sources such as GPS and mobile computer logs, wireless communication devices, location-aware services and other positioning systems. This gives scientists the opportunity to create new innovative platforms for spatio-temporal data analysis and improve methods for mining and visualization for decision support. In order to provide a good decision support systems, it is vital to understand people’s movement, mobility behaviour and be able to discover hidden patterns and associations in their daily activities. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and discuss spatial data mining techniques by answering questions like what kinds of patterns can be extracted from spatio-temporal data or which methods are best for predicting human mobility behavior. In this work, we verify existing methodologies and theories about spatio-temporal data mining and propose a sequence of algorithms to achieve good human mobility prediction. We evaluate the results and propose a methodology for adaptive data mining of human mobility behavior