3 research outputs found

    Interval forecasts based on regression trees for streaming data

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    In forecasting, we often require interval forecasts instead of just a specific point forecast. To track streaming data effectively, this interval forecast should reliably cover the observed data and yet be as narrow as possible. To achieve this, we propose two methods based on regression trees: one ensemble method and one method based on a single tree. For the ensemble method, we use weighted results from the most recent models, and for the single-tree method, we retain one model until it becomes necessary to train a new model. We propose a novel method to update the interval forecast adaptively using root mean square prediction errors calculated from the latest data batch. We use wavelet-transformed data to capture long time variable information and conditional inference trees for the underlying regression tree model. Results show that both methods perform well, having good coverage without the intervals being excessively wide. When the underlying data generation mechanism changes, their performance is initially affected but can recover relatively quickly as time proceeds. The method based on a single tree performs the best in computational (CPU) time compared to the ensemble method. When compared to ARIMA and GARCH modelling, our methods achieve better or similar coverage and width but require considerably less CPU time

    Mining Tolerance Regions with Model Trees

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    Many problems encountered in practice involve the prediction of a continuous attribute associated with an example. This problem, known as regression, requires that samples of past experience with known continuous answers are examined and generalized in a regression model to be used in predicting future examples. Regression algorithms deeply investigated in statistics, machine learning and data mining usually lack measures to give an indication of how "good" the predictions are. Tolerance regions, i.e.. a range of possible predictive values, can provide a measure of reliability for every bare prediction. In this paper, we focus on tree-based prediction models, i.e., model trees, and resort to the inductive inference to output tolerance regions in addition to bare prediction. In particular, we consider model trees mined by SMOTI (Stepwise Model Tree Induction) that is a system for data-driven stepwise construction of model trees with regression and splitting nodes and we extend the definition of trees to build tolerance regions to be associated with each leaf. Experiments evaluate validity and quality of output tolerance regions. " Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006