5 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Scalable Framework for Cloud-Native Pattern Detection with Enhanced Expressiveness

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    Detecting complex patterns in large volumes of event logs has diverse applications in various domains, such as business processes and fraud detection. Existing systems like ELK are commonly used to tackle this challenge, but their performance deteriorates for large patterns, while they suffer from limitations in terms of expressiveness and explanatory capabilities for their responses. In this work, we propose a solution that integrates a Complex Event Processing (CEP) engine into a broader query processsor on top of a decoupled storage infrastructure containing inverted indices of log events. The results demonstrate that our system excels in scalability and robustness, particularly in handling complex queries. Notably, our proposed system delivers responses for large complex patterns within seconds, while ELK experiences timeouts after 10 minutes. It also significantly outperforms solutions relying on FlinkCEP and executing MATCH_RECOGNIZE SQL queries

    A unified framework for frequent sequence mining with subsequence constraints

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    Frequent sequence mining methods often make use of constraints to control which subsequences should be mined. A variety of such subsequence constraints has been studied in the literature, including length, gap, span, regular-expression, and hierarchy constraints. In this article, we show that many subsequence constraints—including and beyond those considered in the literature—can be unified in a single framework. A unified treatment allows researchers to study jointly many types of subsequence constraints (instead of each one individually) and helps to improve usability of pattern mining systems for practitioners. In more detail, we propose a set of simple and intuitive “pattern expressions” to describe subsequence constraints and explore algorithms for efficiently mining frequent subsequences under such general constraints. Our algorithms translate pattern expressions to succinct finite-state transducers, which we use as computational model, and simulate these transducers in a way suitable for frequent sequence mining. Our experimental study on real-world datasets indicates that our algorithms—although more general—are efficient and, when used for sequence mining with prior constraints studied in literature, competitive to (and in some cases superior to) state-of-the-art specialized methods

    Mining Time-constrained Sequential Patterns with Constraint Programming

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    Constraint Programming (CP) has proven to be an effective platform for constraint based sequence mining. Previous work has focused on standard frequent sequence mining, as well as frequent sequence mining with a maximum ’gap’ between two matching events in a sequence. The main challenge in the latter is that this constraint can not be imposed independently of the omnipresent frequency constraint. Indeed, the gap constraint changes whether a subsequence is included in a sequence, and hence its frequency. In this work, we go beyond that and investigate the integration of timed events and constraining the minimum/maximum gap as well as minimum/maximum span. The latter constrains the allowed time between the first and last matching event of a pattern. We show how the three are interrelated, and what the required changes to the frequency constraint are. Key in our approach is the concept of an extension window defined by gap/span and we develop techniques to avoid scanning the sequences needlessly, as well as using a backtracking-aware data structure. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms both specialized and CP-based approaches in almost all cases and that the advantage increases as the minimum frequency threshold decreases. This paper is an extension of the original manuscript presented at CPAIOR’17 [5]

    Gaining Insight into Determinants of Physical Activity using Bayesian Network Learning

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    Contains fulltext : 228326pre.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access) Contains fulltext : 228326pub.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BNAIC/BeneLearn 202