405,734 research outputs found

    Heuristic Approaches for Generating Local Process Models through Log Projections

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    Local Process Model (LPM) discovery is focused on the mining of a set of process models where each model describes the behavior represented in the event log only partially, i.e. subsets of possible events are taken into account to create so-called local process models. Often such smaller models provide valuable insights into the behavior of the process, especially when no adequate and comprehensible single overall process model exists that is able to describe the traces of the process from start to end. The practical application of LPM discovery is however hindered by computational issues in the case of logs with many activities (problems may already occur when there are more than 17 unique activities). In this paper, we explore three heuristics to discover subsets of activities that lead to useful log projections with the goal of speeding up LPM discovery considerably while still finding high-quality LPMs. We found that a Markov clustering approach to create projection sets results in the largest improvement of execution time, with discovered LPMs still being better than with the use of randomly generated activity sets of the same size. Another heuristic, based on log entropy, yields a more moderate speedup, but enables the discovery of higher quality LPMs. The third heuristic, based on the relative information gain, shows unstable performance: for some data sets the speedup and LPM quality are higher than with the log entropy based method, while for other data sets there is no speedup at all.Comment: paper accepted and to appear in the proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM), special session on Process Mining, part of the Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI

    Heuristics for high-utility local process model mining

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    Local Process Models (LPMs) describe structured fragments of process behavior occurring in the context of less structured business processes. In contrast to traditional support-based LPM discovery, which aims to generate a collection of process models that describe highly frequent behavior, High-Utility Local Process Model (HU-LPM) discovery aims to generate a collection of process models that provide useful business insights by specifying a utility function. Mining LPMs is a computationally expensive task, because of the large search space of LPMs. In supportbased LPM mining, the search space is constrained by making use of the property that support is anti-monotonic. We show that in general, we cannot assume a provided utility function to be anti-monotonic, therefore, the search space of HU-LPMs cannot be reduced without loss. We propose four heuristic methods to speed up the mining of HU-LPMs while still being able to discover useful HU-LPMs. We demonstrate their applicability on three real-life data sets

    A new approach for discovering business process models from event logs.

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    Process mining is the automated acquisition of process models from the event logs of information systems. Although process mining has many useful applications, not all inherent difficulties have been sufficiently solved. A first difficulty is that process mining is often limited to a setting of non-supervised learnings since negative information is often not available. Moreover, state transitions in processes are often dependent on the traversed path, which limits the appropriateness of search techniques based on local information in the event log. Another difficulty is that case data and resource properties that can also influence state transitions are time-varying properties, such that they cannot be considered ascross-sectional.This article investigates the use of first-order, ILP classification learners for process mining and describes techniques for dealing with each of the above mentioned difficulties. To make process mining a supervised learning task, we propose to include negative events in the event log. When event logs contain no negative information, a technique is described to add artificial negative examples to a process log. To capture history-dependent behavior the article proposes to take advantage of the multi-relational nature of ILP classification learners. Multi-relational process mining allows to search for patterns among multiple event rows in the event log, effectively basing its search on global information. To deal with time-varying case data and resource properties, a closed-world version of the Event Calculus has to be added as background knowledge, transforming the event log effectively in a temporal database. First experiments on synthetic event logs show that first-order classification learners are capable of predicting the behavior with high accuracy, even under conditions of noise.Credit; Credit scoring; Models; Model; Applications; Performance; Space; Decision; Yield; Real life; Risk; Evaluation; Rules; Neural networks; Networks; Classification; Research; Business; Processes; Event; Information; Information systems; Systems; Learning; Data; Behavior; Patterns; IT; Event calculus; Knowledge; Database; Noise;

    Discovery of frequent episodes in event logs

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    Lion's share of process mining research focuses on the discovery of end-to-end process models describing the characteristic behavior of observed cases. The notion of a process instance (i.e., the case) plays an important role in process mining. Pattern mining techniques (such as frequent itemset mining, association rule learning, sequence mining, and traditional episode mining) do not consider process instances. An episode is a collection of partially ordered events. In this paper, we present a new technique (and corresponding implementation) that discovers frequently occurring episodes in event logs thereby exploiting the fact that events are associated with cases. Hence, the work can be positioned in-between process mining and pattern mining. Episode discovery has its applications in, amongst others, discovering local patterns in complex processes and conformance checking based on partial orders. We also discover episode rules to predict behavior and discover correlated behaviors in processes. We have developed a ProM plug-in that exploits efficient algorithms for the discovery of frequent episodes and episode rules. Experimental results based on real-life event logs demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of the approach

    Discovery of frequent episodes in event logs

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    Lion's share of process mining research focuses on the discovery of end-to-end process models describing the characteristic behavior of observed cases. The notion of a process instance (i.e., the case) plays an important role in process mining. Pattern mining techniques (such as frequent itemset mining, association rule learning, sequence mining, and traditional episode mining) do not consider process instances. An episode is a collection of partially ordered events. In this paper, we present a new technique (and corresponding implementation) that discovers frequently occurring episodes in event logs thereby exploiting the fact that events are associated with cases. Hence, the work can be positioned in-between process mining and pattern mining. Episode discovery has its applications in, amongst others, discovering local patterns in complex processes and conformance checking based on partial orders. We also discover episode rules to predict behavior and discover correlated behaviors in processes. We have developed a ProM plug-in that exploits efficient algorithms for the discovery of frequent episodes and episode rules. Experimental results based on real-life event logs demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of the approach

    Unsupervised event abstraction using pattern abstraction and local process models

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    Process mining analyzes business processes based on events stored in event logs. However, some recorded events may correspond to activities on a very low level of abstraction. When events are recorded on a too low level of abstraction, process discovery methods tend to generate overgeneralizing process models. Grouping low-level events to higher level activities, i.e., event abstraction, can be used to discover better process models. Existing event abstraction methods are mainly based on common sub-sequences and clustering techniques. In this paper, we propose to first discover local process models and, then, use those models to lift the event log to a higher level of abstraction. Our conjecture is that process models discovered on the obtained high-level event log return process models of higher quality: their fitness and precision scores are more balanced. We show this with preliminary results on several real-life event logs

    Unsupervised event abstraction using pattern abstraction and local process models

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    Process mining analyzes business processes based on events stored in event logs. However, some recorded events may correspond to activities on a very low level of abstraction. When events are recorded on a too low level of abstraction, process discovery methods tend to generate overgeneralizing process models. Grouping low-level events to higher level activities, i.e., event abstraction, can be used to discover better process models. Existing event abstraction methods are mainly based on common sub-sequences and clustering techniques. In this paper, we propose to first discover local process models and, then, use those models to lift the event log to a higher level of abstraction. Our conjecture is that process models discovered on the obtained high-level event log return process models of higher quality: their fitness and precision scores are more balanced. We show this with preliminary results on several real-life event logs