4 research outputs found

    Information Granulation for the Design of Granular Information Retrieval Systems

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    With the explosive growth of the amount of information stored on computer networks such as the Internet, it is increasingly more difficult for information seekers to retrieve relevant information. Traditional document ranking functions employed by Internet search engines can be enhanced to improve the effectiveness of information retrieval (IR). This paper illustrates the design and development of a granular IR system to facilitate domain specific search. In particular, a novel computational model is designed to rank documents according the searchers’ specific granularity requirements. The initial experiments confirm that our granular IR system outperforms a classical vector-based IR system. In addition, user-based evaluations also demonstrate that our granular IR system is effective when compared with a well-known Internet search engine. Our research work opens the door to the design and development of the next generation of Internet search engines to alleviate the problem of information overload

    Mining Fuzzy Domain Ontology from Textual Databases

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    Mining search engine query log is a new method for evaluating web site link structure and information architecture. In this paper we propose a new query-URL co-clustering for a web site useful to evaluate information architecture and link structure. Firstly, all queries and clicked URLs corresponding to particular web site are collected from a query log as bipartite graph, one side for queries and the other side for URLs. Then a new content free clustering is applied to cluster queries and URLs concurrently. Afterwards, based on information entropy, clusters of URLs and queries will be used for evaluating link structure and information architecture respectively. Data sets of different web sites have been extracted from a huge query log to evaluate our method, and experiments show promising result

    Fuzzy Information Retrieval Model Based On Multiple Related Ontologies

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    With the semantic web progress, encoding of knowledge bases as ontologies has increased. Information retrieval applications are employing this knowledge organization to enhance quality of results by returning documents semantically related and relevant to initial user's query. The proposed fuzzy information retrieval model retrieves information providing a framework to encode a knowledge base composed of multiple related ontologies whose relationships are expressed as fuzzy relations. This knowledge organization is used in a novel method to expand the user initial query and to index the documents in the collection. The model allows the ontologies, as well as the relationships among their concepts, to be represented independently. Experimental results show that the proposed model presents better overall performance when compared with another classical fuzzy-based approach for information retrieval. © 2008 IEEE.1309316Abulaish, M., Dey, L., A fuzzy ontology generation framework for handling uncertainties and nonuniformity in domain knowledge description (2007) ICCTA '07: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing: Theory and Applications, pp. 287-293. , Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer SocietyAkrivas, G., Wallace, M., Andreou, G., Stamou, G., Kollias, S., Context-sensitive semantic query expansion (2002) ICAIS '02: Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Systems (ICAIS'02), p. 109. , Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer SocietyBaeza-Yates, R.A., Ribeiro-Neto, B.A., (1999) Modern Information Retrieval, , ACM Press, Addison-WesleyBhogal, J., Macfarlane, A., Smith, P., A review of ontology based queiy expansion (2007) Information Processing and Management, 43 (4), pp. 866-886Bordogna, G., Pasi, G., Modeling vagueness in information retrieval (2001) Lectures on information retrieval, pp. 207-241Bratsas, C., Koutkias, V., Kaimakamis, E., Bamidis, P., Maglaveras, N., Ontology-based vector space model and fuzzy query expansion to retrieve knowledge on medical computational problem solutions (2007) EMBS 2007: Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Annual International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 3794-3797. , Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer SocietyChen, S.-M., Horng, Y.-J., Lee, C.-H., Fuzzy information retrieval based on multi-relationship fuzzy concept networks (2003) Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 140 (1), pp. 183-205Cock, M.D., Cornelis, C., Fuzzy rough set based web query expansion (2005) Proceedings of Rough Sets and Soft Computing in Intelligent Agent and Web Technology, International Workshop at WI-IAT, pp. 9-16Gomez-Pérez, A., Fernández-Lopez, M., Corcho, O., (2003) Ontological Engineering, , Springer-VerlagHorng, Y.-J., Chen, S.-M., Lee, C.-H., Automatically constructing multi-relationship fuzzy concept networks for document retrieval (2003) Applied Artificial Intelligence, 17 (L), pp. 303-328Mapa de climas, , http://mapas.ibge.gov.br/clima/viewer.htmLau, R.Y.K., Li, Y., Xu, Y., Mining fuzzy domain ontology from textual databases (2007) WI '07: Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, pp. 156-162. , Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer SocietyLiu, J.N.K., An intelligent system integrated with fuzzy ontology for product recommendation and retrieval (2007) FS'07: Proceedings of the 8th Conference on 8th WSEAS International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 180-185. , Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society WSEASNachtegael, M., Cock, M.D., der Weken, D.V., Kerre, E.E., Fuzzy relational images in computer science (2002) Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 2561, pp. 134-151. , London, UK, Springer-VerlagOgawa, Y., Morita, T., Kobayashi, K., A fuzzy document retrieval system using the keyword connection matrix and a learning method (1991) Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 39 (2), pp. 163-179D. Parry. A fuzzy ontology for medical document retrieval. In ACSW Frontiers '04: Proceedings of the second workshop on Australasian information security, Data Mining and Web Intelligence, and Software Internationalisation, pages 121-126, Darlinghurst, Australia, Australia, 2004. Australian Computer Society, IncPedrycz, W., Gomide, F., (1998) An introduction to fuzzy sets : Analysis and Design, , MIT Press, Cambridge, MassachusettsPereira, R., Ricarte, I., Gomide, F., Fuzzy relational ontological model in information search systems (2006) Elie Sanchez.(Org.). Fuzzy Logic and The Semantic Web, pp. 395-412. , Amsterdan, Elsevier B. VRicarte, I.L.M., Gomide, F.A.C., A reference model for intelligent information search (2004) Nikravesh, M.Zadeh, L. A.Azvine, B.Yager, R.R. (Org.). Enhancing the Power of Internet - Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pp. 327-346. , Heidelberg: Springer-VerlagMapa do clima no brasil, , http://campeche.inf.furb.br/sisga/educacao/ensino.php, SISGAWidyantoro, D.H., Yen, J., A fuzzy ontology-based abstract search engine and its user studies (2001) Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 1291-1294. , Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer SocietyKöppen climate classification, , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koppen-climate-classificatio