30 research outputs found

    Extended Apriori for association rule mining: Diminution based utility weightage measuring approach

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    The field of Association rule mining is a dynamic area for innovation of knowledge through which uncountable procedures have been expounded. Recently, by including significant components viz. value (utility), volume of items (weight) etc, the researchers have enhanced the quality of association rule mining for industry by bringing out the association designs. In this note, a proficient methodology has been put forward based on weight factor and utility for effective digging out of important association rules. At the very beginning, a traditional Apriori algorithm has been utilized that make use of the anti-monotone property which states that if n items are recurring continuously then n-1 items should also recur by which the scores of weightage(W-Gain), utility(U-Gain) and diminution(D-sum), are derived at. Eventually, we derive a subset of important association rules through which EUW-Score is generated. The tentative outcome demonstrates the effectiveness of the methodology in generating high utility association rules that is profitably used for the business improvement


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    Abstract. Frequent sequential pattern mining in item interval extended sequence database (iSDB) has been one of interesting task in recent years. Unlike classic frequent sequential pattern mining, the pattern mining in iSDB also consider the item interval between successive items; thus, it may extract more meaningful sequential patterns in real life. Most previous frequent sequential pattern mining in iSDB algorithms needs a minimum support threshold (minsup) to perform the mining. However, it’s not easy for users to provide an appropriate threshold in practice. The too high minsup value will lead to missing valuable patterns, while the too low minsup value may generate too many useless patterns. To address this problem, we propose an algorithm: TopKWFP – Top-k weighted frequent sequential pattern mining in item interval extended sequence database. Our algorithm doesn’t need to provide a fixed minsup value, this minsup value will dynamically raise during the mining proces

    Discovering High Utility Itemsets using Hybrid Approach

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    Mining of high utility itemsets especially from the big transactional databases is time consuming task. For mining the high utility itemsets from large transactional datasets multiple methods are available and have some consequential limitations. In case of performance these methods need to be scrutinized under low memory based systems for mining high utility itemsets from transactional datasets as well as to address further measures. The proposed algorithm combines the High Utility Pattern Mining and Incremental Frequent Pattern Mining. Two algorithms used are Apriori and existing Parallel UP Growth for mining high utility itemsets using transactional databases. The information about high utility itemsets is maintained in a data structure called UP tree. These algorithms are not only used to scans the incremental database but also collects newly generated frequent itemsets support count. It provides fast execution because it includes new itemsets in tree and removes rare itemset from a utility pattern tree structure that reduces cost and time. From various Experimental analysis and results, this hybrid approach with existing Apriori and UP-Growth is proposed with aim of improving the performance

    Mining Fuzzy Coherent Rules from Quantitative Transactions Without Minimum Support Threshold

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    [[abstract]]Many fuzzy data mining approaches have been proposed for finding fuzzy association rules with the predefined minimum support from the give quantitative transactions. However, some comment problems of those approaches are that (1) a minimum support should be predefined, and it is hard to set the appropriate one, and (2) the derived rules usually expose common-sense knowledge which may not be interested in business point of view. In this paper, we thus proposed an algorithm for mining fuzzy coherent rules to overcome those problems with the properties of propositional logic. It first transforms quantitative transactions into fuzzy sets. Then, those generated fuzzy sets are collected to generate candidate fuzzy coherent rules. Finally, contingency tables are calculated and used for checking those candidate fuzzy coherent rules satisfy four criteria or not. Experiments on the foodmart dataset are also made to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.[[incitationindex]]EI[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20120610~20120615[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Brisbane, Australi

    Efficient mining of Fuzzy Association Rules from the Pre-Processed Dataset

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    Association rule mining is an active data mining research area. Recent years have witnessed many efforts on discovering fuzzy associations. The key strength of fuzzy association rule mining is its completeness. This strength, however, comes with a major drawback to handle large datasets. It often produces a huge number of candidate itemsets. The huge number of candidate itemsets makes it ineffective for a data mining system to analyze them. In the end, it produces a huge number of fuzzy associations. This is particularly true for datasets whose attributes are highly correlated. The huge number of fuzzy associations makes it very difficult for a human user to analyze them. Existing research has shown that most of the discovered rules are actually redundant or insignificant. In this paper, we propose a novel technique to overcome these problems; we are preprocessing the data tuples by focusing on similar behaviour attributes and ontology. Finally, the efficiency and advantages of this algorithm have been proved by experimental results