13,357 research outputs found

    Window-based Streaming Graph Partitioning Algorithm

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    In the recent years, the scale of graph datasets has increased to such a degree that a single machine is not capable of efficiently processing large graphs. Thereby, efficient graph partitioning is necessary for those large graph applications. Traditional graph partitioning generally loads the whole graph data into the memory before performing partitioning; this is not only a time consuming task but it also creates memory bottlenecks. These issues of memory limitation and enormous time complexity can be resolved using stream-based graph partitioning. A streaming graph partitioning algorithm reads vertices once and assigns that vertex to a partition accordingly. This is also called an one-pass algorithm. This paper proposes an efficient window-based streaming graph partitioning algorithm called WStream. The WStream algorithm is an edge-cut partitioning algorithm, which distributes a vertex among the partitions. Our results suggest that the WStream algorithm is able to partition large graph data efficiently while keeping the load balanced across different partitions, and communication to a minimum. Evaluation results with real workloads also prove the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm, and it achieves a significant reduction in load imbalance and edge-cut with different ranges of dataset

    Integrative Dynamic Reconfiguration in a Parallel Stream Processing Engine

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    Load balancing, operator instance collocations and horizontal scaling are critical issues in Parallel Stream Processing Engines to achieve low data processing latency, optimized cluster utilization and minimized communication cost respectively. In previous work, these issues are typically tackled separately and independently. We argue that these problems are tightly coupled in the sense that they all need to determine the allocations of workloads and migrate computational states at runtime. Optimizing them independently would result in suboptimal solutions. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate how these three issues can be modeled as one integrated optimization problem. In particular, we first consider jobs where workload allocations have little effect on the communication cost, and model the problem of load balance as a Mixed-Integer Linear Program. Afterwards, we present an extended solution called ALBIC, which support general jobs. We implement the proposed techniques on top of Apache Storm, an open-source Parallel Stream Processing Engine. The extensive experimental results over both synthetic and real datasets show that our techniques clearly outperform existing approaches

    Adaptive Processing of Spatial-Keyword Data Over a Distributed Streaming Cluster

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    The widespread use of GPS-enabled smartphones along with the popularity of micro-blogging and social networking applications, e.g., Twitter and Facebook, has resulted in the generation of huge streams of geo-tagged textual data. Many applications require real-time processing of these streams. For example, location-based e-coupon and ad-targeting systems enable advertisers to register millions of ads to millions of users. The number of users is typically very high and they are continuously moving, and the ads change frequently as well. Hence sending the right ad to the matching users is very challenging. Existing streaming systems are either centralized or are not spatial-keyword aware, and cannot efficiently support the processing of rapidly arriving spatial-keyword data streams. This paper presents Tornado, a distributed spatial-keyword stream processing system. Tornado features routing units to fairly distribute the workload, and furthermore, co-locate the data objects and the corresponding queries at the same processing units. The routing units use the Augmented-Grid, a novel structure that is equipped with an efficient search algorithm for distributing the data objects and queries. Tornado uses evaluators to process the data objects against the queries. The routing units minimize the redundant communication by not sending data updates for processing when these updates do not match any query. By applying dynamically evaluated cost formulae that continuously represent the processing overhead at each evaluator, Tornado is adaptive to changes in the workload. Extensive experimental evaluation using spatio-textual range queries over real Twitter data indicates that Tornado outperforms the non-spatio-textually aware approaches by up to two orders of magnitude in terms of the overall system throughput

    Online Load Balancing for Network Functions Virtualization

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    Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) aims to support service providers to deploy various services in a more agile and cost-effective way. However, the softwarization and cloudification of network functions can result in severe congestion and low network performance. In this paper, we propose a solution to address this issue. We analyze and solve the online load balancing problem using multipath routing in NFV to optimize network performance in response to the dynamic changes of user demands. In particular, we first formulate the optimization problem of load balancing as a mixed integer linear program for achieving the optimal solution. We then develop the ORBIT algorithm that solves the online load balancing problem. The performance guarantee of ORBIT is analytically proved in comparison with the optimal offline solution. The experiment results on real-world datasets show that ORBIT performs very well for distributing traffic of each service demand across multipaths without knowledge of future demands, especially under high-load conditions