85 research outputs found

    CRC-Aided High-Rate Convolutional Codes With Short Blocklengths for List Decoding

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    Recently, rate-1/n zero-terminated (ZT) and tail-biting (TB) convolutional codes (CCs) with cyclic redundancy check (CRC)-aided list decoding have been shown to closely approach the random-coding union (RCU) bound for short blocklengths. This paper designs CRC polynomials for rate- (n-1)/n ZT and TB CCs with short blocklengths. This paper considers both standard rate-(n-1)/n CC polynomials and rate- (n-1)/n designs resulting from puncturing a rate-1/2 code. The CRC polynomials are chosen to maximize the minimum distance d_min and minimize the number of nearest neighbors A_(d_min) . For the standard rate-(n-1)/n codes, utilization of the dual trellis proposed by Yamada et al. lowers the complexity of CRC-aided serial list Viterbi decoding (SLVD). CRC-aided SLVD of the TBCCs closely approaches the RCU bound at a blocklength of 128. This paper compares the FER performance (gap to the RCU bound) and complexity of the CRC-aided standard and punctured ZTCCs and TBCCs. This paper also explores the complexity-performance trade-off for three TBCC decoders: a single-trellis approach, a multi-trellis approach, and a modified single-trellis approach with pre-processing using the wrap around Viterbi algorithm.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.0792

    List Decoding of Short Codes for Communication over Unknown Fading Channels

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    In this paper, the advantages of list decoding for short packet transmission over fading channels with an unknown state are illustrated. The principle is applied to polar codes (under successive cancellation list decoding) and to general short binary linear block codes (under ordered-statistics decoding). The proposed decoders assume neither a-priori knowledge of the channel coefficients, nor of their statistics. The scheme relies on short pilot fields that are used only to derive an initial channel estimate. The channel estimate is required to be accurate enough to enable a good list construction, i.e., the construction of a list that contains, with high probability, the transmitted codeword. The final decision on the message is obtained by applying a list. This allows one to use very few pilots, thus reducing the the Rayleigh block-fading channel and compared to finite-length performance bounds. The proposed technique provides (in the short block length regime) gains of 1 dB with respect to a traditional pilot-aided transmission scheme

    Deterministic Rateless Codes for BSC

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    A rateless code encodes a finite length information word into an infinitely long codeword such that longer prefixes of the codeword can tolerate a larger fraction of errors. A rateless code achieves capacity for a family of channels if, for every channel in the family, reliable communication is obtained by a prefix of the code whose rate is arbitrarily close to the channel's capacity. As a result, a universal encoder can communicate over all channels in the family while simultaneously achieving optimal communication overhead. In this paper, we construct the first \emph{deterministic} rateless code for the binary symmetric channel. Our code can be encoded and decoded in O(β)O(\beta) time per bit and in almost logarithmic parallel time of O(βlogn)O(\beta \log n), where β\beta is any (arbitrarily slow) super-constant function. Furthermore, the error probability of our code is almost exponentially small exp(Ω(n/β))\exp(-\Omega(n/\beta)). Previous rateless codes are probabilistic (i.e., based on code ensembles), require polynomial time per bit for decoding, and have inferior asymptotic error probabilities. Our main technical contribution is a constructive proof for the existence of an infinite generating matrix that each of its prefixes induce a weight distribution that approximates the expected weight distribution of a random linear code

    Rate-compatible LDPC Codes based on Primitive Polynomials and Golomb Rulers

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    We introduce and study a family of rate-compatible Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes characterized by very simple encoders. The design of these codes starts from simplex codes, which are defined by parity-check matrices having a straightforward form stemming from the coefficients of a primitive polynomial. For this reason, we call the new codes Primitive Rate-Compatible LDPC (PRC-LDPC) codes. By applying puncturing to these codes, we obtain a bit-level granularity of their code rates. We show that, in order to achieve good LDPC codes, the underlying polynomials, besides being primitive, must meet some more stringent conditions with respect to those of classical punctured simplex codes. We leverage non-modular Golomb rulers to take the new requirements into account. We characterize the minimum distance properties of PRC-LDPC codes, and study and discuss their encoding and decoding complexity. Finally, we assess their error rate performance under iterative decoding