57 research outputs found

    State-of-the-art Speech Recognition With Sequence-to-Sequence Models

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    Attention-based encoder-decoder architectures such as Listen, Attend, and Spell (LAS), subsume the acoustic, pronunciation and language model components of a traditional automatic speech recognition (ASR) system into a single neural network. In previous work, we have shown that such architectures are comparable to state-of-theart ASR systems on dictation tasks, but it was not clear if such architectures would be practical for more challenging tasks such as voice search. In this work, we explore a variety of structural and optimization improvements to our LAS model which significantly improve performance. On the structural side, we show that word piece models can be used instead of graphemes. We also introduce a multi-head attention architecture, which offers improvements over the commonly-used single-head attention. On the optimization side, we explore synchronous training, scheduled sampling, label smoothing, and minimum word error rate optimization, which are all shown to improve accuracy. We present results with a unidirectional LSTM encoder for streaming recognition. On a 12, 500 hour voice search task, we find that the proposed changes improve the WER from 9.2% to 5.6%, while the best conventional system achieves 6.7%; on a dictation task our model achieves a WER of 4.1% compared to 5% for the conventional system.Comment: ICASSP camera-ready versio

    Optimizing expected word error rate via sampling for speech recognition

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    State-level minimum Bayes risk (sMBR) training has become the de facto standard for sequence-level training of speech recognition acoustic models. It has an elegant formulation using the expectation semiring, and gives large improvements in word error rate (WER) over models trained solely using cross-entropy (CE) or connectionist temporal classification (CTC). sMBR training optimizes the expected number of frames at which the reference and hypothesized acoustic states differ. It may be preferable to optimize the expected WER, but WER does not interact well with the expectation semiring, and previous approaches based on computing expected WER exactly involve expanding the lattices used during training. In this paper we show how to perform optimization of the expected WER by sampling paths from the lattices used during conventional sMBR training. The gradient of the expected WER is itself an expectation, and so may be approximated using Monte Carlo sampling. We show experimentally that optimizing WER during acoustic model training gives 5% relative improvement in WER over a well-tuned sMBR baseline on a 2-channel query recognition task (Google Home)

    The 2005 AMI system for the transcription of speech in meetings

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    In this paper we describe the 2005 AMI system for the transcription\ud of speech in meetings used for participation in the 2005 NIST\ud RT evaluations. The system was designed for participation in the speech\ud to text part of the evaluations, in particular for transcription of speech\ud recorded with multiple distant microphones and independent headset\ud microphones. System performance was tested on both conference room\ud and lecture style meetings. Although input sources are processed using\ud different front-ends, the recognition process is based on a unified system\ud architecture. The system operates in multiple passes and makes use\ud of state of the art technologies such as discriminative training, vocal\ud tract length normalisation, heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis,\ud speaker adaptation with maximum likelihood linear regression and minimum\ud word error rate decoding. In this paper we describe the system performance\ud on the official development and test sets for the NIST RT05s\ud evaluations. The system was jointly developed in less than 10 months\ud by a multi-site team and was shown to achieve very competitive performance

    Porting concepts from DNNs back to GMMs

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to outperform Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) on a variety of speech recognition benchmarks. In this paper we analyze the differences between the DNN and GMM modeling techniques and port the best ideas from the DNN-based modeling to a GMM-based system. By going both deep (multiple layers) and wide (multiple parallel sub-models) and by sharing model parameters, we are able to close the gap between the two modeling techniques on the TIMIT database. Since the 'deep' GMMs retain the maximum-likelihood trained Gaussians as first layer, advanced techniques such as speaker adaptation and model-based noise robustness can be readily incorporated. Regardless of their similarities, the DNNs and the deep GMMs still show a sufficient amount of complementarity to allow effective system combination
