4 research outputs found

    Minimizing MPI Resource Contention in Multithreaded Multicore Environments

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    The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility 2010 annual report.

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    Researchers found more ways than ever to conduct transformative science at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) in 2010. Both familiar initiatives and innovative new programs at the ALCF are now serving a growing, global user community with a wide range of computing needs. The Department of Energy's (DOE) INCITE Program remained vital in providing scientists with major allocations of leadership-class computing resources at the ALCF. For calendar year 2011, 35 projects were awarded 732 million supercomputer processor-hours for computationally intensive, large-scale research projects with the potential to significantly advance key areas in science and engineering. Argonne also continued to provide Director's Discretionary allocations - 'start up' awards - for potential future INCITE projects. And DOE's new ASCR Leadership Computing (ALCC) Program allocated resources to 10 ALCF projects, with an emphasis on high-risk, high-payoff simulations directly related to the Department's energy mission, national emergencies, or for broadening the research community capable of using leadership computing resources. While delivering more science today, we've also been laying a solid foundation for high performance computing in the future. After a successful DOE Lehman review, a contract was signed to deliver Mira, the next-generation Blue Gene/Q system, to the ALCF in 2012. The ALCF is working with the 16 projects that were selected for the Early Science Program (ESP) to enable them to be productive as soon as Mira is operational. Preproduction access to Mira will enable ESP projects to adapt their codes to its architecture and collaborate with ALCF staff in shaking down the new system. We expect the 10-petaflops system to stoke economic growth and improve U.S. competitiveness in key areas such as advancing clean energy and addressing global climate change. Ultimately, we envision Mira as a stepping-stone to exascale-class computers that will be faster than petascale-class computers by a factor of a thousand. Pete Beckman, who served as the ALCF's Director for the past few years, has been named director of the newly created Exascale Technology and Computing Institute (ETCi). The institute will focus on developing exascale computing to extend scientific discovery and solve critical science and engineering problems. Just as Pete's leadership propelled the ALCF to great success, we know that that ETCi will benefit immensely from his expertise and experience. Without question, the future of supercomputing is certainly in good hands. I would like to thank Pete for all his effort over the past two years, during which he oversaw the establishing of ALCF2, the deployment of the Magellan project, increases in utilization, availability, and number of projects using ALCF1. He managed the rapid growth of ALCF staff and made the facility what it is today. All the staff and users are better for Pete's efforts

    Improving MPI Threading Support for Current Hardware Architectures

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    Threading support for Message Passing Interface (MPI) has been defined in the MPI standard for more than twenty years. While many standard-compliance MPI implementations fully support multithreading, the threading support in MPI still cannot provide the optimal performance on the same level as the non-threading environment. The performance disparity leads to low adoption rate from applications, and eventually, lesser interest in optimizing MPI threading support. However, with the current advancement in computation hardware, the number of CPU core per packet is growing drastically. Using shared-memory MPI communication has become more costly. MPI threading without local communication is one of the alternatives and the some interests are shifting back toward threading to MPI.In this work, we investigate different approaches to leverage the power of thread parallelism and tools to help us to raise the multi-threaded MPI performance to reasonable level. We propose a novel multi-threaded MPI benchmark with multiple communication patterns to stress multiple points of the MPI implementation, with the ability to switch between using MPI process and threads for quick comparison between two modes. Enabling the us, and the others MPI developers to stress test their implementation design.We address the interoperability between MPI implementation and threading frameworks by introducing the thread-synchronization object, an object that gives the MPI implementation more control over user-level thread, allowing for more thread utilization in MPI. In our implementation, the synchronization object relieves the lock contention on the internal progress engine and able to achieve up to 7x the performance of the original implementation. Moving forward, we explore the possibility of harnessing the true thread concurrency. We proposed several strategies to address the bottlenecks in MPI implementation. From our evaluation, with our novel threading optimization, we can achieve up to 22x the performance comparing to the legacy MPI designs