1,763 research outputs found

    Joint Routing and STDMA-based Scheduling to Minimize Delays in Grid Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this report, we study the issue of delay optimization and energy efficiency in grid wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We focus on STDMA (Spatial Reuse TDMA)) scheduling, where a predefined cycle is repeated, and where each node has fixed transmission opportunities during specific slots (defined by colors). We assume a STDMA algorithm that takes advantage of the regularity of grid topology to also provide a spatially periodic coloring ("tiling" of the same color pattern). In this setting, the key challenges are: 1) minimizing the average routing delay by ordering the slots in the cycle 2) being energy efficient. Our work follows two directions: first, the baseline performance is evaluated when nothing specific is done and the colors are randomly ordered in the STDMA cycle. Then, we propose a solution, ORCHID that deliberately constructs an efficient STDMA schedule. It proceeds in two steps. In the first step, ORCHID starts form a colored grid and builds a hierarchical routing based on these colors. In the second step, ORCHID builds a color ordering, by considering jointly both routing and scheduling so as to ensure that any node will reach a sink in a single STDMA cycle. We study the performance of these solutions by means of simulations and modeling. Results show the excellent performance of ORCHID in terms of delays and energy compared to a shortest path routing that uses the delay as a heuristic. We also present the adaptation of ORCHID to general networks under the SINR interference model

    Exact algorithms to minimize interference in wireless sensor networks

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    AbstractFinding a low-interference connected topology is a fundamental problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The problem of reducing interference through adjusting the nodes’ transmission radii in a connected network is one of the most well-known open algorithmic problems in wireless sensor network optimization. In this paper, we study minimization of the average interference and the maximum interference for the highway model, where all the nodes are arbitrarily distributed on a line. First, we prove that there is always an optimal topology with minimum interference that is planar. Then, two exact algorithms are proposed. The first one is an exact algorithm to minimize the average interference in polynomial time, O(n3Δ), where n is the number of nodes and Δ is the maximum node degree. The second one is an exact algorithm to minimize the maximum interference in sub-exponential time, O(n3ΔO(k)), where k=O(Δ) is the minimum maximum interference. All the optimal topologies constructed are planar

    Stuck in Traffic (SiT) Attacks: A Framework for Identifying Stealthy Attacks that Cause Traffic Congestion

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    Recent advances in wireless technologies have enabled many new applications in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) such as collision avoidance, cooperative driving, congestion avoidance, and traffic optimization. Due to the vulnerable nature of wireless communication against interference and intentional jamming, ITS face new challenges to ensure the reliability and the safety of the overall system. In this paper, we expose a class of stealthy attacks -- Stuck in Traffic (SiT) attacks -- that aim to cause congestion by exploiting how drivers make decisions based on smart traffic signs. An attacker mounting a SiT attack solves a Markov Decision Process problem to find optimal/suboptimal attack policies in which he/she interferes with a well-chosen subset of signals that are based on the state of the system. We apply Approximate Policy Iteration (API) algorithms to derive potent attack policies. We evaluate their performance on a number of systems and compare them to other attack policies including random, myopic and DoS attack policies. The generated policies, albeit suboptimal, are shown to significantly outperform other attack policies as they maximize the expected cumulative reward from the standpoint of the attacker
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