4 research outputs found

    Electronic Preventive Maintenance

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    This project give the details about the approach and research done for electronic preventive maintenance system, which in this project will involved Microsoft Access, HanDBase® Software, VB .Net, Microsoft .Net framework, Microsoft Active Sync, Microsoft ActiveX Control and also some other software that will be used to support this system. This report will formerly cover about the analysis and design of the Electronic Preventive Maintenance project In plant fieldwork, conceptually the initial stage in any documentation procedure, the issue of portability is important in two senses: first, the sense of platform interoperability and second, in the sense of mobility. With this concept, it wills strong enough the reason why electronic preventive maintenance is a must in plant fieldwork. The following are covered by the report: - The details description of the current framework that can used to develop this system. - The analysis of current system, problems of that current system, finds the solution for the problems and also the significant of the project. - Relate the objective of the project and find the way to achieve the objective. - Relevancy of the project and feasibility of project within scope and time fram

    Near-optimal scheduling and decision-making models for reactive and proactive fault tolerance mechanisms

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    As High Performance Computing (HPC) systems increase in size to fulfill computational power demand, the chance of failure occurrences dramatically increases, resulting in potentially large amounts of lost computing time. Fault Tolerance (FT) mechanisms aim to mitigate the impact of failure occurrences to the running applications. However, the overhead of FT mechanisms increases proportionally to the HPC systems\u27 size. Therefore, challenges arise in handling the expensive overhead of FT mechanisms while minimizing the large amount of lost computing time due to failure occurrences. In this dissertation, a near-optimal scheduling model is built to determine when to invoke a hybrid checkpoint mechanism, by means of stochastic processes and calculus of variations. The obtained schedule minimizes the waste time caused by checkpoint mechanism and failure occurrences. Generally, the checkpoint/restart mechanisms periodically save application states and load the saved state, upon failure occurrences. Furthermore, to handle various FT mechanisms, an adaptive decision-making model has been developed to determine the best FT strategy to invoke at each decision point. The best mechanism at each decision point is selected among considered FT mechanisms to globally minimize the total waste time for an application execution by means of a dynamic programming approach. In addition, the model is adaptive to deal with changes in failure rate over time

    Envelhecimento de software utilizando ensaios de vida acelerados quantitativos

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de ProduçãoEste trabalho apresenta uma abordagem sistematizada para acelerar o tempo de vida de sistemas que são acometidos pelos efeitos do envelhecimento de software. Estudos de confiabilidade voltados para estes sistemas necessitam realizar a observação dos tempos de falhas causadas pelo envelhecimento de software, o que exige experimentos de longa duração. Esta exigência cria diversas restrições, principalmente quando o tempo de experimentação implica em prazos e custos proibitivos para o estudo. Neste sentido, este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para acelerar a vida de sistemas que falham por envelhecimento de software, reduzindo o tempo de experimentação necessário para observar as suas falhas, o que reduz os prazos e custos das pesquisas nesta área. A fundamentação teórica deste estudo contou com um arcabouço conceitual envolvendo as áreas de dependabilidade computacional, engenharia de confiabilidade, projeto de experimentos, ensaios de vida acelerados e o estudo da fenomenologia do envelhecimento de software. A técnica de aceleração adotada foi a de ensaios de degradação acelerados, a qual tem sido largamente utilizada em diversas áreas da indústria, mas até o momento não tinha sido usada em estudos envolvendo produtos de software. A elaboração dos meios que permitiram aplicar esta técnica no âmbito da engenharia de software experimental, abordando especialmente o problema do envelhecimento de software, é a principal contribuição desta pesquisa. Em conjunto com a fundamentação teórica foi possível avaliar a aplicabilidade do método proposto a partir de um estudo de caso real, envolvendo a aceleração do envelhecimento de um software servidor web. Dentre os principais resultados obtidos no estudo experimental, destaca-se a identificação dos tratamentos que mais contribuíram para o envelhecimento do software servidor web. A partir destes tratamentos foi possível definir o padrão de carga de trabalho que mais influenciou no envelhecimento do servidor web analisado, sendo que o tipo e tamanho de páginas requisitadas foram os dois fatores mais significativos. Outro resultado importante diz respeito à verificação de que a variação na taxa de requisições do servidor web não influenciou o seu envelhecimento. Com relação à redução no período de experimentação, o método proposto apresentou o menor tempo em comparação aos valores previamente reportados na literatura para experimentos similares, tendo sido 3,18 vezes inferior ao menor tempo encontrado. Em termos de MTBF estimado, com e sem a aceleração do envelhecimento, obteve-se uma redução de aproximadamente 687 vezes no tempo de experimentação aplicando-se o método proposto. This research work presents a systematic approach to accelerate the lifetime of systems that fail due to the software aging effects. Reliability engineering studies applied to systems that require the observation of time to failures caused by software aging normally require a long observation period. This requirement introduces several practical constraints, mainly when the experiment duration demands prohibitive time and cost. The present work shows a proposal to accelerate the lifetime of systems that fail due to software aging, reducing the experimentation time to observe their failures, which means smaller time and costs for research works in this area. The theoretical fundamentals used by the proposed method were based on concepts of the following areas: computing dependability, reliability engineering, design of experiments, accelerated life tests and the software aging phenomenology. The lifetime acceleration technique adopted was the quantitative accelerated degradation test. This technique is largely used in several industry areas, however until the moment it hadn't been used in the software engineering field. The specification of means that allowed applying this technique to the experimental software engineering area, especially to approach the software aging problem, it is considered the main contribution of this research work. Also, it was possible to evaluate the applicability of the proposed method in a case study related to the software aging acceleration of a real web server. An important result was the identification of treatments that contributed to the web server aging. Based on these treatments was possible to define a workload standard that most influenced the aging effects on the web server analyzed, where the page size and page type were two significant factors. Another important result of this case study is regarding the request rate variability, that hadn't influence on the aging of the investigated web server software. Regarding the reduction of the experimentation period, the proposed method showed a shorter duration than values from similar experiments previously published, being 3.18 times less than the shorter experimentation time found in the literature. In terms of MTBF estimates, obtained with and without the aging acceleration, it was possible to achieve a reduction of approximately 687 times of the experimentation time using the proposed method