15,647 research outputs found

    Adaptive Hausdorff estimation of density level sets

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    Consider the problem of estimating the γ\gamma-level set Gγ={x:f(x)γ}G^*_{\gamma}=\{x:f(x)\geq\gamma\} of an unknown dd-dimensional density function ff based on nn independent observations X1,...,XnX_1,...,X_n from the density. This problem has been addressed under global error criteria related to the symmetric set difference. However, in certain applications a spatially uniform mode of convergence is desirable to ensure that the estimated set is close to the target set everywhere. The Hausdorff error criterion provides this degree of uniformity and, hence, is more appropriate in such situations. It is known that the minimax optimal rate of error convergence for the Hausdorff metric is (n/logn)1/(d+2α)(n/\log n)^{-1/(d+2\alpha)} for level sets with boundaries that have a Lipschitz functional form, where the parameter α\alpha characterizes the regularity of the density around the level of interest. However, the estimators proposed in previous work are nonadaptive to the density regularity and require knowledge of the parameter α\alpha. Furthermore, previously developed estimators achieve the minimax optimal rate for rather restricted classes of sets (e.g., the boundary fragment and star-shaped sets) that effectively reduce the set estimation problem to a function estimation problem. This characterization precludes level sets with multiple connected components, which are fundamental to many applications. This paper presents a fully data-driven procedure that is adaptive to unknown regularity conditions and achieves near minimax optimal Hausdorff error control for a class of density level sets with very general shapes and multiple connected components.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOS661 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Optimal rates for plug-in estimators of density level sets

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    In the context of density level set estimation, we study the convergence of general plug-in methods under two main assumptions on the density for a given level λ\lambda. More precisely, it is assumed that the density (i) is smooth in a neighborhood of λ\lambda and (ii) has γ\gamma-exponent at level λ\lambda. Condition (i) ensures that the density can be estimated at a standard nonparametric rate and condition (ii) is similar to Tsybakov's margin assumption which is stated for the classification framework. Under these assumptions, we derive optimal rates of convergence for plug-in estimators. Explicit convergence rates are given for plug-in estimators based on kernel density estimators when the underlying measure is the Lebesgue measure. Lower bounds proving optimality of the rates in a minimax sense when the density is H\"older smooth are also provided.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/09-BEJ184 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Minimax and Adaptive Inference in Nonparametric Function Estimation

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    Since Stein's 1956 seminal paper, shrinkage has played a fundamental role in both parametric and nonparametric inference. This article discusses minimaxity and adaptive minimaxity in nonparametric function estimation. Three interrelated problems, function estimation under global integrated squared error, estimation under pointwise squared error, and nonparametric confidence intervals, are considered. Shrinkage is pivotal in the development of both the minimax theory and the adaptation theory. While the three problems are closely connected and the minimax theories bear some similarities, the adaptation theories are strikingly different. For example, in a sharp contrast to adaptive point estimation, in many common settings there do not exist nonparametric confidence intervals that adapt to the unknown smoothness of the underlying function. A concise account of these theories is given. The connections as well as differences among these problems are discussed and illustrated through examples.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-STS355 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Adaptation to lowest density regions with application to support recovery

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    A scheme for locally adaptive bandwidth selection is proposed which sensitively shrinks the bandwidth of a kernel estimator at lowest density regions such as the support boundary which are unknown to the statistician. In case of a H\"{o}lder continuous density, this locally minimax-optimal bandwidth is shown to be smaller than the usual rate, even in case of homogeneous smoothness. Some new type of risk bound with respect to a density-dependent standardized loss of this estimator is established. This bound is fully nonasymptotic and allows to deduce convergence rates at lowest density regions that can be substantially faster than n1/2n^{-1/2}. It is complemented by a weighted minimax lower bound which splits into two regimes depending on the value of the density. The new estimator adapts into the second regime, and it is shown that simultaneous adaptation into the fastest regime is not possible in principle as long as the H\"{o}lder exponent is unknown. Consequences on plug-in rules for support recovery are worked out in detail. In contrast to those with classical density estimators, the plug-in rules based on the new construction are minimax-optimal, up to some logarithmic factor.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOS1366 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Note on Minimax Testing and Confidence Intervals in Moment Inequality Models

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    This note uses a simple example to show how moment inequality models used in the empirical economics literature lead to general minimax relative efficiency comparisons. The main point is that such models involve inference on a low dimensional parameter, which leads naturally to a definition of "distance" that, in full generality, would be arbitrary in minimax testing problems. This definition of distance is justified by the fact that it leads to a duality between minimaxity of confidence intervals and tests, which does not hold for other definitions of distance. Thus, the use of moment inequalities for inference in a low dimensional parametric model places additional structure on the testing problem, which leads to stronger conclusions regarding minimax relative efficiency than would otherwise be possible

    Nonparametric estimation over shrinking neighborhoods: Superefficiency and adaptation

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    A theory of superefficiency and adaptation is developed under flexible performance measures which give a multiresolution view of risk and bridge the gap between pointwise and global estimation. This theory provides a useful benchmark for the evaluation of spatially adaptive estimators and shows that the possible degree of superefficiency for minimax rate optimal estimators critically depends on the size of the neighborhood over which the risk is measured. Wavelet procedures are given which adapt rate optimally for given shrinking neighborhoods including the extreme cases of mean squared error at a point and mean integrated squared error over the whole interval. These adaptive procedures are based on a new wavelet block thresholding scheme which combines both the commonly used horizontal blocking of wavelet coefficients (at the same resolution level) and vertical blocking of coefficients (across different resolution levels).Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053604000000832 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org