13 research outputs found

    Minimal triangulation of the 4-cube

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    AbstractIt is known that the 4-dimensional cube can be triangulated by a set of 16 simplices. This note demonstrates that the 4-dimensional cube cannot be triangulated with fewer than 16 simplices

    Lower bounds for the simplexity of the n-cube

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    In this paper we prove a new asymptotic lower bound for the minimal number of simplices in simplicial dissections of nn-dimensional cubes. In particular we show that the number of simplices in dissections of nn-cubes without additional vertices is at least (n+1)n−12(n+1)^{\frac {n-1} 2}.Comment: 10 page

    Author index volume 40 (1982)

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    There are only two nonobtuse binary triangulations of the unit nn-cube

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    Triangulations of the cube into a minimal number of simplices without additional vertices have been studied by several authors over the past decades. For 3≤n≤73\leq n\leq 7 this so-called simplexity of the unit cube InI^n is now known to be 5,16,67,308,14935,16,67,308,1493, respectively. In this paper, we study triangulations of InI^n with simplices that only have nonobtuse dihedral angles. A trivial example is the standard triangulation into n!n! simplices. In this paper we show that, surprisingly, for each n≥3n\geq 3 there is essentially only one other nonobtuse triangulation of InI^n, and give its explicit construction. The number of nonobtuse simplices in this triangulation is equal to the smallest integer larger than n!(e−2)n!({\rm e}-2).Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Lower Bounds for Simplicial Covers and Triangulations of Cubes

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    We show that the size of a minimal simplicial cover of a polytope P is a lower bound for the size of a minimal triangulation of P, including ones with extra vertices. We then use this fact to study minimal triangulations of cubes, and we improve lower bounds for covers and triangulations in dimensions 4 through at least 12 (and possibly more dimensions as well). Important ingredients are an analysis of the number of exterior faces that a simplex in the cube can have of a specified dimension and volume, and a characterization of corner simplices in terms of their exterior faces

    A Lower Bound for the Simplexity of then-Cube via Hyperbolic Volumes

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    AbstractLet T(n) denote the number of n -simplices in a minimum cardinality decomposition of the n -cube into n -simplices. For n≥ 1, we show that T(n) ≥H(n), where H(n) is the ratio of the hyperbolic volume of the ideal cube to the ideal regular simplex. H(n) ≥12·6n/2(n+ 1)−n+12n!. Also limn→∞n [H(n)]1/n≈ 0.9281. Explicit bounds for T(n) are tabulated for n≤ 10, and we mention some other results on hyperbolic volumes

    The Hyperdeterminant and Triangulations of the 4-Cube

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    The hyperdeterminant of format 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 is a polynomial of degree 24 in 16 unknowns which has 2894276 terms. We compute the Newton polytope of this polynomial and the secondary polytope of the 4-cube. The 87959448 regular triangulations of the 4-cube are classified into 25448 D-equivalence classes, one for each vertex of the Newton polytope. The 4-cube has 80876 coarsest regular subdivisions, one for each facet of the secondary polytope, but only 268 of them come from the hyperdeterminant.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures; An author's name changed, typos fixe

    Simplexity of the n-cube

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    Major: Mathematics and Classics Faculty Mentor: Dr. Su-Jeong Kang, Mathematics The process of dividing shapes into triangles is called triangulation, and it is possible to abstract the idea of a triangle to higher dimensions, where it will be called a simplex in n-dimensions, or an n-simplex. I studied this process of generalized triangulation, or decomposition, in order to find an optimal decomposition of a 5-cube to help improve the bounds on the general case of an n-cube