19 research outputs found

    Toward a User Commitment Continuum

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    User commitment to a new information system is critical to its success. But what does this mean? One explanatory theory is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which has gained wide recognition, but has also been criticized for its inability to account for temporal and contextual differences as well as its failure to consider how user commitment grows and changes with system use. This paper suggests that “user commitment” is not a binary proposition, but rather is better described as a range of values on a continuum. We propose such a model with at least four major components

    Integrated care in the daily work: coordination beyond organisational boundaries

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    Objectives: In this paper, integrated care in an inter-organisational cooperative setting of in-home elderly care is studied. The aim is to explore how home care workers coordinate their daily work, identify coordination issues in situ and discuss possible actions for supporting seamless and integrated elderly care at home. <br><br> Method: The empirical findings are drawn from an ethnographic workplace study of the cooperation and coordination taking place between home care workers in a Swedish county. Data were collected through observational studies, interviews and group discussions. <br><br> Findings: The paper identifies a need to support two core issues. Firstly, it must be made clear how the care interventions that are currently defined as ‘self-treatment’ by the home health care should be divided. Secondly, the distributed and asynchronous coordination between all care workers involved, regardless of organisational belonging must be better supported. <br><br> Conclusion: Integrated care needs to be developed between organisations as well as within each organisation. As a matter of fact, integrated care needs to be built up beyond organisational boundaries. Organisational boundaries affect the planning of the division of care interventions, but not the coordination during the home care process. During the home care process, the main challenge is the coordination difficulties that arise from the fact that workers are distributed in time and/or space, regardless of organisational belonging. A core subject for future practice and research is to develop IT tools that reach beyond formal organisational boundaries and processes while remaining adaptable in view of future structure changes

    Caractérisation des modes de coordination interpersonnelle au sein d'une équipe de basket-ball

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    Characterization of interpersonal coordination modes within a basket-ball team. The aim of our study was to analyze the construction of a collective activity. We focused on interpersonal coordination process within a basket-ball team during a match. We characterized the way how basketball players took mutually into account their respective activities. In order to consider in the same time both units of analysis, the individual one and the collective one, this study referred to the framework of the course of action theory (Theureau, 2006). Results allowed us to specify the relational network between players, the various coordination modes between two players and the different forms of team coordination. These results are discussed with regard to the nature of interactions within the team, and with regard to the notion of a collective action plan : they highlighted that some collective activity construction modalities are based on local overlapping coordination. These results thus question the status of a collective plan (as a scheme shared by all the players).CaractĂ©risation de modes de coordination interpersonnels dans une Ă©quipe de basket-ball. Le but de notre Ă©tude Ă©tait d'analyser la construction d'une activitĂ© collective. Nous nous sommes concentrĂ©s sur le processus de coordination interpersonnel dans une Ă©quipe de basket-ball pendant un match(une allumette). Nous avons caractĂ©risĂ© la voie comment les basketteurs ont pris mutuellement en considĂ©ration leurs activitĂ©s respectives. Pour considĂ©rer dans le mĂȘme temps les deux unitĂ©s d'analyse, le individuel et le collectif, cette Ă©tude a mentionnĂ© la structure du cours de thĂ©orie d'action (Theureau, 2006). Les rĂ©sultats nous ont permis de spĂ©cifier le rĂ©seau relationnel entre des acteurs(joueurs), les modes de coordination divers entre deux acteurs(joueurs) et les formes(formulaires) diffĂ©rentes de coordination d'Ă©quipe. Ces rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©s en ce qui concerne la nature d'interactions dans l'Ă©quipe et en ce qui concerne la notion d'un plan d'action collectif : ils ont mis en Ă©vidence(ont surlignĂ©) ces quelques modalitĂ©s de construction d'activitĂ© collectives sont basĂ© sur la coordination de chevauchement locale. Ces rĂ©sultats mettent ainsi en doute le statut d'un plan collectif (comme un plan(arrangement) partagĂ© par tous les acteurs(joueurs))


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    ABSTRACT Development of computer technologies is a necessar

    Digital kompetenceudvikling gennem udviklingslaboratorier

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    I artiklen beskrives og analyseres, hvordan kompetenceudvikling af undervisere i teknologiforstĂ„else pĂ„ lĂŠreruddannelsen har fundet sted gennem anvendelse af et laboratorieformat. IndholdsmĂŠssigt har kompetenceudviklingen skullet favne en teknologisk, en fag-faglig og en almendidaktisk indholdsdimension. I projektet har man taget udgangspunkt i udviklingslaboratoriet som et sted, der er afgrĂŠnset fra den almindelige verden, hvor deltagerne kan stille nye typer af spĂžrgsmĂ„l gennem et praktisk arbejde med undersĂžgelser og eksperimenter, og hvor formatet potentielt kan transformere undervisningspraksis, idet der er Ă„bne rammer for at eksperimentere. Det undersĂžges, hvordan deltagerne omsĂŠtter laboratorieformatet i praksis. Den indledende tese er, at udviklingslaboratoriet udgĂžr et lĂžst defineret format, der i hĂžj grad formes af bĂ„de koordinatorer og deltagere. Disse processer analyseres i artiklen som artikulationsarbejde, dvs. koordinerende og strukturerende arbejde, der udfĂžres for at fĂ„ praksis til at fungere. Med afsĂŠt i observations- og interviewdata undersĂžges forskellige aktĂžr-perspektiver ifm. udviklingslaboratorierne, og herigennem illustreres en mangfoldighed af perspektiver og oplevelsesarenaer. PĂ„ baggrund af analyserne konkluderes det, at det er muligt at realisere formatet ift. intentionen, men ogsĂ„ at implementeringen af formatet i en mere rutinemĂŠssig form medfĂžrer stĂžrre udfordringer.The article describes and analyzes how a laboratory format has been used in lecturers’ professional development in a nationwide project on technological literacy and computational thinking (in Danish “teknologiforstĂ„else”) in teacher training programs. In terms of content, the professional development activity needs to embrace both a technological, a subject-related and a teaching-and-learning dimension. In the project, the point of departure was the idea of the laboratory as a place demarcated from the ordinary world, where participants can ask new types of questions through practical work with investigations and experiments, and where the format is potentially transformative for teaching practice, as the format offers a framework which is open for experimentation. The article studies how participants implement (enact) the laboratory format in practice. The initial thesis is that the development laboratory is a loosely defined format that, to a large degree, is shaped by both coordinators and participants. The article analyses these processes as articulation work, i.e., coordination and structuring work that is performed to make practice work. Different actor perspectives related to the development laboratories are examined based on observations and interview data. Through this, a diversity of perspectives and experiences are illustrated. Based on the analyses, it is concluded that it is possible to realize the laboratory format according to its intentions, but also that the implementation of the format in a more routinised form entails greater challenges

    18 Reasons Why IT-Reliant Work Systems Should Replace The IT Artifact as the Core Subject Matter of the IS Field

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    In an important ISR research commentary, Orlikowski and Iacono [2001] argue that the IS field does not deeply engage in its core subject matter, the IT artifact. Although agreeing with their analysis and their conclusions concerning the unfortunate lack of engagement with the IT artifact, this article questions their premise that the IT artifact should be viewed as the core of the IS field. After defining the term work system and summarizing previously published frameworks for understanding a work system in operation and a work system life cycle, this article presents 18 reasons why IT-reliant work systems should replace the IT artifact as the core of the IS field. Taken in combination, the 18 reasons express a belief that today\u27s IS field is inherently work system-centric, rather than IT-centric even though IT artifacts are present wherever the IS discipline is genuinely relevant. The specific reasons involve important topics including IS success, IS costs, IS risks, IS life cycles, methods for analyzing systems, communication with business professionals, organizing and codifying knowledge about systems in organizations, and maximizing the value of IS research

    La gestion des communications par le contexte

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    Le thĂšme du prĂ©sent article est traitĂ© dans la perspective de la psychologie ergonomique. Il considĂšre les communications comme des composantes de l’activitĂ© dont l’étude ne doit donc pas ĂȘtre sĂ©parĂ©e de celle de cette activitĂ© et du contexte dans lequel elles s’inscrivent. À travers les relations entre contexte et communications au sein de l’activitĂ©, on cherche plus spĂ©cialement Ă  dĂ©terminer comment une action sur le premier peut modifier les secondes. L’examen conjuguĂ© du contexte et des communications devrait ainsi permettre de dĂ©gager quelques consĂ©quences ergonomiques pour la gestion des communications, cette derniĂšre Ă©tant entendue ici comme la dĂ©finition de la place des communications dans l’activitĂ©, en particulier la dĂ©finition de leur fonction par rapport au but gĂ©nĂ©ral de cette activitĂ©.L’article donne d’abord quelques prĂ©cisions terminologiques sur les notions de contexte et de communications, en insistant sur la rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  celle d’activitĂ©. Il examine ensuite trois aspects des interactions entre contexte et communications : 1) le contexte comme modulateur du sens des communications ; 2) le contexte comme moyen de communication ; 3) le contexte comme produit des communications. Enfin, sont mentionnĂ©s quelques aspects nĂ©gatifs du contexte sur les communications. En conclusion, sont dĂ©gagĂ©es des suggestions exploitables pour l’analyse ergonomique de l’activitĂ© et l’amĂ©nagement des situations de travail.The theme of this paper is addressed from the perspective of ergonomics psychology, in that it considers communications as components of activity that must therefore be studied in conjunction with the activity and context within which they take place. Through the relations between context and communications, the paper aims in particular to determine how an action on the context may modify communications. By examining both notions jointly, it should be possible to identify some ergonomic impacts for communications management, which is defined here as the place of communications within the activity, and in particular their function in connection with the general goal of the activity within its context.The paper begins by discussing some terminological problems concerning the notions of context and communications, with emphasis on references to the notion of activity. It then considers three aspects of the interaction between context and communications : - 1) context as a modulator of the meaning of communication ; - 2) context as a means of communication ; - 3) context as a product of communication. Lastly, some negative impacts of context on communications are briefly mentioned. In conclusion, the paper makes some suggestions for ergonomic analysis of activity in work situations, in the form of a grid of questions developed from the research.El tema de este artĂ­culo estĂĄ articulado en una perspectiva de psicologĂ­a ergonĂłmica. Considera las comunicaciones como componientes de la actividad, y deben estudiarse en relaciĂłn con la actividad, y con el contexto en el que evoluciona. A travĂ©s de las relaciones entre contexto y comunicaciones dentro de la actividad, se trata en particular de determinar cĂłmo una acciĂłn en el contexto puede modificar las comunicaciones. El estudio de estos dos parĂĄmetros deberĂ­a permitir despejar algunas consecuencias ergonĂłmicas para la gestiĂłn de las comunicaciones, lo que aquĂ­ se entiende como la definiciĂłn del lugar de las comunicaciones en la actividad, en particular la definiciĂłn de su funciĂłn frente al objetivo general de esta actividad.Primero, el artĂ­culo da algunas precisiones terminolĂłgicas sotre las nociones de contexto y de comunicaciones, insistiendo en la referencia a la nociĂłn de actividad. Luego examina tres aspectos de las interacciones entre contexto y comunicaciones : 1) el contexto como modulador del sentido de las comunicaciones ; 2) el contexto como medio de comunicaciĂłn ; 3) el contexto como producto de las comunicaciones. Por fĂ­n, se menciona algunos aspectos negativos del contexto sobre las comunicaciones. Para concluir, se depeja sugerencias explotables para el anĂĄlisis ergonĂłmico de la actividad y la ordenaciĂłn de las situaciones de trabajo