2 research outputs found


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    In a fast-paced production studio, procedures and standard operating practices have been created to ensure maximum use of resources, while being flexible enough to account for problems that might arise. For the animation section of the pipeline, it is imperative to produce animation in a timely manner so that the other sections of the pipeline that are dependent on animation can begin at an appropriate time. Using \u27Mileena Malign\u27 and \u27SpaceCat\u27 as case studies, a possible workflow for computer animation--specifically as it pertains to preparation for cloth dynamics--is developed, with highlights on the advantages and challenges encountered. This thesis presents a method for efficiently and effectively creating animation within a multi-tiered CG production pipeline

    Impressionist Rendering of an Animated Painting

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    The following thesis documents the development of a non-traditional rendering technique, that of classic impressionist painting, and its use to create an animated three-dimensional painting. Impressionist style painting has an organic feel to it, with brush strokes that remain visible in the dried paint and a light, lively color palette that seeks to capture the light in an image. Reproducing this style in a computer-generated image is no small task. For this project a CG paint method was developed, utilizing Maya Paint Effects and particles. This method was implemented with a script, saving time by automating the process as much as possible. This project was implemented by a group of graduate students. Before settling on the above described solution, many alternative methods were researched and tested. The use of Maya Paint Effects and particles was proven an effective choice for this project because it produced the visual effects desired in a manner that was fairly easily handled by the available equipment. The particle script has been used successfully through three iterations of this project, each time bringing it closer to the original vision