10 research outputs found

    Microstructure and properties of the ferroelectric-ferromagnetic PLZT-ferrite composites

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    The paper presents the technology of ferroelectric-ferromagnetic ceramic composites obtained from PLZT powder (the chemical formula Pb0.98La0.02(Zr0.90Ti0.10)0.995O3) and ferrite powder (Ni0.64Zn0.36Fe2O4), as well as the results of X-ray powder-diffraction data (XRD) measurement, microstructure, dielectric, ferroelectric, and magnetic properties of the composite samples. The ferroelectric-ferromagnetic composite (P-F) was obtained by mixing and the synthesis of 90% of PLZT and 10% of ferrite powders. The XRD test of the P-F composite shows a two-phase structure derived from the PLZT component (strong peaks) and the ferrite component (weak peaks). The symmetry of PLZT was identified as a rhombohedral ferroelectric phase, while the ferrite was identified as a spinel structure. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) microstructure analysis of the P-F ceramic composites showed that fine grains of the PLZT component surrounded large ferrite grains. At room temperature P-F composites exhibit both ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties. The P-F composite samples have lower values of the maximum dielectric permittivity at the Curie temperature and a higher dielectric loss compared to the PLZT ceramics, however, the exhibit overall good multiferroic properties

    Investigation of Multiferroic Properties of Fe3+and (La3+, Fe3+) doped PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3Ceramics

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    In the present paper, the effects of (Fe3+ and La3+) and of Fe3+ on the properties of Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3 (PZT) ceramic materials have been studied. Conventional solid reaction method has been used for the sintering of the ceramic materials and their multiferroic properties have been investigated. The structure, the electric and magnetic properties of the ceramic materials have been explored. In case of iron ions or lanthanum and iron ions doping, the PZT ceramic materials show simultaneous effects of both ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity at room temperature with magnetic and dielectric properties suggestive of multiferroic behaviour in these systems. Introduction of the addition of La3+ together with Fe3+ has determined a major improvement of the electric properties. The magnetic properties decrease with the introduction of La3+ along with Fe3+

    Efficiency and Accuracy of Simulated Microstructure Images Generated by Machine Learning

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    Computer image analysis is a well-known method in material science, mechanical engineering and other branches of science and engineering. Application of the machine learning method in image processing delivers promising results, especially in images with a high level of noise and low contrast. Employing automatic classification, predictive models, simulation models deliver a huge benefit in research. The former model of science-based mainly on experiments slowly passing away. It is still an important part of research but, using advanced computer methods save time and allow significantly reduces the cost of studies. It begins new branch of material science and new research challenges, interdisciplinary filed of materials informatics, incorporating scientists exploring, mathematics, informatics and material science

    Sample Preparation Methodology of the AL2O3 Surface Layers for Self-Lubricating Sliding Pair

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    The article discusses the process of preparing samples with an anodic Al2O3 layer for tribological tests in the combination of sliding, reciprocating on the T17 tester. The method of cutting, grinding, drilling, threading, gluing, etching, and anodizing samples used in laboratory conditions was presented. As shown in the article, the number of factors influencing the surface quality of the oxide layer produced in terms of tribological associations is significant; therefore, the appropriate sample preparation methodology is so important

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Uncertainty Assessment Methods in Material and Technological Predictive Models

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    This article reviews known approaches to determining the uncertainty of predictive models: probabilistic analytical, probabilistic simulation and fuzzy. The main elements determining the specificity of a given approach are shown. The advantages and disadvantages are compared. Finally, the application guidelines are listed

    Sample Preparation Methodology of the Al2o3 Surface Layers for Self- Lubricating Sliding Pair

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    The article discusses the process of preparing samples with an anodic Al2O3 layer for tribological tests in the combination of sliding, reciprocating on the T17 tester. The method of cutting, grinding, drilling, threading, gluing, etching, and anodizing samples used in laboratory conditions was presented. As shown in the article, the number of factors influencing the surface quality of the oxide layer produced in terms of tribological associations is significant; therefore, the appropriate sample preparation methodology is so important

    The Impact of Laser Processing On the Performance Properties of Electro-Spark Coatings

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    The main objective of the present work was to determine the influence of laser beam processing (LBP) on microstructure, microhardness, surface geometric structure, adhesion tests and tribological properties of coatings deposited on C45 carbon steel by the electro-spark deposition (ESD) process. The coatings were deposited by means of an EIL-8A. The laser processing was performed with an Nd:YAG, BLS 720 system. The studies were conducted using WC-Cu electrodes produced by the powder metallurgy route. The tests show the lasertreated electro-spark deposited WC-Cu coatings are characterized by higher adhesion and seizure resistance which come at the expense of lower microhardness. In addition, WC-Cu coatings after laser treatment had lower values of parameters of the surface geometric structure. The laser treatment process causes the homogenization of the chemical composition, structure refinement and healing of microcracks and pores of the electro-spark deposited coatings. Laser treated ESD coatings can be applied in sliding friction pairs and as protective coatings

    Effect of chemical composition on magnetic and electrical properties of ferroelectromagnetic ceramic composites

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    In this paper, ferroelectric–ferrimagnetic ceramic composites based on multicomponent PZT-type (PbZr1-xTixO3-type) material and ferrite material with different percentages in composite compositions were obtained and studied. The ferroelectric component of the composite was a perovskite ceramic material with the chemical formula Pb0.97Bi0.02(Zr0.51Ti0.49)0.98(Nb2/3Mn1/3)0.02O3 (P), whereas the magnetic component was nickel-zinc ferrite with the chemical formula Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 (F). The process of sintering the composite compounds was carried out by the free sintering method. Six ferroelectric-ferrimagnetic ceramic P-F composite compounds were designed and obtained with different percentages of its components, i.e., 90/10 (P90-F10), 85/15 (P85-F15), 80/20 (P80-F20), 60/40 (P60-F40), 40/60 (P40-F60), and 20/80 (P20-F80). X-ray diffraction patterns, microstructural, ferroe-lectric, dielectric, magnetic properties, and DC electrical conductivity of the composite materials were investigated. In this study, two techniques were used to image the microstructure of P-F com-posite samples: SB (detection of the signals from the secondary and backscattered electron detectors) and BSE (detection of backscattered electrons), which allowed accurate visualization of the presence and distribution of the magnetic and ferroelectric component in the volume of the composite sam-ples. The studies have shown that at room temperature, the ceramic composite samples exhibit good magnetic and electrical properties. The best set of physical properties and performance of composite compositions have ceramic samples with a dominant phase of ferroelectric component and a small amount of the ferrite component (P90-F10). Such a composition retains the high ferroelectric prop-erties of the ferroelectric component in the composite while also acquiring magnetic properties. These properties can be prospectively used in new types of memory and electromagnetic converters

    The effect of mixed doping on the microstructure and electrophysical parameters of the multi-component PZT-type ceramics

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue The Electrophysical Properties of Ceramic Materials. Guest editor: Prof. Dariusz BochenekThis work shows the influence of admixture on the basic properties of the multicomponent PbZr1-xTixO3 (PZT)-type ceramics. It presents the results of four compositions of PZT-type material with the general chemical formula, Pb0.99M0.01((Zr0.49Ti0.51)0.95Mn0.021Sb0.016W0.013)0.9975O3, where, in the M position, a donor admixture was introduced, i.e., samarium (Sm3+), gadolinium (Gd3+), dysprosium (Dy3+) or lanthanum (La3+). The compositions of the PZT-type ceramics were obtained through the classic ceramic method, as a result of the synthesis of simple oxides. The X-ray di raction (XRD) pattern studies showed that the obtained multicomponent PZT materials have a tetragonal structure with a P4mm point group. The microstructure of the obtained compositions is characterized by a well crystallized grain, with clearly visible grain boundaries. The composition with the admixture of lanthanum has the highest uniformity of fine grain microstructure, which positively affects its final dielectric and piezoelectric properties. In the multicomponent PZT-type ceramic, materials utilize the mixed (acceptor and donor) doping of the main compound. This dopiong method has a positive effect on the set of the electrophysical parameters of ceramic materials. Donor dopants W6+ (at positions B) and M3+ = Sm3+, Gd3+, Dy3+, and La3+ (at positions A) increase the dielectric and piezoelectric properties, while the acceptor dopant Sb3+ (at positions B) increases the time and temperature stability of the electrophysical parameters. In addition, the suitable selection of the set of admixtures improved the sinterability of the ceramic samples, as well as resulted in obtaining the required material with good piezoelectric parameters for the poling process. 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