43 research outputs found

    Small Payload Flight Systems (SPFS)

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    The Small Payload Flight System (SPFS) provides a simple and cost-effective approach to carrying small size experiments on the space shuttle. The system uses a bridge-like structure which spans the orbiter cargo bay but is only 3 feet in length. The structure can carry up to 4300 lb of payload weight and can be positioned at any location along the length of the cargo bay. In addition to the structural support, the SPFS provides avionics services to experiments. These include electrical power distribution and control, command and telemetry for control of the experiments and subsystem health monitoring, and software computations. The avionics system includes a flight qualified electrical power branching distributor, and a system control unit based on the Intel 8086 microprocessor. Data can be recorded on magnetic tape or transmitted to the ground. Finally, a Freon pump and cold plate system provides environmental control for both the avionics hardware and the experiments as necessary

    A Novel Loss Tolerant Data Transmission Schemes for Airborne Telemetry System of a Long Range Aerospace Vehicle

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    The on-board telemetry system of an aerospace vehicle sends the vehicle performance parameters to the ground receiving station at all instances of its trajectory. During the course of its trajectory, the communication channel of a long range vehicle, experiences various phenomena such as plume attenuation, stage separation, manoeuvring of a vehicle and RF blackout, causing loss of valuable telemetry data. The loss of communication link is inevitable due to these harsh conditions even when using the space diversity of ground receiving systems. Conventional telemetry systems do not provide redundant data for long range aerospace vehicles. This research work proposes an innovative delay data transmission, frame switchover and multiple frames data transmission schemes to improve the availability of telemetry data at ground receiving stations. The proposed innovative schemes are modelled using VHDL and extensive simulations have been performed to validate the results. The functionally simulated net list has been synthesised with 130 nm ACTEL flash based FPGA and verified on telemetry hardware

    Payload/orbiter signal-processing and data-handling system evaluation

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    Incompatibilities between orbiter subsystems and payload communication systems to assure that acceptable and to end system performamce will be achieved are identified. The potential incompatabilities are associated with either payloads in the cargo bay or detached payloads communicating with the orbiter via an RF link. The payload signal processing and data handling systems are assessed by investigating interface problems experienced between the inertial upper stage and the orbiter since similar problems are expected for other payloads

    Orbiter CIU/IUS communications hardware evaluation

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    Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) and DoD Communication Interface Unit (CIU) communication system design, hardware specifications, and interfaces were evaluated to determine their compatibility with the Orbiter payload communication and data handling equipment and the Orbiter network communication equipment

    Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) encoder handbook for Aydin Vector MMP-900 series system

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    This handbook explicates the hardware and software properties of a time division multiplex system. This system is used to sample analog and digital data. The data is then merged with frame synchronization information to produce a serial pulse coded modulation (PCM) bit stream. Information in this handbook is required by users to design congruous interface and attest effective utilization of this encoder system. Aydin Vector provides all of the components for these systems to Goddard Space Flight Center/Wallops Flight Facility

    Conceptual design of a data reduction system

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    A telemetry data processing system was defined of the Data Reduction. Data reduction activities in support of the developmental flights of the Space Shuttle were used as references against which requirements are assessed in general terms. A conceptual system design believed to offer significant throughput for the anticipated types of data reduction activities is presented. The design identifies the use of a large, intermediate data store as a key element in a complex of high speed, single purpose processors, each of which performs predesignated, repetitive operations on either raw or partially processed data. The recommended approach to implement the design concept is to adopt an established interface standard and rely heavily on mature or promising technologies which are considered main stream of the integrated circuit industry. The design system concept, is believed to be implementable without reliance on exotic devices and/or operational procedures. Numerical methods were employed to examine the feasibility of digital discrimination of FDM composite signals, and of eliminating line frequency noises in data measurements

    Large Diameter Shuttle Launched-AEM (LDSL-AEM) study

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    A technical description of a Large Diameter Shuttle Launched-AEM (LDSL-AEM), an AEM base module adapted to carry 5 ft diameter payloads in the shuttle with propulsion for carrying payloads to higher altitude orbits from a 150 NM shuttle orbit, is described. The AEM is designed for launch on the scout launch vehicle. Onboard equipment provides capability to despin, acquire the earth, and control the vehicle in an earth pointing mode using reaction wheels for torque with magnets for all attitude acquisition, wheel desaturation, and nutation damping. Earth sensors in the wheels provide pitch and roll attitude. This system provides autonomous control capability to 1 degree in pitch and roll and 2 degrees in yaw. The attitude can be determined to .5 degrees in pitch and roll and 2 degrees in yaw

    Balloon-borne three-meter telescope for far-infrared and submillimeter astronomy

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    The scientific objectives, engineering analysis and design, results of technology development, and focal-plane instrumentation for a two-meter balloon-borne telescope for far-infrared and submillimeter astronomy are presented. The unique capabilities of balloon-borne observations are discussed. A program summary emphasizes the development of the two-meter design. The relationship of the Large Deployable Reflector (LDR) is also discussed. Detailed treatment is given to scientific objectives, gondola design, the mirror development program, experiment accommodations, ground support equipment requirements, NSBF design drivers and payload support requirements, the implementation phase summary development plan, and a comparison of three-meter and two-meter gondola concepts

    Data systems elements technology assessment and system specifications, issue no. 1

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    The ability to satisfy the objectives of future NASA Office of Applications Programs is dependent on technology advances in a number of areas of data systems. The technology of end-to-end data systems (space generator elements through ground processing, dissemination, and presentation, is examined in terms of state of the art, trends, and projected developments in the 1980 to 1985 timeframe. Capability is considered in terms of elements that are either commercially available or that can be implemented from commercially available components with minimal development

    NASA Tech Briefs, February 1988

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    Topics covered include: New Product Ideas; NASA TU Services; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Systems; and Life Sciences