17 research outputs found

    Microdata Information System MISSY: Benefits for Research with Official Microdata, DDI-Based Implementation, and Evaluation with Regard to FAIR Criteria

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    This paper presents the microdata information system (MISSY). MISSY is a service of the German Mi-crodata Lab (GML) for empirically working scientists conducting research using microdata from official statistics. MISSY provides detailed metadata on individual data sets from the German (Microcensus) and European official statistics (e.g. EU-SILC, EU-LFS) and aims to facilitate the use of the data through user-friendly and quickly accessible data documentation. We address the documentation requirements of official microdata, elaborate the benefits of structured metadata for researchers and describe the resulting objectives and contents of MISSY. Subsequently, we introduce the specific technical implementation: A general description of the technical infrastruc-ture as well as the basic data model (DDI-based) and the import/export interfaces of the database. Finally, we discuss MISSY with regard to the FAIR criteria and show how MISSY contributes to official microdata being "FAIR"

    Access to and Documentation of Publicly Financed Survey Data

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    The topic of this paper is access to and documentation of survey data financed through public funds. We distinguish between four types of publicly financed survey data: (1) Academic survey data from the national or international research infrastructures; (2) data from DFG projects or similarly funded projects; (3) survey data collected in research projects funded by the Federal State and the Länder (Ressortforschung); (4) Population and Household surveys from national and international statistical agencies. For each of these types of data we describe the current situation and present recommendations for future developments.Survey data, data access, data documentation, data archive

    Access to and documentation of publicly financed survey data

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    "The topic of this paper is access to and documentation of survey data financed through public funds. We distinguish between four types of publicly financed survey data: (1) Academic survey data from the national or international research infrastructures; (2) data from DFG projects or similarly funded projects; (3) survey data collected in research projects funded by the Federal State and the Länder (Ressortforschung); (4) Population and Household surveys from national and international statistical agencies. For each of these types of data we describe the current situation and present recommendations for future developments." (author's abstract

    Forschungsdatenzentrum "German Microdata Lab": Service für amtliche Mikrodaten ; Jahresbericht 2013

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    Der Bericht dokumentiert die Arbeiten des German Microdata Lab für das Jahr 2013. Das German Microdata Lab ist eine Serviceeinrichtung für die Sozialforschung und vertritt deren Interessen gegenüber der amtlichen Statistik. Das GML ist damit unabhängig von Statistischen Ämtern und anderen Datenproduzenten und wirkt als Vermittlungsstelle zwischen empirischer Sozialforschung und amtlicher Statistik.This report documents the work of the German Microdata Lab (GML) for the year 2013. The GML is a service facility for social scientists and represents their interests in relation to the official statistics. It is independent from statistical offices and other data producers and acts as an intermediary between empirical social research and official statistics

    Verbesserung des Zugangs der Wissenschaft zu Mikrodaten: Pilotprojekt zum Aufbau eines Servicezentrums für Mikrodaten der GESIS bei ZUMA

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    'Das Ziel des Pilotprojekts zum Aufbau eines Servicezentrums für Mikrodaten der GESIS beim ZUMA bestand in der Verbesserung des Angebotes an Serviceleistungen für die Scientific Use Files des Mikrozensus. Dies bezog sich auf drei Bereiche: Zunächst mussten für die aktuellen Erhebungen zwischen 1999 und 2004 die Aufbereitungs- und Dokumentationsarbeiten komplettiert und abgeschlossen werden. Darüber hinaus bestand eine zentrale Aufgabe in der Erweiterung des Datenangebotes an Mikrozensus-Scientific Use Files für den Erhebungszeitraum vor 1989, für den bis zum Projektbeginn noch keine Mikrozensusdaten (SUFs) für die Forschung zur Verfügung standen. Aufgrund der in den letzten Jahren stark gestiegenen Anzahl an verfügbaren Scientific Use Files und damit verbundener Arbeitsmaterialien bestand ein drittes Ziel im Aufbau eines datenbankgestützten Metainformationssystems, um die zunehmende Komplexität des Datenmaterials für den Nutzer effektiver handhabbar zu machen.' (Autorenreferat

    Anonymized EU-LFS Microdata for Research: Background, Resources, and Introduction to Data Handling

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    This report is intended to aid researchers working with the European Labour Force Survey, which Eurostat disseminates in anonymized form to accredited researchers. The report seeks to fulfil three objectives: Firstly, to provide an overview of the scope of the survey and it’s potential for scientific inquiry. Secondly, to review the wide array of resources made available by Eurostat and the services provided by GESIS and provide links for further reading. And finally, to instruct on the use of the microdata by outlining the data structure, the different identifiers and how these can be used for analyses at the household level and to study individuals over multiple quarters. To this aim the report includes a num- ber of illustrated examples alongside Stata code. These examples are mainly intended for researchers with little experience with complex data files, they can also be useful to experienced researchers as they highlight some of the key features of the EU-LFS microdata

    Validation Framework for RDF-based Constraint Languages

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    In this thesis, a validation framework is introduced that enables to consistently execute RDF-based constraint languages on RDF data and to formulate constraints of any type. The framework reduces the representation of constraints to the absolute minimum, is based on formal logics, consists of a small lightweight vocabulary, and ensures consistency regarding validation results and enables constraint transformations for each constraint type across RDF-based constraint languages

    German Microdata Lab - Servicezentrum für Mikrodaten der GESIS: Jahresbericht 2007

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    Der Bericht dokumentiert die Arbeiten des German Microdata Lab, dem Servicezentrum für amtliche Mikrodaten der GESIS, für das Jahr 2010. Das German Microdata Lab ist eine Serviceeinrichtung der Sozialforschung und vertritt deren Interessen gegenüber der amtlichen Statistik. Als Einrichtung der Sozialforschung ist das GML unabhängig von Statistischen Ämtern und anderen Datenproduzenten und wirkt als Vermittlungsstelle zwischen empirischer Sozialforschung und amtlicher Statistik.This report documents the work of the German Microdata Lab, the GESIS service center for the official micro data, for the year 2010. The German Microdata Lab is a service facility of the social sciences and represents their interests in relation to the official statistics. As a body of social research the GML is independent of statistic offices and other data producers and acts as an intermediary between empirical social research and official statistics

    Forschungsdatenzentrum "German Microdata Lab": Service für amtliche Mikrodaten ; Jahresbericht 2018

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    Der Bericht dokumentiert die Arbeiten des German Microdata Lab (GML) für das Jahr 2018. Das GML ist eine Serviceeinrichtung für die Sozialforschung und vertritt deren Interessen gegenüber der amtlichen Statistik. Das GML ist unabhängig von Statistischen Ämtern und anderen Datenproduzenten und wirkt als Schnittstelle zwischen empirischer Sozialforschung und amtlicher Statistik.This report documents the work of the German Microdata Lab (GML) for the year 2018. The GML is a service facility for social scientists and represents their interests in relation to the official statistics. The German Microdata Lab is independent from statistical offices and other data producers and acts as an intermediary between empirical social research and official statistics