2 research outputs found

    Sistem Pendeteksi Kecelakaan Kendaraan Bermotor Menggunakan Arduino Dan Smartphone Android

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    Abstract - Many motor vehicle accidents occur in Indonesia. One of the factors causing the high number of accidents is the large number of motorized vehicle users. Accident reporting is currently still hampered by reporting. This research creates an accident reporting system that is fast and automatic to a web server. This study aims to create a system that can report accident locations. Next, the preparation of the machine condition status detection device. And the web server receives the coordinates of the crash site. This system combines an android smart phone with an Arduino microcontroller. In this research, the voltage sensor is used to overcome the motor vehicle battery voltage. Machine condition data transmission status from device to android smart phone using bluetooth HC-05. Accelerometer and GPS sensors on android smartphones are used to check acceleration and location coordinates during an accident. This study uses 4 vehicle conditions while moving. Vehicle traveling normally, sudden brake, front collision and side collision. The speed limit value used in this study is 19.04 m / s2 or 1.94 g. Based on the research results, when the vehicle is running normally there is no significant change in the value of acceleration. In a sudden brake condition, the Y axis of the acceleration sensor decreases in value until the acceleration value is negative. In the hit-front condition, the Y-axis value has increased significantly. Meanwhile, in a side hit condition, the value of the X and Y axes has increased significantly. The front and side crash conditions were tested 10 times each. Front hit conditions were identified as accidents by 80%. While the side hit condition was identified as an accident as much as 100%. Keywords: sensor, accelerometer, accident, GPS, Android smart phone.  Abstrak - Peristiwa kecelakaan kendaraan bermotor banyak terjadi di Indonesia. Salah satu faktor  tingginya angka kecelekaan yaitu karena banyaknya pengguna kendaraan bermotor. Pelaporan terjadinya kecelakaan saat ini masih terhambat oleh kecepatan pelaporan. Penelitian ini membuat sistem pelaporan terjadinya kecelakaan secara cepat dan otomatis ke web server. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem yang dapat melaporkan lokasi terjadinya kecelakaan. Selanjutnya, merancang perangkat pendeteksi status kondisi mesin. Dan merancang web server untuk menerima koordinat lokasi terjadinya kecelakaan.  Sistem ini menggabungkan ponsel pintar android dengan mikrokontroler arduino. Pada peneltian ini, sensor tegangan digunakan untuk mendeteksi tegangan aki kendaraan bermotor. Transmisi data status kondisi mesin dari perangkat ke ponsel pintar android menggunakan bluetooth HC-05. Sensor akselerometer dan GPS pada smartphone android digunakan untuk mendeteksi akselerasi dan lokasi koordinat saat terjadinya kecelakaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 kondisi kendaraan saat bergerak. Kendaraan melaju dengan normal, rem mendadak, tabrakan depan dan tabrakan samping. Nilai batas akselerasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu 19.04 m/s2 atau 1.94 g. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, saat kendaraan berjalan normal tidak ada perubahan signifikan pada nilai akselerasi. Pada kondisi rem mendadak, sumbu Y pada sensor akselerasi mengalami penurunan nilai hingga nilai akselerasi bernilai negatif. Pada kondisi tabrak depan, nilai sumbu Y mengalami kenaikan nilai signifikan. Sedangkan pada kondisi tabrak samping, nilai sumbu X dan Y mengalami kenaikan signifikan. Pengujian kondisi tabrak depan dan samping, masing-masing dilakukan sebanyak 10 kali. Kondisi tabrak depan teridentifikasi sebagai kecelakaan sebanyak 80%. Sedangkan kondisi tabrak samping teridentifikasi sebagai kecelakaan sebanyak 100%. Kata kunci : Sensor, Akselerometer, Kecelakaan, GPS, Ponsel pintar Android

    Microcontroller-based Feedback Control Laboratory Experiments

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    this paper is a result of the implementation of the recommendations on enhancing hands-on experience of control engineering education using single chip, small scale computers such as microcontrollers. A set of microcontroller-based feedback control experiments was developed for the Electrical Engineering curriculum at the University of North Florida. These experiments provided hands-on techniques that students can utilize in the development of complete solutions for a number of servo control problems. Significant effort was devoted to software development of feedback controllers and the associated signal conditioning circuits interfacing between the microcontroller and the physical plant. These experiments have stimulated the interest of our students in control engineering